
Since Baidu launched competitive ranking, Baidu's profits have increased significantly.

Although there have been some problems in bidding ranking before, such as the war between YY and QQ, which slightly makes Baidu's bidding ranking controversial, on the whole, this business is still very effective. There are too many businesses that want to advertise online, not just Internet enterprises.

There should not be too many businesses in clothing, household appliances, automobiles, building materials, electronics, pharmaceuticals, etc.

"Lao Xu, what did you say at the beginning? You still object. You see, if we don't launch competitive ranking, we'll probably starve to death."

In the office, Li Yanhong said to Xu Yong, who had always opposed him.

"This can only say that our keyword delivery has great advantages."

Although Xu Yong does not fully recognize competitive ranking, if he does not do evil in competitive ranking, the system itself is still OK. In particular, no domestic company has the technology to achieve such accurate advertising, which also makes Baidu's advertising more advantageous than its portal.

Businesses can use the least money to obtain the most high-quality user groups.

"However, we have to occupy the market quickly."

Xu Yong is one of the founders of Baidu. Although his shares are less than Li Yanhong, his vision is also extremely poisonous.

Moreover, it was Xu Yong's opinion to return home and start a business at that time.


Li Yanhong also nodded.

2002 was still the initial stage of development for the domestic Internet. Although the major start-ups could grow rapidly, it also meant that the foundation was not strong. Although Baidu now seems to occupy more than 80% of the domestic search engine market, it is not enough. If other search engines appear, google is not without crisis.

You know, for the time being, users haven't formed a search habit for Baidu. He just used it for a short time.

"Lao Xu, do you still want to do instant messaging?"

Before the battle between YY and QQ, google took the opportunity to launch their Baidu instant messenger.

Unfortunately, the response is average.

Both of them are search engine experts. They are the world's top in the search field, but they are still laymen in instant messaging.

"Just forget instant messaging."

Xu Yong also shook his head: "you have seen the instant messaging we operate recently. I'm embarrassed to go there to see the data."

"The technology industry has a specialty."

Li Yanhong also sighed: "forget it, let's improve our search engine first."

"I think so, too."

Xu Yong nodded: "I have an idea."

"I have an idea, too."

They looked at each other and smiled: "ha ha, Lao Xu, you say it first."

"Yan Hong, you have the most shares. You'd better say it first."

"I think we might want to go together."

"Why don't we..."

They nodded and said in unison, "music."


They did want to go together.

Both are eyeing music.

Of course, this is not the same as the two brain circuits. You can think of one.

In fact, the search business is regular and searchable. For example, through the keywords searched by users, you can know what users like most. If a user searches for chat, he may need an instant messenger. When a user searches for sports, he may need to buy sportswear. The user search is boring. It may be looking for sister paper. The user searches for little sister, so

Everything users search can become Baidu's best analysis means.

And the largest amount of search on the Internet, forget it, we don't know.

In addition to this, the second largest user search is music.

In fact, novels, movies, animation, TV dramas... Search volume is also very large.

But these are still not as big as music and songs.

After all, music is a carrier with the widest audience.

Baidu uses search engines to attract users, and Baidu retains users through music.

This is the same as YY in order to increase the viscosity of users and form user habits.

Once the habit reaches a certain level, you just can't change it in the future.

"However, it seems that SouFun has been acquired by Huanyu technology."

Both of them pay attention to music. Naturally, they are no strangers to Of course, even if they don't pay attention to music, they will be more familiar with major sites around the world than other Internet companies.

"Well, I have concerns."

Li Yanhong nodded: "at present, the search network has been incorporated into YY music. In addition, YY music has spent a lot of money to buy the vast majority of music copyrights in China, forcing away most pirated music websites."

"There is some trouble here. If we do it, it may conflict with Huanyu technology."

"Conflict doesn't matter. Which company on the Internet doesn't conflict with other companies."

"The key is that they have mastered most of the music copyright."

"They have the copyright, but what it means above is unknown."

The copyright of electronic music is a big problem not only at home but also abroad.

Only a few countries have done a good job, but they haven't fully figured it out yet.

They don't know what role electronic music copyright can play in this area, so a series of laws and regulations related to the Internet are not particularly perfect. It can be seen from the only management method not long ago that the top is still observing... Since it is observing, Baidu can do it.

"We won't fight against Huanyu technology for copyright. We only do search. We search for music from other websites, which has nothing to do with us. The business of searching music before SouFun is good, and we can do it."

