We don't follow. This sentence makes Chen Yu very comfortable.

He knows.

It's not that Yahoo can't take out $500 million, but that Yang Zhiyuan doesn't have the courage to take out $500 million.

Microblog is not Yahoo's main business after all. Their main business is portal website.

If they put it on the portal, they may be able to follow.

But in other businesses, they can only shrink their strategy and compete with Huanyu technology in a defensive attitude.

But Yahoo is not Yahoo in those days.

Yahoo lags behind Google in search engine business.

Video business, Yahoo lags behind Huanyu video.

Portal business, Yahoo is gradually caught up by AOL.

Mailbox business, which is the first and incomparably advantageous business of Yahoo at present.

But the mailbox business is already a sunset business, and it has no great strategic significance.

And look at the others.

Instant messaging, Yahoo is completely marginal.

E-commerce, Yahoo is confused.

Yahoo rarely gets involved in the game.

If you really want to say, Yahoo has fewer and fewer businesses.

In the future, if there is no accident.

Yahoo may not even have much value for their portal business.

This is why Yahoo will sell itself for billions of dollars.

You know, Yahoo was a super giant with a market value of nearly $200 billion.

Time is also life.

Many people in later generations analyze why Yahoo failed.

He used to be such an ox and fork.

He could have been Google's father and Microsoft's son, but he sold like his grandson and finally became an Internet outcast.

Some people say Yahoo's positioning is not enough.

Others say that Yahoo did not seize the opportunity in the era of mobile Internet.

Others say it's because of Yahoo's big institutional problems.

If you really want to say, no one can say it clearly.

Even Yahoo founder Yang Zhiyuan, he can't say clearly.

This may be a philosophical problem.

However, Chen Yucai will not consider this philosophical issue.

But Chen Yu doesn't think about it. Others will think about it.

"President Yang, director fero submitted an application for an interim board meeting."

"What do you do with a board meeting?"

"Director Ferrero didn't say it clearly."

"Then refuse."

"But Mr. Yang, according to the regulations, the shareholding ratio of Philo exceeds 10%, and we have no right to refuse."

"This guy."

Yang Zhiyuan has some headaches.

Although this fello is a director of Yahoo, he has been pointing fingers at Yahoo.

But after all, he was helpless about the proportion of capital represented by Ferrero.

Since there is no way to refuse, Yang Zhiyuan can only agree.

The next day, Yahoo held an interim board meeting.

Yang Zhiyuan is the founder, CEO and chairman of Yahoo.

He took the chief seat.

Looking at Ferrero, Yang Zhiyuan asked, "director Ferrero, I don't know what you want to do when you hold this extraordinary board meeting?"

"I think there are problems in Yahoo's recent operation. I want to discuss it with you."

"I've always been in charge of Yahoo's operation. Director Ferrero, what do you want to teach?"

"I dare not give advice, but there are several problems that must be solved."

"Then say it."

Yang Zhiyuan didn't give Philo a good face and wanted to hear what Philo wanted to do.

"I don't think Yahoo has performed much since it acquired Facebook, and it spends too much money on Facebook, and Facebook doesn't have many profitable points. It doesn't have much intersection with our portal business."

Philo said that Yang Zhiyuan hummed: "Philo, do you understand the Internet? Facebook is a social networking site, and social networking sites have a natural viscosity to the Internet. Look at the friends network of Huanyu Group, the market value of their friends network alone is hundreds of billions of dollars."

"But that's friends. Obviously, Facebook can't compare with friends."

"Although not comparable, social networking is a major trend in the future, and we must promote it here."

"But it costs too much money."

"What doesn't cost is money."

Yang Zhiyuan was angry at the cost.

This made him think of talking to Chen Yu again.

Isn't Chen Yu threatening him with money?

If it weren't for fero's capital behind these guys who had been JJYY in front of him, he couldn't have failed to follow up.

Facing Yang Zhiyuan's questions, Philo did not distinguish from Yang Zhiyuan, but continued to say: "Second, Yahoo's main business is portal and mailbox. I think we should focus on portal and mailbox. But for some time, Yahoo has done almost everything. Search engines have to do, social networking lines have to do, and e-commerce has to follow up... Although this seems feasible, these entries have delayed our main business. At present, AOL IP The number of visitors has a tendency to catch up with and surpass us. If it is really overtaken by AOL, it will definitely be a disaster. "

"Ferrero, you're right. So you're going to be Yahoo CEO."

Yang Zhiyuan sneered.

On the second point, he was too lazy to argue with Philo.

If Yahoo only does portal and mailbox, it will die.

The Internet business is so large that if each business is not laid out, Yahoo will have no position in the whole Internet industry in the future.

In fact, the listing of Huanyu Group has greatly stimulated Yang Zhiyuan.

They are clearly the world's first Internet enterprise, but why is the market value far lower than Huanyu Group.

They are clearly role models for Internet companies in the world, but they can be laid down by any friend network, Huanyu video and microblog.

It is precisely seeing this that he wants to enter this area more.

"Of course I don't have the ability."

Philo shook his head.

"If you don't have the ability, break up the meeting."

Yang Zhiyuan didn't want to say anything to Philo.

He is the founder, chairman and CEO of Yahoo.

What Yahoo wants to do, how it wants to do it and how long it wants to do it are his business and have nothing to do with others.

Only Yang Zhiyuan thinks so, but the following sentence makes Yang Zhiyuan feel cold in his heart.

"Mr. Yang, the meeting has just begun."


"Mr. Yang, as you said, I certainly don't have the ability to be Yahoo's CEO, but I think we can hire a new CEO."

"Hire a new CEO?"

Yang Zhiyuan stared at Philo.

Of course he knew what Philo meant.

Although he is the founder, chairman and CEO of Yahoo.

But this is not the most important.

Who is in charge of the company is not the founder, the chairman or the CEO.

It's the shareholders.

Which shareholder or which shareholder group holds the highest proportion is up to which.

Once the shareholding ratio of some shareholders reaches a certain level, the chairman can be removed and a new CEO can be hired.

If Yang Zhiyuan holds a large stake in Yahoo, there is no need to worry about dismissing the chairman.

But if your shareholding ratio is relatively low, sorry, you are in danger every minute.

Before Yahoo developed well, Yang Zhiyuan was safe.

But once Yahoo's development is very general, there is a problem with the position of chairman and CEO Yang Zhiyuan.