At this time, the news that Lin Feng hired Ron's senior law firm soon spread to the president through the FBI.

"Mr. President, I think it's too difficult to stop the witnesses. Let's just search for the evidence of Lin Feng and the terrorists. It's simpler. " The consultant proposed.

Bush also heard about Ron's senior law firm. This law firm only fights for rich people or famous cases, believing in the slogan of "100% innocence". Lin Feng hired them. It's really difficult this time. And in the United States, it's really difficult to block so many witnesses.

"Well, it's up to you. In a word, we must let Lin Feng go to jail this time. Also, the bombing of the White House should not be leaked. Remember, this thing at any cost! For the honor of America Compared with the accusation of looking for Lin Feng, it is more difficult for the military to blow up the White House by mistake, which should never be known to any media, otherwise the United States will become a joke of the world.

At the president's command, the FBI began to search for all information about Lin Feng. Who Lin Feng is, what he has done since childhood, how to make a fortune, what he has done in the United States, what he has done, his itinerary in the past few days, and who he has contacted, all these information will soon be submitted to the computer files of the FBI intelligence agency one by one. It can be said that now the FBI even knows Lin Feng better than Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, the court will open in a week. Don't worry, we can get you acquitted this time. " News from Ron.

The date of the hearing of Lin Feng's suspected involvement in the September 11 terrorist attacks has become the most concerned topic in the world. All the newspapers and magazines reported the event, which temporarily offset the global panic caused by the collapse of the global stock market.

"Chairman, for Lin Feng..."

"Lao Zhu, we are developing countries. When the economy is too weak, you should understand."



Domestic netizens have also talked about this, but naturally, they are 100% on Lin Feng's side, and even set up a Lin Feng support association to cheer for Lin Feng! However, compared with the unbridled netizens, some of the rich or entrepreneurs Lin Feng met kept silent at the moment. After all, once Lin Feng is convicted, if they support Lin Feng now, they will undoubtedly make trouble for themselves.

Ron has contacted Li Rui and others at this time. This time, the U.S. Department of justice is going to sue Lin Feng for intentionally crashing the statue of liberty and for leading the robbers to crash the White House. Originally, Bush hoped to directly Sue Lin Feng for plotting the terrorist attack, but 267 passengers on the Boeing 767 collectively proved that Lin Feng was a hero, not a hijacker. If you think of intimidating these 267 witnesses, I'm afraid that if things come to light, the president will step down. After all, there are too many witnesses to stop the public.

On the contrary, most of the citizens who witnessed the whole process in Washington that day were the family members of government officials, and what they saw was only a fragment, so they need not worry. As long as they don't say that they saw the F-15 launch missiles and then blow up the White House by mistake. I believe that in this regard, these people will attach great importance to the honor of the United States.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, on the first point that the Ministry of Justice accused Lin Feng of deliberately crashing the statue of liberty, we have sufficient evidence to refute the accusation of the Ministry of justice. As for the second point, I'm afraid it's a bit of a problem. " Ron said.

"Yes, according to the evidence provided by the prosecution, there is a video clearly proving that Lin Feng deliberately guided the robber's plane into the White House, and there are more than 5000 witnesses who can prove that Lin Feng lowered the plane first and then suddenly raised it. After that, the plane crashed into the White House, exploded and collapsed. " Said Tom.

"No, Tom, the White House was destroyed by a military missile, not because of the plane." Said Prince William.

"Yes, but now the evidence provided by the prosecution shows that the white house collapsed because of the explosion. And there is absolute evidence to prove that Lin Feng is suspected of guiding. " Tom said helplessly.

"We can prove the boss innocent." Li Rui and others said.

"According to the American judicial system, on the second point, your testimony will not be accepted." Tom said, "unless we can get solid evidence that the U.S. military launched missiles." But for this, Tom and Ron are very helpless.

Although the United States has a high degree of justice, the military is never within this scope. And they don't have access to military information. Besides, the military can modify the information at any time.

"What about that?" Li Rui and others asked urgently.

"Rest assured, we have invited the most authoritative Engineer in the United States, who will judge whether the explosion of the Boeing 767 will collapse the White House through computer simulation." Ron disdains to say.

According to the information provided by the prosecution to the defense (RON), a violent explosion occurred after the plane crash, and the air wave overturned several support pillars of the White House, resulting in the collapse of the White House.

"Well, you don't have to worry about the evidence. Now I'm talking about image. " Ron clapped his hands to attract people's attention.

