Tang ditian tells Lin Che the whole story. In this case, Lin Che will not force Tang ditian to go to Sun Fei's house with her.

Not only that, but also insisted on sending Tang very sweet to the police station.

Because Qian Yu and Sun Fei live here, Lin Che is quite familiar with it. He takes Tang very Tian to the parking lot and goes straight to the police station.

After Tang told the police what he wanted to do, the police took the man aside to take notes.

At this time, an old woman about 60 years old in plain clothes came into the police station. Her timid appearance attracted the attention of the police. After the police patiently asked, she hesitated.

The old woman works as a nanny and housekeeper. Her employer lives in this small town. She has served her employer for about two years. The employer is very good and the salary is very high. She only needs to spend three hours a day to help clean and cook

The old woman sat next to Tang very sweet and said a lot of things, but she didn't get to the point of the problem.

The police patiently asked her what difficulties she encountered. For a moment, the old woman seemed very formal and contradictory. After a long time, she stammered and said, "I... I suspect... I'm worried... Something might happen to my boss..."

When the police heard that a criminal case might have happened, they asked more carefully.

The old lady's owner is a beautiful woman in her forties. She doesn't know her age. She is basically at home during the day. Every time she goes out, she goes to work at night. She doesn't know exactly what kind of work it is.

The old woman is not a live in nanny. She only needs to work for three hours every day. Sometimes when her boss wants to go out, she will be directly let go, but her salary is higher than that of the live in nanny.

Once, she went a little early and found that her boss was drunk. She was talking nonsense all the time. She vaguely heard that she would be killed. She thought it was just the boss talking nonsense, so she didn't take it seriously.

But then something happened that made her feel a little worried.

That day, she cooked a meal and asked her boss to have dinner. She called several times and the boss didn't respond. Later, she came near the boss and found her. When she saw her, the boss was very frightened and scared. She asked if the man had sent him to watch her.

This is the first time that she saw her boss lose control. On that day, the boss knocked all the meals to the ground. The reason is that she poisoned the meals. On that day, she was scared and didn't go to work for several days. Later, the boss took the initiative to call her, so she dared to go back to work.

She can be sure that the owner didn't drink that day, she was really afraid of something, so that the slightest disturbance would be magnified infinitely.

Although such a thing happened, her boss didn't mention a word afterwards. Naturally, she could only treat it as if it had never happened, but it left a deep impression on her.

Some time ago, her boss suddenly told her not to go to work, so she found a new job. Yesterday, she suddenly found that her daughter's bracelet was missing. She thought it might be that she had fallen into her former boss's home, so she wanted to take a chance.

But no one opened the door.

After calling, I found that the owner's mobile phone number had become empty.

On the one hand, she wanted to find the bracelet quickly, on the other hand, she was a little worried. By luck, she tried the password of the previous electronic door, but she didn't expect that the door could be opened. But when she opened the door, a strong smell of disinfectant came to her face, almost fainting her directly.

She was startled and rushed to check, but everything was normal except for the smell of disinfectant in the air.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

The old lady went back to think about it for a night, and finally she thought about it.

All the cloth things in the house are gone!

Including bedding, sofa cushions, pillows... No carpet!

Only wooden and metalwork remains.

If it's a move, why didn't you take away the furniture, but you just took away things like carpets and bedding?

"Well... Isn't that how it's always played in TV series? That is, after killing people, because there will be blood on the carpet, you can just take the carpet with you or something... "

Although the old lady's conjecture is a bit far fetched, her description is indeed very unreasonable.

"I asked my neighbors. They said that about ten days ago, I saw my boss go out, but she never came back. When she left, it was the same as usual. She didn't take any suitcases with her..."

Because of the neighbor's words, the old woman was more sure of her guess.

Since I didn't take anything away when I left, who took away the lost things? When did you take it away?

The police asked her if she had a picture of her owner.

The old woman took out her cell phone and found a video capture for the police.

It's an old woman in the picture.

The old woman hastily explained, "it's the man behind! I've never seen a picture of my boss at home. The only one I recorded was when my boss came back suddenly when I showed my daughter the video last time. "

The old woman enlarged the picture and there was a man behind her.

But the photo is very fuzzy, can't see each other's facial features, can only confirm each other is wearing a black dress long hair woman.

At this time, Tang is very sweet, who has finished the record, glances at the side of her eyes unintentionally. She swears that she never intended to see the photo, but she can't move it after glancing at it!

The old woman has been trying to describe the owner's appearance to the police, but the clarity of the photo is too poor.

"What's the matter?" Lin Che noticed that Tang was very sweet.

"I... I seem to have met this person..." Tang muttered to himself. One person after another passed quickly in her mind. When she jumped over a certain picture, her expression changed from blank to astonishment.

"This woman... Isn't she very beautiful?" She asked the old woman in a quick voice.

"Yes, yes!" The old woman nodded in a hurry.

"There's a mole on the corner of the mouth, right?"


Tang is very sweet. Almost sure, this man is Zhuo Qiming who came to Xiao Yujian!

But Zhuo Qiming is a man, this is a woman

What the hell is going on?

Tang is very sweet brain for a time incomparably confused, at this time, Lin Che's phone rings, is Xiao Yujian call.

Lin Che hands over his mobile phone to Tang very Tian. Tang very Tian doesn't know how to say: "Xiao Yujian... I seem to see Zhuo Qiming..."

Tang ditian knows about the case of throwing a corpse which caused a sensation some time ago, but he doesn't know that the corpse is Zhuo Qiming. At the request of Zhuo Qiming's family, the police didn't disclose the specific details of Zhuo Qiming's corpse, so the melon eaters only know that they found a female corpse, but they didn't know that the corpse was a transgender person, including Tang ditian. That's why Tang ditian was so surprised.

The police quietly input the name Tang very sweet said in the query system, the information let him slightly surprised, then he quietly contacted other people.

"You're wrong." Xiao Yujian doesn't want Tang to know too much: "I'll come to pick you up right away. You stay there. Don't go anywhere. I don't know if it's OK."

"I see. I'll wait for you at the gate of the police station."

Said Tang very sweet stand up, but at this time, suddenly a policeman came: "Miss Tang, you can't go now, some things need you to cooperate with the investigation."