"Huang Zheng, come here."

"Mr. Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Yu is looking at the double 11 singles day to be broadcast live on Mango TV in the next few days.

This so-called Singles Day is not only prepared for all singles in the country, but also for the double 11 of Huanyu e-commerce.


In fact, the promotion Festival is not popular.

But Singles Day is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Tie singles day with promotion, which can greatly increase users' consumption ability.

In addition, most of the people who are single now are young men and women.

These young men and women are very receptive to new things and are more receptive to online shopping than others.

In addition to a series of soft text transformation through the Internet, the double 11 Singles Day broadcast by mango TV station on double 11 can completely ignite the consumption power of all consumers.

However, when looking at the singles day arrangement, Chen Yu felt that some content should be added.

"Huang Zheng, I took a look at our carnival night. Although many stars were invited, these stars seem to be just singing and have no much effect."

"President Chen, although the purpose of inviting these stars is just singing, it is more to start our double 11 promotion Carnival brand."

"Well, this has some effects. However, since we invited these stars, if we just let them sing, it would waste the popularity of these stars. I think they can help us promote our products while singing."

"Selling products?"

Huang zhengyileng: "you mean to endorse the product?"

"Almost, but it's not a endorsement."

Chen Yu explained: "it's to ask them to recommend some popular products during the double 11, such as refrigerators, color TV sets, mobile phones, clothes... And so on. Through their promotion, users can promote their purchase."

"Mr. Chen, let me think."

Chen Yu's idea makes Huang Zheng feel very fresh.

He thinks this model is very good.

The popularity of stars is naturally unusual. It is theoretically possible to use the popularity of stars to promote product sales.

Moreover, because they are stars, such conversion efficiency is also very high.

After all, some people may want to buy, but they haven't made up their mind at once. As soon as the star recommends, it promotes the transaction.

Moreover, products recommended by stars can also increase users' security for online shopping.

Imagine that other stars have recommended it. What else do you doubt?

It's just that there's a problem.

"President Chen, although it doesn't seem like endorsement, if we recommend a product during the live broadcast, it is actually equivalent to endorsement. Although our relationship with major economic agents and companies and with major stars is OK, I'm afraid these stars will have opinions on this additional condition."

In itself, I just invite these people to sing. It's okay.

But let them sell products after singing, it's not as simple as singing.

"Then increase their appearance fee."

"If so, it should be OK."

A number of stars have naturally taken product advertisements.

In fact, product advertising is also to promote products.

But generally, it can take a year or a few years for businesses to shoot product advertisements.

This time it was broadcast live on TV, only one night.

But if you increase the appearance fee, it must be that a group of stars will not have too many complaints.

"Mr. Chen, I'll arrange this."

"What's the arrangement? We don't have to pay for these expenses."

Chen Yu shook his head: "the products they endorse are not ours. If we do, we will be wronged."

"Let the manufacturer out?"


"But is this a promotion for our double 11?"

"But in fact, the products promoted by stars are theirs. For example, when we sell a refrigerator, we can earn some handling fees at most. Those who really make money are those who make refrigerators, such as Haier."

"I'm worried that some manufacturers are unwilling to pay the money."

"It doesn't matter. If they don't want to go out, we won't find stars to sell them products, can't we?"

Chen Yu certainly doesn't mind.

At the same time, Huanyu technology is not stupid. Do you want to recommend products for you without money?

However, he believes that as long as they are smart businesses, they will pay this sum of money.

Moreover, perhaps, as soon as such a plan is put forward, a number of manufacturers are probably still competing for it.

Not only do they have to, but they will even consider what kind of star they invite.

After all, this is not only to promote their products, but also to speak for their products in another way.

Even if he only spoke for one night, his efforts to promote his products are incomparable.

"President Chen, I'll contact major manufacturers right away."

Huang Zheng has some excitement in his heart.

He felt that Chen Yu's plan seemed to create a new promotion model.

This model is very new.

He looks similar to the previous star endorsement, but it doesn't seem to be.

But he doesn't know what kind of person he is.

But I don't know it doesn't matter. He believes that such a model will certainly shock everyone.


Chen Yu nodded.

He naturally knows the pitfalls of this model.

This is not an ordinary endorsement promotion.

This is for future generations, that is, live broadcasting and goods.

However, with the current network speed level of the domestic Internet and the rapid development of smart phones, there are some problems in live broadcasting.

But on mobile phones, you can't bring goods live on the Internet, but you can bring goods live on TV, which is still OK.

TV stations can also broadcast live.

The influence of TV stations is greater than that of ordinary media platforms.

And Chen Yu invited some famous stars this time.

And let these stars perform and promote on the same stage.

Not to mention the effect of carrying goods.

Just such a pattern appears, it can be remembered by everyone.

In particular, even if he only spoke for one night, his endorsement effect was even better than that of several years of advertising.

Sure enough.

As soon as Huang Zheng contacted major manufacturers, many manufacturers immediately understood the business opportunities.

It doesn't matter how much you can sell on the double 11 bachelor carnival night.

Importantly, it was a very novel and memorable party.

As long as they perform well in this carnival night, it will determine the brand and sales volume of their products in the future.

"Mr. Huang, I think the stars you invited for us are too famous. We want to find Liu Dehua to recommend products to us."

"But Liu Dehua's appearance fee is a little high."

"It's all right. We're fully responsible. In addition, we'll make an appointment with Liu Dehua in advance. Don't worry about this one."

"In that case, I'll leave this to you."

What Huang Zheng didn't expect was.

With the support of many manufacturers, the original double 11 Singles Day launched by their Huanyu e-commerce turned into a double 11 promotion carnival night jointly sponsored by many manufacturers.