"20 billion, uncle Dongsheng, you regard me as a bank."

"The bank doesn't have your money. Don't treat you as a bank."

"You don't know my money. It's all borrowed."

"I know. You can borrow it again."

"Uncle Dongsheng, if you do this again, I'll directly bankrupt BOE."

Chen Yu knows that Wang Dongsheng's best skill is deception.

Since the founding of BOE, Wang Dongsheng has fooled many people.

First, he began to deceive the head of Beishi, and then he began to deceive Beishi bank.

Do you think it's over?

No, the LCD panel industry is so big that it can't go on alone.

Unless, like South Korea's Samsung, it gives national strength.

Therefore, if BOE wants to develop in the future, this flicker must continue.

In other words, Wang Dongsheng has to continue fooling.

It's just that Chen Yu is not so easy to deceive.

Although he still has a sum of money left, he will not invest it here again.

"No, no, no, I'm just talking."

Wang Dongsheng knows that Chen Yu is a local tyrant and is also capricious.

Moreover, Chen Yu has so many industries that he is really anxious. He doesn't care about BOE.

"Otherwise, Mr. Chen, go to Shenzhen and get your deposit back."

"You mean Guanlan park?"


"If the deposit is paid out, can you get it back?"

"I'm in trouble. I'm sure the leaders in Shenzhen will consider it. Besides, President Chen, you have nothing to do with the leaders in Shenzhen. It's OK."

"Why don't you go and have a look."

This guy continues to fool again.

Chen Yu said reluctantly, "if you can deceive 17 billion back, I will continue to hit BOE."

This is obviously impossible.

It's one size fits all.

The construction of Guanlan park cost more than 10 billion yuan. The Shenzhen market also needs to recover the cost. How can we get it back.

Moreover, if this can be returned, the future of Guanlan park will not be guaranteed.

Shencheng cannot sacrifice the interests of Guanlan park to save BOE.

In addition, BOE's upper bank in Beishi was scrambling to withdraw its capital. Obviously, the upper bank is also big for this business.

"I see, uncle Dongsheng, why don't you run to the bank again?"

Chen Yu suggested.

Of course, the richest is the bank.

Chen Yu is not rich.

No matter how small a bank is, they can take out tens of billions as long as they like.

But unfortunately, Wang Dongsheng shook his head and said, "it's useless."


"I went to the bank last week, and the presidents of major banks hid from me."


Chen Yu said helplessly, "Uncle Dongsheng, you see, everyone knows you're going to cheat again. Who are you hiding from if you don't hide?"

"I can't help it. The LCD panel business is so big that I don't deceive me. Can I do it?"

Wang Dongsheng is telling the truth.

He is not as rich as Chen Yu. How can he build an industry on his own?

Even if Chen Yu is rich, Chen Yu has some problems.

You know, the LCD panel, take the previous life, the investment alone has to be thousands of trillions over the past few decades.

Who can withstand such a scale, NIMA?

And this piece of investment is so much, but the profit is very average.

The only advantage is not to be pinched.

At the same time, it has a great driving force for the whole national economy.

Of course, this also has a certain role in promoting employment.

Obviously, such an industry can't play without upper support.

In fact, the development of BOE in later generations is inseparable from the support of the top.

"Otherwise, uncle Dongsheng, it's not good for anyone if you run more these days. BOE is finished."

"I think so, too. But I'm only five points sure."

"Try everything."

Chen Yu understood that it was also very difficult.

They both want to support and worry about risks.

South Korea's national strength is to make Samsung's LCD panel.

But what if the boss supports you and you can't do your own business?

Then this is not just tens of billions, but thousands of trillions.

Who will bear this responsibility?

At this point, Chen Yu has some confidence.

In the previous life, although BOE received the help value from the top, will it in this life?

Or even if it does, if the support is not enough, it is actually useless.

This time, Chen Yu took a stake in BOE, and Chen Yu was still the controlling shareholder. Beishi and banks withdrew their capital.

Even if the support can still be obtained, it is estimated that it will be suspended.

Chen Yu exchanged his worries with Wang Dongsheng. Wang Dongsheng had the same ideas as Chen Yu and had some worries.

"From this point of view, uncle Dongsheng has only 30% hope of winning the support from the top."

Chen Yu smiled bitterly.

Some of him realized what Guo Taiming said to himself.

Manufacturing is no better than the Internet.

Chen Yu's Internet is full of brain holes and thinking. Even if he encounters any big trouble, he can solve it.

But manufacturing is different.

Even if Chen Yu has an incomparable brain hole, he can use the ideas of later generations to reduce the dimension.

However, the whole industry must explore step by step from scratch.

From small to large, the whole industry has to spend countless human, material and financial resources.

No matter how powerful your thinking is, he can't show his power all at once.

