Chen Yu's entry into the legendary world is not really a game player.

However, although he is not a game player, Chen Yu will also test the game with the thoughts of game players.

"Yes, the novice tips are very good."

Looking at the specific operation written on the novice prompt, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Such a game experience is much better than ordinary online games.

Otherwise, a lot of players can't play once they come in. The game experience is too poor to attract them.

However, novice tips don't help you with everything like future games.

For example, do a task, click the role and start running to that place.

This function is called automatic pathfinding.

However, although this automatic route finding function is good, Chen Yu temporarily believes that it is not suitable for the current market.

Chen Yu's previous idea was to give some hints to novices, but it can't completely liberate the players' hands.

If you don't need players to operate even walking and playing strange games, what else can players experience?

When you are new to the game, you still have a lot of feelings about the game.

This feeling is not the same as that of later generations. It's annoying for you to operate the mouse all the way.

For many first-time game players, even if they brush monsters again and again, they also feel incomparable stimulation. If the brush monster explodes a little best at this time, I'm afraid they will be so happy that they can't close their mouths.

In this era when online games have just opened up wasteland, it should be the most reasonable to give certain tips and let players make self-progress.

"Let's experience the new way of playing this game."

Continue to test various functions of the game while playing the game.

It's just that Chen Yu wants to experience the setting of upgrading equipment.

But unfortunately, because it is a trumpet, there is not much money, and there are no upgrade props such as gemstones, Chen Yu can only give up temporarily.

I didn't ask Zou Tao to help him adjust his level.

If you want to try, you can really realize the essence of the game only if the original flavor is the same as that of the public players.

Similarly, you can also realize what the defects of the game are.

So, in the next few days, Chen Yu spent most of his time playing games almost every day.

At the same time, with the improvement of level, all kinds of playing methods can be experienced one by one.

Like robbing a treasure chest.

This activity is that the official will drop a treasure chest randomly. As long as players pick up the treasure chest and hold it for half an hour, all the rewards in the treasure chest will belong to you.

This game looks very simple and nothing new.

But the innovation of this game is that when you pick up the treasure chest, the game announcement will report the coordinates of your location from time to time.


You finally know how to play?

The announcement also reminds: as long as you kill the person with the treasure chest, the treasure chest will fall.

So, for a treasure chest, tens of thousands of people even competed for an all night, which is still not enough.

In addition to these, legendary world also launched monster siege activities.

Originally, some monsters could only be met in various wild areas, but now the monsters launched a siege.

Some strange things you can't see at ordinary times, and some bosses you can't even hit at ordinary times.

At this moment, they all took the army to Zhongzhou imperial city.

Thousands of troops have stepped into the war again.

Well, if you don't think it's interesting for monsters to attack the city, let's attack GM.

GM means "game manager".

General GM is responsible for answering players' questions, solving various bugs, blocking plug-in accounts... And so on.

Sometimes GM will create a character to enter the game.

Now, this activity is to destroy the GM who created the character.

However, the role of GM is more powerful than the big boss. It not only attacks ultra-high, but also perverts defense and magic defense.

The most important thing is blood volume.

But the game activity said that as long as GM was killed, he could explode.

What is a big bang?

Big Bang is to burst out countless gold coins, equipment, best products, props... And so on.

Not to mention the big bang.

I am very interested in the idea of attacking GM.

Just imagine that the original GM representative is the official, representing the game authority.

But now, he became a monster and was attacked by all players.

This feeling is much more exciting than playing strange.

Of course, these activities and playing methods are naturally bored by everyone in future generations.

But for 2002, this kind of play should not be too innovative.

However, Chen Yu doesn't pay special attention to how to play or not.

What Chen Yu values most is the economic system in the legendary world.

Whether a game is good or not depends on the economic system.

If a game economy system collapses, the game will collapse soon.

This is just like a country. If a country's economic system collapses, the country will soon end.

What determines the vitality of a game lies in the economic system.

However, Chen Yu has more expectations for the economic system in the game.

Because the economic system in the legendary world ties point cards and gold coins together.

Users can buy gold coins with point cards, and they can also buy point cards with gold coins.

Which users will buy gold coins are naturally RMB players.

RMB players buy gold coins by selling point cards.

Ordinary players sell gold coins and then get point cards. They will play free games in the future.

This model was not particularly popular at the beginning.

Only a few players will buy gold coins with point cards.

However, with the continuous entry of the game, the improvement of various equipment levels and the increasing demand for gold coins, more and more players recharge their point cards and exchange them for gold coins.

Well, at the beginning, this is really because all point cards for internal test recharge and public test will be returned.

With the idea of not filling, almost most people recharge.

However, when they tried to buy gold coins with point cards, they were suddenly stimulated by the cool feeling of krypton gold.

As the saying goes, krypton gold is always cool.

When the equipment, level and strength brought by krypton gold are improved.

They know that krypton's footsteps will never turn back

Of course, this is for some players whose conditions are OK. They have the strength of krypton gold.

For ordinary players, their game experience is also not bad.

In the process of buying point cards with gold coins, this is also a kind of enjoyment, isn't it?

You know, counting cards is money.

Buying point cards with gold coins is equivalent to playing games and making money.

Although you don't make much money, what's the difference between this feeling and selling equipment?

Not to mention, if you play this game well, maybe you can really make a lot of money.

In fact, it is.

There have been many game studios, and large guilds have found business opportunities here.

They have created more accounts and entered the game to play gold.

This also stimulated popularity on the other hand. At the same time, the number of online people continued to grow steadily after breaking 200000.

In this way, on the other hand, it also proves that the economic system of the legendary world has achieved initial results.

Moreover, such results will soon be reflected in the book.

Although it is only an internal test, the legendary world has begun to make money since the internal test.

It's not just making money, it's also making a lot of money.

Just after the internal test operation for half a month, the cumulative recharge scale of legendary world has reached 20 million.

Really let Chen Yu find that online games really make too much money.


PS: big white is still coding at 3 a.m., that... That... You know.