"What's your boyfriend? He's Bai Zhenzhen's cousin. He's an exchange student in our school. Do you know what he's from?" Someone is mysterious.

"What's going on?"

"Do you know what the Ying family used to be called? In the Mu family, Bai Zhenzhen's elder brother is the young master from the second room of the Mu family. "

As soon as these words fell, Xu Xingli heard a startled voice in the corridor outside, "is it true or not? How do you know? "

"She can't know. She follows Bai Zhenzhen every day. She doesn't know what's going on in Bai Zhenzhen's family."

"Oh, what's the matter? You want to be sincere. People have to pay attention to you."

"Come on, don't you want to follow Bai Zhenzhen to mix some good resources?"

"Why don't you come closer to 520 if you are noble? When the school asked you to sleep with her, why didn't you like it? "

This is Xu Xingli.

Xu Xingli, while cleaning up, listened to the more and more noise outside. Without saying a word, he began to fight.

Why are there plays everywhere? It's really interesting.

Xu Xingli shook her head with a smile, did not go out, continue to clean up the dormitory.


In the whole school, the name of the female students became a sensation overnight.

There are two classes Xu Xingli has no way to read, because Mu Jingluo has also taken the course. Let alone the classroom, there is no place where there is a small bench at the door. All of them are occupied by beautiful girls.

It's another optional course for mu Jingluo. Xu Xingli knows that she can't get a place, so she can only choose to read in the school library.

She is used to being isolated, and no one grabs the window seat. Everyone is always willing to give up. She is also happy to be at leisure.

"Those girls know that you didn't go to this class and come to the library to seek freedom. They must have vomited blood."

make complaints about a two bedroom book with a casual shirt and a half sleeved shirt.

Smell speech, Mu Jing Luo headache tunnel, "the news leaked too fast, I just returned home, unexpectedly a day quiet did not enjoy."

"That's natural. What's the nearest distance between an ordinary girl and the young master of the herdsman? On this campus, who hasn't had a dream of marrying into a rich family? "

Fan Ze is the son of a bodyguard beside mu Xianguang. He has excellent grades and studies in Imperial City University. He has always had a good relationship with Mu Jingluo, so he has no scruples in speaking.

"You think too much of girls."

Mu Jingluo glanced at him. "Can't they just like my face?"


Fan Ze choked and looked at him with a desire for words.

"Say what you have to say." Mu Jingluo saw through him.

"My dad's right, Rogo. You look like your mother, but you look like your father."


Mu Jingluo felt offended when he heard this. He raised his foot and walked forward. As soon as he took a step, he stopped there. The curved bookshelf blocks some tables by the window, and divides them into a private place. The sunlight falls in from the window, and the young girl sits there quietly looking at the book. She is wearing a white T and a black cover around her waist. The sunlight falls on her and circles her whole body. Her long hair is light golden and her skin is white Must be able to melt into the light, calm but eye-catching.

Fan Ze found a table and sat down. As soon as he looked back, he saw Mu Jingluo still standing there.

He followed Mu Jingluo's vision and saw Xu Xingli, "it's her."

Mu Jingluo glared at him, "do you know him?"

"Is Rogo interested?" Fan Ze asked.

"I asked first."

Mu Jingluo sat down at the table and leaned a little to the right. The bookshelf couldn't block his sight. "I don't know, but I know something about her deeds. She should have a good talent, but her grades are good. I heard that when she was serious, the professor would like to catch up with her, but she often didn't go to class and sometimes handed in blank homework. I don't know what happened."

Fan Ze digs the data of Xu Xingli in his mind, "she's a very lonely person. She has never seen any friends. She goes in and out alone. Everyone says she's a robot and has no expression all day."


Mu Jingluo looked at him, and the face appeared in front of him. He looked at himself with a smile. A sweet "cousin" could make people itch.

Two faces.

After that night, she did look like a robot. "Rogo, I was in the lab all the time before you came, and I didn't know much about these girls." Fan zedao said, "by the way, it's said that she lives alone in 520, the haunted house in the girls' dormitory. She's brave enough. Other people have accidents when they live there. She's the only one who can't make it out. People say she's very gloomy."

With that, fan Ze gave Mu Jingluo a detailed story about ghost dormitory.

While he was talking, Xu Xingli stood up and turned to them. Mu Jingluo sat up straight.Xu Xingli wanted to find a book. When she got up and turned her head, her sight was opposite Mu Jingluo. She was stunned.

Mu Jingluo looked at her as usual and looked at her head.

No anger, no dissatisfaction, he has a brother's absolute tolerance and gentleness.

As long as she said hello and gave him a friendly smile, he could forgive all her rudeness when nothing happened.

Xu Xingli takes back her eyes and walks to the bookshelf, as if she didn't see him.


Mu Jingluo put his hand on the table at random and clenched his fist. His nails scraped across the table and made a short, harsh sound.

Only when his fist was tight and tight did he restrain himself from leaving home.

Over there, Xu Xingli took the book she wanted, packed her bag and went out.

Clearly they are closer to the door, she just separated three rows of tables around a long way, is there a virus on his side?

"Look at her. She's a girl who can't be seen through."

Fan Ze sighed.

"Fan Ze, let me ask you something." Mu Jingluo suddenly said.

"What?" "Xu Mu Xing asked back," Li Mu Luo still looks for the direction before you.

"I said, I said." Fan Ze said busily, "there are no more than two situations. One is playing hard to get. Fishing for men is just like fishing. Only when the time is tight and the time is loose can men be hooked."

"What about the second one?"

"The second is simple, that is, one day I want to seduce, the next day I don't want to seduce." “……”