"Ding, the host guides Liu Chengtao to reform, and the host can draw rewards."

Yu Bing is happy.

Sure enough, as I infer, there will be rewards for doing good deeds!

In this way, it won't be long before you can get a skill, become a peerless master, become a hero of the world, control the system, soak up beautiful girls, and go to the top of your life. I'm still a little excited.

"Is the host drawing now? GR3 suggests that if the reward can be extracted cumulatively, the probability of acquiring skills will be higher, the skills will be more useful, and the skill level will be higher. "

"What's the new rule?" Cried Yu Bing.

"Ding, this is a rule that has always existed, not a new one."


How unreliable is this product? Why didn't you tell me at first?!

"Initially, the system was not permanently bound to the host, and the host did not ask."

I'm talking to myself, OK? That's so annoying.

"Do you want to draw now?"

"No, save it for me!"

Yu Bing didn't have a good temper. He knew he could play like this. Who else would go to the thought park or engage in geomantic omen? In the end, he smoked a useless medicine egg and made a fuss.

I dare not ask what the result of that calligraphy contest will lead to. Now I'm scared to think about it.

As expected, luck only exists in people who don't grow well. For those of us who depend on face to eat, it's the only way to save rewards and draw together.

Well, you need to plan your life.

Now I have an advanced skill, calligraphy.

An elementary skill, arithmetic, brackets are sealed.

Physical strength once, all aspects of the body have been greatly improved, such as more handsome than before.

The property is in poor condition. The income from being a cleaner is 16300 yuan, which is still the income from salary and bonus. The original assets were 300 yuan, totalling 16600 yuan.

Because the transaction was not completed, there was only hezhongtong. Well, I'm afraid I'll be robbed before I get warm. At this time, I should mourn for the 100000 yuan robbed by bandit pan for three minutes.

Working as a librarian of the public library affiliated to Wancheng University.

That is to say, if you only have more than 10000 yuan of wealth, if you donate it... And so on, you'd better not go to any cross meeting, which may become a part of someone's bag.

It seems that calligraphy can't be used to do a good job. Can you be a loader for free?

How about catching the thief?

Ah, that's a good idea. Now our eyes are like knives, our eyes are quick, our hands are fast, and our running is like flying. As long as the thief starts, he can't run away! However, the problem is that I don't know where the thief will be.

Huang Changying should know!

Yu Bing picks up his cell phone.

"Hello, Huang Chang, bah, Huang Yiwen?"

"Oh." Huang Yiwen's lazy voice came from his mobile phone: "enough wild? I know how to call. "

Yu Bing shivered.

What is wild enough? How does this tone feel like a husband whose wife can't teach him at home?

"Sister, can we talk well?"

"How do you want me to talk to you? Call you baby? Where are you going crazy? Is it true that I'm good tempered and bullying? "

Yu Bing is sweating like a waterfall.

"Sister, I'm wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"It's my fault that I didn't tell you what happened in the morning. Let you bear, let you trouble. But it's simple and complicated. But don't worry, little brother, I will never let a bad man go. Elder sister, just wait. I will get the clue and let you punish the evil and promote the good! "

"Well, that's about the same." Huang Yiwen said: "do you know that today is the first time my sister has been favoritism since she was a policeman. Do you know how much pressure I have? I gave it to you for the first time! Do you know how hard I feel? Hum

What is favoritism?

It's a fight. It's not even a fight, is it? Civil disputes, civil disputes, punishment law is also based on mediation, OK? You have to take all the police stations to be happy?

Also, what is the first time to give me, don't say so ambiguous, OK? People will think about it.

"Hey, hey, hey."

Yu Bing gave a dry smile and said, "elder sister, I know the name of the man in black."

"Come on, what's his name?"

Sure enough, what Huang Yiwen just said "almost" is far from here.

"His name is Zheng Jia. His hometown should be the old Beicheng village in Wancheng."

Yu Bing hears the sound of a crash at the end of the phone. He doesn't know what Huang Yiwen is doing.

"What else do you have?"

Yu Bing left his mouth, which really took him as an informant.

"He has been around Shixi tea house now, that's all for now."

"It's just a little bit of information. I thought you were so good."


Is the thank you for giving me a deep irony?

"Sister, is Wei Xiaohuan OK?"

"Yo, Yu Xiaobing, I find you are a little kid. Do you have any idea about our family?"

How did the word Yu Xiaobing infect you!

Also, what is our family ring? How close are you two?

"Sister, what do you say? Wei Xiaohuan was so kind to me. As a friend, I should care about her. Isn't that right?"

"Is it?" Huang Yiwen lengthened his voice and said strangely, "why don't you come and have a look?"

"I'm not busy today."

"You're as busy as the president."

Yu Bing frowned. There was something wrong. Huang Yiwen's reaction was very wrong.

"There's always something urgent."

"Oh, I'm still thinking about our family in case of emergency."

Absolutely not.

Before Yu Bing spoke, Huang Yiwen said, "Yu Xiaobing, do you like our family?"

Yu Bing had a flash of inspiration.

"Sister Yiwen, are you driving hands-free?"


Yu Bing heard the noise again, as if there was another woman's voice.

"You're not in class. Where are you?" Yu Bing said in an urgent voice, "are you in the health room?"

"Ha, you guessed it!"

Huang Yiwen laughs jokingly.

Yu Bing's face became hot and he hung up directly. It's too humiliating.

Originally, this kind of greeting is nothing, but when I call someone else, I am caught by the person concerned, which makes people feel sneaky and impure.

It's embarrassing.

Huang Yiwen has such a gossip side! The more beautiful a woman is, the less credible she is!

Yu Bing turns around depressed and suddenly cries.

Originally, I was looking for Huang Yiwen to find the location of the thief. In the end, I forgot about it.

"Pig brain."

Yu Bing patted himself on the head.

Now it seems that you can't use thieves to improve your skills, but... BMW man can make a difference, and the matter of man in black seems imminent.

If Wei Daguang killed Zheng Jia, there would be no possibility of arithmetic upgrading.

Huang Yiwen is sure to find Zheng Jia, but isn't it safe to put all the treasure on her?

Now you can't use arithmetic. What should you do?