"The statue of liberty and the White House are sacred to Americans. There is no doubt that Lin Feng did destroy the statue of liberty, and it has nothing to do with the destruction of the White House. Now the vast majority of Americans have a very bad impression of him, and even hate him. You know, in the case of ambiguous evidence, the jury's personal preferences will determine everything. " Ron worries.

Now Lin Feng, for most Americans, is a murderer who has destroyed the spiritual and political symbols of the United States. If you don't change Lin Feng's image and go to court, I'm afraid it's really bad.

"Angel, what's up? What's up with the mock jury?" Asked Ron.

Angel is a blonde, another partner of Ron's senior law firm. Although she is not good at defense, she is good at dealing with other things in defense.

"Boss, I can't. Lin Feng's image is too bad. The first complaint is that we can win, but the second one is that we are more than 90% likely to fail. " Angel shook her head.

"Well, I need your help now. I want to make Lin Feng a hero who took the plane from the robbers and saved 267 passengers in three days. Change the American people's impression of him. " Ron said excitedly. He is good at playing with the media and public opinion. Every time he manipulates the media and public opinion, he always feels very excited.

"Prince William, your identity and status will be our greatest assurance of success." Ron was very glad that Prince William would be on this flight. He has come forward to prove that Lin Feng's image will be completely changed. But Ron's only worry is whether Prince William will come out in public.

"Well, don't worry, Ron. Lin Feng is my friend and he saved my life. I'll be happy to help you with that. " Prince William is not vague.

"Well, let's find some honest and reliable witnesses with ordinary appearance to prove it for Lin Feng." Ron clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I hope I can help, too. " A sexy blonde came in.

"Jessica!" Prince William said in surprise.

Jessica smiles from Prince William.

"Oh, you can't. You're an actor, and you're beautiful. Lin Feng is the richest man in Chinese mainland. You will make many people think you are giving evidence for Lin Feng's money. Ron looks at Jessica and shakes his head.

Jessica was stunned. She didn't realize that beauty is not always a good thing.

"What about him?" Li Rui and others have a look at Prince William. Since Ron says sexy Jessica can't do it, can't Prince William be handsome and elegant?

"He's different. He is the prince of England, and the British royal family has a special feeling in the hearts of Americans. And although Prince William's appearance is very handsome, but it makes people feel very kind. On the contrary, Jessica, you're so beautiful, you're in good shape, you make people jealous. " Ron explained with a smile.

Jessica looked helpless.

"Maybe I can help, too." A little bit old, but still full of air voice said.

The crowd looked back.

Jessica exclaimed!

"Mr. Spielberg, why are you here?" Jessica exclaimed.

It's no one else. It's Steven Spielberg, the Hollywood director. Director of the "great white shark", "E.T.," Jurassic Park "," save Private Ryan "and other works.

"Oh, Jessica, I just happened to be on this flight. Of course, I was in business class, so you didn't find me. I'm glad Mr. Lin saved me this time, otherwise I'm afraid I'll go to see God. " Spielberg laughs.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, Steven!" Ron and Spielberg shake hands warmly. They met because of a lawsuit. In fact, in the United States, especially in the middle and upper classes, there are really few people Ron doesn't know. After all, the richer people are, the more lawyers they need. Especially in the United States, a country with highly developed lawyer industry, Ron is one of the most famous law firms in the United States.

100% Innocent -- the Savior of countless rich people, the slogan hated by the judicial department.

"Ron, you're a lawyer. Defense is your specialty. But how to build a hero is my strong point. " Spielberg said with pride.

"Ha ha, it's up to you." Ron was laughing. With Spielberg, there is no need to worry about Lin Feng's image.

"However, making such a promotional film, plus computer special effects, will be completed in three days, and the cost is not small." Spielberg made up his mind to make the hijacking into a short film, so as to create momentum for Lin Feng and make him a hero.

"Don't worry. How much do you want?" Li Rui replied.

"It's just a short film. It costs between $1 million and $2 million. But it will cost millions or even tens of millions of dollars to buy TV channels later. " Spielberg said.

"Yes, we'll give you the cost later, and we'll give you the publicity fee as soon as possible." Zheng Zha nodded to Li Rui. This time, the amount of money invested in the U.S. stock index futures by Lin Feng is 700 million yuan, which has now become 500 million US dollars. There's absolutely no problem with money.

Spielberg nodded, then rushed to Jessica and Prince William and said, "I hope you can be true actors in this film, too."

"No problem." They nodded.

"Well, I'll leave first. I'll see you when we're done. " Spielberg left with Jessica and Prince William( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)