"I never hated you."

Mu Xia Xi way, lift Mou a pair of some red eyes to see him, very sincere, also very frank.

She was serious. Even when her father died in front of her, she didn't hate him. What she didn't understand was why his father was so paranoid and why he became such a terrible person

The daughter of the murderer has no right to hate anyone.

"Then you..."

"I just can't get along with myself." Mu Xiaxi lowered his head and drank a drink of water. "I didn't expect that you would plead guilty because of this, so I should make it clear to you. What I can't figure out is all about the family, and it has nothing to do with you."

It's none of your business.

It's the same as before. It's not clear with her four words.


Jiang Qixing stood in front of her, suddenly his mouth was very dry, and his throat to heart seemed to be blocked by something. He subconsciously touched his trouser pocket, thinking that he had no smoke in court today.

He turned his eyes, walked to the vending machine in the tea room, took out his mobile phone, swept it and took out a pack of cigarettes.

Holding the cigarette in his hand, he glanced at her and did not move again.

Mu Xiaxi didn't know whether he thought he couldn't smoke in the tea room or not, so he said, "go to the smoking area outside."

The smoking area is empty.

Facing the big window, the position of the big sun is a long sofa stool, no temperature of black.

As they sat on it, Jiang Qixing took a puff of the cigarette in his mouth. The blue smoke rose in the air, with a smell of tobacco, stimulating people's senses. Mu Xiaxi sat beside him, holding a glass of water and lowering her head. For a long time, she said in a low voice, "before, I thought you were too cold and silent, and your face had no expression for thousands of years. Only after knowing your life experience did I understand why you were like this, let alone my father."

Her voice seems to be self mocking, but also mixed with a sense of helplessness.


Jiang Qixing was biting the cigarette. One cigarette soon came to the end. He put it out and smoked another.

"The harm our family has done to you can't go back, but the good thing is that all things are over. Don't worry about anything in your heart, hate my father or feel guilty for me. Don't think about it any more and start over."

Mu Xiaxi raised his face to look at him and said seriously.

"You've figured it out."

Jiang Qixing didn't look into her eyes, but smoked his own cigarette. "Well, Lin Yi is right. I should be stronger. If I sink down like this, it will only make my brother uncomfortable and you uncomfortable. I have to find a new direction." Mu Xiaxi's tone sounds relaxed, but only she knows how light it is.

Jiang Qixing spat out a puff of smoke. After a while, he turned to look at her and said in a hoarse voice, "do you want to study abroad?"

If not, she has gone abroad to pursue her life. Mu Xiaxi shook his head. "No, actually, I wanted to go abroad to escape the family's infighting. So many things happened. Now I just want to stay with my family, watch my brother and sister-in-law grow up day by day. It's very happy. What's more, when I'm in China, my brother and I will feel relieved. "

Well thought out.

She really figured it out.

Jiang Qixing put the cigarette into his mouth.

I will not go abroad.

Very good.

"Are you going to come back with your brother?" He asked, hoarse. "No, in fact, my education is enough to find a job. I don't have to stay in the ivory tower all the time." "I recently saw a job as a fashion magazine editor. It seems that it's not bad. I want to try. If it's successful, it's too far away from the shepherd's house. I'll find another house."

Jiang Qixing held the cigarette in his hand.

Too far?

Excuse, I've figured it out, but I won't go back to the ranch house.

"What's more, I can't disturb my brother's life every day. As long as I am in a city, I can be on call and often come out to get together, I will be together." Mu Xiaxi said again.

This is the first time she has said so much since she was injured.

Clearly very close to him, but separated from a farthest distance.


Jiang Qixing doesn't know what to say, so he shouldn't say anything.

He was smoking and silent.

Mu Xiaxi saw that he had picked up the third cigarette, put the water cup aside, stood up and said, "I should go."

Jiang Qixing put the cigarette back into the cigarette box, stood up and said, "where are you going, I'll send you."

"No, I'll call a taxi." Mu Xiaxi said, looking at him and said, "goodbye, Jiang Qixing."


Jiang Qixing repeats her words hoarsely. Is there really a time to see her again?No matter how unreasonable he was, he could also hear the meaning of her words. She didn't want to meet him any more. She didn't want to have anything to do with him any more. She didn't want to even go back to the ranch's house.

"Don't keep a cold face in the future, smile more, or you will be single all your life."

Mu Xia Xi smiles lightly and turns to leave.


Jiang Qixing stood in the same place, watching her back gradually go away. I don't know if it's because of smoking. The tip of her tongue is bitter and astringent.

The chest was gouged out several times with a blunt knife, and the pain was unconscious.


Mu Xianguang and Bai Shuya returned to the ranch's big house. The layout of the big house was slightly improved. It was not the same as before, and the second room area was not in the original position, so they could not see things and think about people.

Mu Xianguang didn't expect that Ying Hannian could make it like this. Naturally, he didn't have any opinions and began to accept the new life a little bit.

Also because of the arrival of little Lolo, there are a lot of laughter at home.

After Jiang Qixing won the lawsuit, life seemed to be suddenly sunny. One of the betrothal gifts given to Lin Yi in the cold year, Yiwei restaurant in the center of the city, is about to open.

Lin Yi decided to hold a family dinner at Yiwei restaurant before the opening ceremony. One is to celebrate the opening ceremony, and the other is to welcome mu Xianguang's family back.

This morning, Lin Yi woke up vaguely in Ying Hannian's arms. His whole body was hugged by him, and the tip of his nose was full of his breath.

She took a look at the sky outside and struggled to get up from Ying Hannian's arms. She lay on his chest and stretched out her hand to take his watch on the bedside table. She took a look at the time, nine o'clock.

For today's family dinner, we should postpone half a day's journey in winter to sleep in at home.

"What are you looking at?"

Ying Hannian opens his eyes bleakly, and his eyes fall on the white jade skin under her neck. She leans on his chest and leans up. His pajamas slide down, showing a beautiful curve, and his eyes suddenly become dark. "Get up, I have to go to the new store to do some work."