It's like Chen Yu entering the mobile phone.

Although the layout has been constantly, it has also spent a lot of money.

But the Internet has changed the pattern of the industry, but in the entity, it has little impact on the global giants.

"Brother Jian, let's go back to Shenzhen first."

Unable to find a solution, Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming went home.

Of course, on the way back to Shenzhen, Chen Yu also studied the trend of Samsung.

Chen Yu sighed just after turning over the research.

In the face of such an industrial cycle, Samsung does not have much solution now.

Only one, hold on.

Hold on, they can live, and they can live well.

Of course, Samsung's big business will certainly survive.

But if Samsung can survive, others won't know.

In addition, Chen Yu also studied Panasonic.

Panasonic is vigorously developing plasma TV.

But their situation is worse than that of Samsung and BOE.

Although plasma technology is very high and colorful, their manufacturing cost is greater than that of liquid crystal.

Moreover, plasma technology is only mastered by several Japanese manufacturers of Panasonic, and other international manufacturers do not have such technology.

In this way, the whole industry can only be run by Panasonic itself.

LCD has been developing by global manufacturers and is also struggling. Can plasma be done only by Panasonic?

This is also the key reason why the future market chose LCD instead of PDP plasma.

Of course, there may be something about Panasonic's weak will.

Panasonic has LCD panel business, and the technology is still very powerful. What about plasma PDP?

So do you want to do LCD or PDP plasma?

And now the only ones that can mix well are those CRT manufacturers.

At present, the domestic demand is relatively strong, so a number of domestic TV giants are doing well.

But Chen Yu knows that although they are doing well now, their CRT technology is all eliminated by Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

After a year or two, the industry cycle price will rise, which will be the end of domestic CRT TV manufacturers.

However, Chen Yu doesn't want to care about them.

At present, BOE's biggest problem is how to live.


"Mr. Chen, I'm off duty."

Back in Shenzhen for several days, Chen Yu has been thinking about how to make BOE live.

It's just that manufacturing is not something that can come back from the dead once a brain hole is opened.

Chen Yu wanted to break his head. He didn't have a clue for a while.

"What time is it?"

"It's 7 p.m."

"So fast."

Chen Yu looked. It was getting dark.

It's a little late.

"Then get off work."

Chen Yu nodded: "brother Jian, go outside together."

"OK, I have something else to report to you."

They left the company office building and walked to the park in front.

"Any news from BOE?"

"Not yet."

Zhang Jianming shook his head: "it's estimated that it's a little hanging."

Zhang Jianming also knows the current situation of BOE.

Although BOE is still a mixed shareholding, it is actually a completely private enterprise.

Unless BOE holds a large stake.

But this one is useless.

On the one hand, Chen Yu is unwilling.

On the other hand, even if Chen Yu is willing, the boss is not willing.

They just got rid of the front foot, and the back foot has to spend money to hold shares, and they have to spend tens of billions more.

Another $120 billion in back support?

Who has such courage?

"Wang Chang has news to report."

"What news?"

"Wang Chang said that at present, some capital such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan hope that friendnet will be listed as soon as possible. They expect that if friendnet can be listed, the valuation of friendnet will reach at least 120 billion US dollars."

"Tell Wang Chang that the friend network is still developing and has no listing plan for the time being."

Chen Yu shook his head.

The plan of the friend network has long been made.

On the one hand, the friend network is Chen Yu's money bag, on the other hand, it is also to lock up these capital bosses.

As long as the friend network is not listed one day, these capital bosses will be tied to themselves one day.

"Mr. Chen, in fact, the friend online market is also good. If the friend online market is listed, the crisis of BOE can be relieved."

Always borrowing money from friends is not the way.

On the one hand, this will cause contradictions with major capital, on the other hand, borrowing money also requires interest.

Moreover, no matter how you borrow it, the money you can use is real.

If the friend network is listed, Chen Yu only needs to throw a few points of stocks on this side, and he can make up 20 billion.

With 20 billion yuan, BOE can fully sustain this wave of periodic price decline.

"People from Morgan and Goldman Sachs also said that if it is operated well, the valuation of friend network may reach $150 billion."

Of course, there are some bubbles.

But is there no bubble in the stock market?

"The stock market really makes money."

This makes Chen Yu feel a little excited.

No wonder so many companies want to go public.

Why can I go public?

Isn't it just to make money and cash out?

Even if it is not for cash out, the stock market is also a huge financing platform.

It can almost be said that the stock market can give you as much money as you want.

However, when it comes to the listing of friends, Chen Yu has some active thinking.

"Brother Jian, it seems that BOE is also a listed enterprise."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, BOE was listed as early as 2001."

"Then let's make a profit in the stock market. Won't we have money?"

Chen Yu seems to have come up with a perfect solution.