Lin Feng glanced at the crowd and motioned them to express their views on Minh's idea. Although Lin Feng highly appreciated the plan, he still understood the reason of brainstorming. What's more, if you always say the same thing, it will certainly be a big blow to the top management of the company.

"I agree. If this plan is successful, I believe that "World War" will become the most successful game in history Cui Ming was the first to agree, "as for the capital, I believe that" all star lineup of jinwutuan "will definitely bring the company huge profits beyond imagination."

Cui Mingze's attitude is also that of several other ministers. We all play games. It's always a pleasure to see an excellent work come out.

"I agree in principle, but if we follow Minh's plan, I'm afraid the development of world war will cost more than $1 billion." After careful calculation, Wu Zhaopu frowned.

One billion dollars to develop a game, this is not only unprecedented, I'm afraid there will be no future. But can the "second world" capital chain support the development of this game? In history, too many companies have exhausted their funds because of their grand plans, which eventually led to their decline or even extinction. Wu Zhaopu does not want the "second world" to follow suit.

Wu Zhaopu's worries are also those of Lin Feng. At that time, the "apple" company was not like this. The "LISA Database", which was painstakingly developed, not only exhausted the capital of "apple", but also because the price was too expensive, no one paid attention to it—— Even Americans can't afford it, let alone other countries in the world. In the end, "apple" began to decline because of this.

One billion dollars to develop a game. If it's spread, Lin Feng can be sure that all the newspapers and magazines in the world will have only one title - "Crazy" second world "tomorrow.

But this plan is really tempting. When playing games, you can visit all the major cities in the world, and you can destroy them wantonly. It's really tempting.

As soon as Wu Zhaopu looks at Lin Feng's eyes, he knows that he will suffer. My young boss must be falling into the illusion of a bright future again. It is true that this idea is very attractive, and Wu Zhaopu himself is looking forward to it. However, there is no doubt that the demand for funds for this idea is too huge, which is an absolute heavy burden on the "second world".

"Mr. Lin, there is not only a financial problem, but also a problem. Even if we develop it, can the player's computer bear it? Can the computer configuration in three years be able to withstand such game requirements? Three dimensional holographic maps of major cities around the world, what kind of computer configuration is needed to play the game Wu Zhaopu thought about it and tried to persuade Lin Feng from another angle.

There was a moment of meditation. Indeed, if the game is developed, but the player's computer can not run, it is undoubtedly a tragic thing.

With a long sigh, Minh Le knows that this idea may be stranded. World war can only get rid of these ideas. Although without these plans, Minh Le believes that world war will still be the best game, but it is full of regret.

Lin Feng is also a meditation. In terms of capital, Lin Feng believes that he is still able to solve the problem. At most, he can inject capital again. But if the player's computer doesn't support it, Lin Feng won't be able to. Lin Feng can't give every player who plays "World War" a computer that can support "World War". It's more crazy, and it's impossible to implement it.

"Du, Du, Du" Lin Feng's fingers kept knocking on the table. The conference room was quiet, and everyone was waiting for Lin Feng's final ruling.

Lin Feng is searching for the future direction of computer development in his mind. I'm afraid that such games can only run with "dual core" at least. The graphics card should be at least equipped with ATI 4850 or gt9800, and it will take at least 5-7 years. After 5-7 years, Lin Feng felt that it was too long for him to launch "World War II". What's more, it's a grind to have an excellent idea and plan, but it can't be implemented.

Wait—— It suddenly occurred to Lin Feng that today's computer hardware manufacturers, such as "Intel", do not lack more advanced technology. It is only for the sake of interests that they delay the sale of new hardware. Think about "at the beginning", if it was not for AMD and its competition, I am afraid that the CPU of "Pentium 4" now used does not know when it will be available.

In my memory, AMD's real rise depends on the "64bit" processor to become a company that can threaten "Intel". However, in the past few years, "amd" has taken many detours, even wrong paths. If you can disclose the development direction of "CPU" to "amd" in the next few years, then "amd" can also avoid detours, pull "Intel" out of the world ahead of time, and detonate fierce CPU competition ahead of time. At that time, "Intel" will have to fight, and I'm afraid the "dual core" era may come.

