That night, Gu Zhan forbeared and didn't touch her again.

The next morning, they had breakfast together, and then Gu Zhan drove her to Ann's entertainment.

Before, due to the problem of changing the script, after all, it needs to discuss and cooperate. Therefore, Ding Zimo arranged an independent office for yeser at angle entertainment.

It is also more convenient for both sides.

At the door of the company, ye se untied his seat belt and was about to drive when Gu Zhan pulled him.

"Just go?" when he said this, he obviously still had a very wronged face.

Ye se was a little confused and blinked, "otherwise?"

Gu Zhan stared at her angrily, "kiss."

Then he kissed Ye se first, and then put his face close to him, "hurry up."

Yeser thought it was funny that such a big man would do the same.

Why haven't you seen him so childish before?

Sure enough, the bigger he is, the more he looks like a child.

Yeser kissed him on the face, "then I'll go."

"What time do you get off work in the afternoon? I'll pick you up?"

"I'm not here this afternoon. I'm going to the hospital."

"Oh, I'll ask Xiao Qi to pick you up at noon."

"Don't bother so much. I can ask my cousin to give it to me. Besides, I can take a taxi."

"No, you're a girl. You'd better not take a taxi easily. It's too dangerous. What time do you get off work in the afternoon?"

"Six o'clock."

"OK, I'll try to pick you up as soon as possible. If I have something, let Xiao Qi pick you up. Don't take a taxi alone."

"I see. You're shaking."

Then yeser waved to him, pushed the door and got off.

The adaptation of the script has basically entered the final work.

Ye se also heard some gossip about the company's artists when he went to the tea room to drink water.

Only then did I know that Zhang Dongyang was hidden by the company.

Although he is not too down now, he has no job to take over.

For an artist who is going downhill, this is definitely a fatal blow.

Moreover, Zhang Dongyang was originally a flow Xiaosheng who took the idol route by virtue of his appearance.

Once hidden in the snow, the time should not be too long. As long as one year, when this person returns, I'm afraid there are not many people who know him.

Ye se listened to their gossip and opened the microblog.

After searching Zhang Dongyang, I found that his popularity was slipping rapidly.

Fans have fallen to more than 10 million.

She remembered that the last time she saw it, it was 15 million.

Is the loss rate of fans too fast?

Yeser shook his head slightly. "It seems that Yide is still very important."

Back to the office, I saw Ding Zimo waiting for her, "what's up?"

"Have you made up with brother seven?"

Ding Zimo's eyes were so sharp that he turned around Ye Se and noticed that there was a silk scarf on Ye SE's neck today.

Obviously, this is deliberately covering up some traces.

Ye se was a little uncomfortable when he asked. He reached up and fiddled with his silk scarf. At this time, there was no silver here.

"Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, just congratulations. Lina said she went to the playground and saw you with a man and a child?"

"Well, my friend's child."

"Did Lina embarrass you?"