In a word, search network is also a search engine.

It's just that the search network doesn't search web pages. It searches music.

Search engines are common in this area.

Moreover, Baidu's search technology is much better than search network.

"We can do it, but now most pirated music websites are pushed back by Huanyu technology. Even if we do it, it is estimated that there are not many sound sources searched."

"Don't worry, as long as we do it, some people will provide us with sound sources."

The copyright of electronic music is still in a vague state at this time. Some personal music websites are threatened by Huanyu technology and naturally have to close down.

But if you come prepared, you can't shut it down with a few threats.

As long as there are benefits, a series of pirated music websites will still open, at most just a group of people.


"Yang Bin, ask you a question."

"What's the problem? I'm so tired. I want to sleep."

"I'll go. How can you sleep so much?"

"Brother, I've been a waiter in your hot pot shop every day these two days. Aren't you tired?"

"OK, I'll ask you a question. Do you have any problems with some means of doing business?"

"See what means it is?"

"Not illegal for the time being."

"That should be no problem."


"What do you want to hear?"

"No, nothing. Go to bed."

Without disturbing Yang Bin, Chen Yu took a stool to the balcony to bask in the sun.

Chen Yu has been thinking about Duan Yongping's words these two days, and he doesn't want to get angry with other companies.

I can't help it.

The Internet is no better than hardware.

There are inherent barriers to hardware. Design, production, sales and channels should be opened up.

Sometimes it's not what you want to do, you can do it.

But he didn't have the Internet. The internet sometimes relies on creativity, especially when your traffic is large enough. In theory, when your traffic is large enough, you can enter any industry you want to enter. Just like in previous lives, penguin can engage in e-commerce, and Ali can also engage in instant messaging

These markets are too big. Even if you don't want to get angry with them, they will automatically find you.

Forget it, forget it.

Although Mr. Duan is an elder and listens to his suggestions, Chen Yu really can't help it.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good."

"When I go, the phone is bad news?"

As soon as I figured it out, I didn't want to answer the phone with bad news.

"Brother Jian, what's the matter?"

"Baidu shot."


Chen Yu was stunned: "Baidu music?"

Sure enough, it's what you worry about.

Although Chen Yu and Baidu don't have a big holiday, there will be competition when interests come.

This is not true. Baidu has killed online music from the search engine business.

"Well, google launched a new business last night, google music. As long as it is in the google music search bar, users can search for any sound source they want."


You don't have to think about it. This is Baidu MP3 business in previous lives.

However, MP3 is not so popular at present, so Baidu's business is not called Baidu MP3, but Baidu music. The business model is very simple, which is to provide users with music search, audition and download.

This is the same as the business of the previous search network.

Relying on such a music search, the search network only relies on Xie Zhen one by one, and he has achieved more than 100 global traffic. Not to mention, google moved this business to their platform.

Shit, this is a fight between red fruit and their YY music.

"I see. When I get back to the company."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Yu couldn't help sighing. Look, it's really not Chen Yu's enemy.

This is not, did not provoke Baidu, google itself ran over.

Are you going to surrender now?

Of course not.

"Hey, Chen Yu, wherever you go, you have to have class."

"Help me take a few days off."

"Shit, you've taken enough leave."

But at the moment, Chen Yu took a taxi back to Huanyu technology headquarters.

"I didn't expect Baidu to plagiarize."

"What did you expect? The music market is so big that Baidu wants to come in."

"What now?"

"Baidu has nothing to fear, so fight them to the end."

In the face of Baidu copying the original idea of, Xie Zhenyi almost wanted to curse his mother.

However, he also knows that this kind of plagiarism can't be counted. It's impossible for search network to search music and other websites.

"Oh, we had a lively conversation."

Once back to the headquarters, Chen Yu saw Zhang Jianming, Li Nan, Xie Zhenyi and Wang Chang sitting in the conference room, discussing warmly.

"Mr. Chen, you are back."

"It's all right. Let's keep talking."

Chen Yu waved everyone to sit down. He was going to listen in first.


PS: yesterday, when we opened up, it seemed that we had a thorough understanding of the reality that we were forced by poverty. Many book friends also promised that they would give it to the alliance leader as long as Da Bai updated it well. Is this true? Even if the alliance leader wants to (DA Bai really wants to), how about a reward of one piece and two pieces?