Demon realm...
"Prince Rong! It is I, Yin Ta!"
A sharp tap sounded at the door to a room created by Demon Lord Zhurong to chain Xu Hui to his side, none knew of its existence except the some of the men that made a blood oath with him. They had been warned not to reveal his identity to the last descendant of the BaoXu sect. At least that was what the demon lord thought, the other which had been in the mortal world escaped the watchful eyes of the demon realm as a travelling cultivator. It was safe to say that Lin Cheng was beyond the reaches of Demon Lord Zhurong.
"Enter Yin Ta!"
The demon soldier carefully turned his eyes from facing the direction of Xu Hui, who appeared to be sleeping. Since her rebirth as the young mistress of the YuanLi sect, Xu Hui slept more and was easily worn out, almost like a newly pregnant woman.
The handsome soldier prostate before his king, while addressing him in his assumed name.
"Prince Rong, your humble servant brings you news from the pugilistic world."
There soft cadence in the voice of the soldier sent ripples through the room, only a handful from the demon realm possessed unique abilities, Yin Ta on the other hand was the one that oversaw the well-being of those from the Royal house of Hei.
"I'm listening, speak!"
Just like those from the demon realm, Yin Ta had an unearthly beauty about him, he was dressed in a lime green robe with shining silver hair held rolled in a bun on top of his head and held in place by a sterling silver petaled jade hair stick.
"Prince assembly of sect leaders have been called. They are to meet before eventide, the one that would be heading the gathering is Sect Leader Jin."
There was a look of serenity on the face of the soldier, as he awaited how the Demon King would take the news he just delivered.
Meanwhile, Demon Lord Zhurong had his eyes on the sleeping form of his new interest, while paying an ear to the message that Yin Ta had for him. Nothing change in the expression of Hei Zhurong, which had hardly an emotion on them.
He saw the tray that held some left over delicacies from the realm away from theirs, "How long would this one last?"
Yin Ta felt sure that the demon lord was back to his old ways, by bringing a new plaything to the demon realm. None of his thoughts reflected in the cool golden eyes that looked at the demon lord, to him the cultivator that laid on the bed of Demon Lord Zhurong was merely there to serve as a passing distraction to his King.
"Gather the men to meet at the throne room, we would discuss this further when I get there."
The demon lord did not want to assume that Xu Hui was deep asleep, although she looked that way.