Lin Feng remembers that "Intel" said that the market determines the sales volume, the sales volume determines the price, the price determines the profit, and the profit determines the technological innovation.

When a product is profitable, there will be no new technology. Only when profits are weak, manufacturers will continue to develop new technologies and seize new markets. This is a cycle!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng has an idea!

"I ~ ~" Lin Feng opened his mouth and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Technically, I don't think it's a problem. The development of computers is always changing with each passing day. I believe that after the world war was developed, the computer configuration at that time will be able to meet the needs. And this time we cooperate with Blizzard to develop a new engine technology, I believe that the optimization will be greatly enhanced. Can greatly reduce the game on the computer configuration requirements Lin Feng said firmly.

The crowd was slightly stunned. However, the development of computer hardware is always beyond people's imagination. No one knows what the future will be.

"Lin Dong..." conservative Wu Zhaopu still wants to dissuade.

"Well, Minh, do what you say. However, when I entrust other companies to make 3D holographic maps, I want the full copyright of 3D holographic maps. This is handled by President Wu, who is responsible for contacting relevant companies and negotiating. " Lin Feng said.

Seeing that Lin Feng had agreed, Wu Zhaopu had no choice but to accept it. Although he still has many worries about this plan, he hopes that Lin Feng's decision is right.

"In addition, Mr. Wu, you can negotiate with the governments of various countries first. On the yellow pages of the governments of various countries, there must be maps of cities. We can promise to help them design three-dimensional holographic maps. In this way, we may be able to pass on the cost of the three-dimensional holographic map to the governments of various countries, and perhaps make a profit. " Lin Feng joked.

Everyone's eyes brightened. In this Internet age, in the future, countries and cities will surely make three-dimensional holographic maps to meet the needs of people from other cities. This is a business opportunity. Since we have to do it sooner or later, we might as well do it by our own company.

The public breathed a sigh of relief. It would be great if the problem of funds could be solved. As for the technical problems, even if the players can't play, the most important thing is to delay for a few years at most.

Naturally, Minh was the happiest, but after solving the problem, he had an idea in his mind.

"Boss, I propose to increase the flexibility of the characters in World War." Minh said.

The crowd was stunned again.

"The" World War "we are developing now is modeled on the" anti terrorist elite ", but in the" World War "game, I think a single jump and squat can not meet the needs of players, there are more actions: such as climbing, crawling, lying down and so on. But it's a brand new action system. My development team is not good at it. I like boss. You can buy a similar company and join in to help us develop world war. And now the members of the development department are still too few and the progress is too slow. " Minh said.

A few big game development department minister a surprise, this is a good idea, can further increase the interest of the game.

"But will it make the operation of the game too difficult?" Lin Feng asked.

"We can simplify it. We don't need to be as complicated as an action game. We just need to enrich the necessary body movements available in the battlefield." Minh said.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Well, Minh, I want to ask, if you add these, how much do you estimate the cost of game development?" Wu Zhaopu asked helplessly.

"Well, I'm afraid the budget will increase by about 10% at this point." Minh said with a little shame.

The crowd was shocked.

"Well, let's put it this way. Anyway, we don't care if we have more than one billion, but in that case, we must pursue perfection and make world war the most successful game in history. If you fail, Minh, we'll throw you in the Pacific and let you swim back to the United States. " Lin Feng joked.

"Sure!" Minh nodded heavily.

"How is anti terrorism elite online currently running?" Lin Feng asked again.

"At present, the highest number of people online has exceeded 4 million, and the average number of people online is 1.2 million. Moreover, several other Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand and so on, have also sent us letters of consultation and accession. " Wu Zhaopu said.

"Well, as long as the other party's conditions permit, let it join. The more countries you join, the more popular the game is. " Lin Feng nodded.

So do people. The ranking of China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan is very popular now, but as time goes on, people will get tired of it. The more countries there are, the fiercer the competition will be.

"Mr. Lin, we have developed a new expansion for" anti terrorism elite online "and have been able to upgrade the game." Minh said confidently.

He is very confident in this new expansion( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)