After they were seated, Wang Hai glanced around.

"Everyone, it's time for us to say hello to little Japan!" Wang Hai showed a bloody smile at the corner of his mouth.

The crowd cheered. He attacked Scoville Enix's website for the first time, and hacked Japan's "Yasukuni Shrine" website, which was written in Chinese characters - if you want to fight, then fight.

"Bagaya road!" Hotan Yang saw his website was hacked, on the spot angry, these hackers but he hired a lot of money, actually let his website was hacked.

Many hackers are also helpless. Just now they are making the final preparations before the war. They just don't pay attention. What's more, for them, the task is to break through the website of Linfeng company. As for whether Yoichi Hotan's website is hacked, they really don't care.

Under the full defense of Japanese hackers, the website of "Yasukuni Shrine" was restored five minutes later, but at the moment, all the pictures and materials in the website of "Yasukuni Shrine" have been deleted. The hackers worshipped by the "Yasukuni Shrine" were angry and attacked on the spot.

The first hacker war between China and Japan began,

In a small "second world" office building specially rented by Lin Feng for these hackers, Wang Hai, the top five hackers, and other hackers are waiting. Just now, they once again hacked Scoville Enix and Yasukuni Shrine, which is abhorrent to China, and deleted the list of 2.5 million warmongers from the website database. I believe it will certainly cause a counterattack from Japanese hackers.

This time, Wang Hai and others suffered too much from passive defense. Therefore, their plan is to defend and counterattack, find out the real address of the Japanese hackers, and then use the improved version of "CIH" virus, which once made the world turn pale, to hack their computers, destroy their hardware, and even use high-frequency sound waves to directly harm the human body.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the tide of attacks came, and various means of attack emerged one after another. However, in the afternoon, after Li Yuan replaced the newly developed firewall for all the companies under Lin Feng, these attacks were blocked outside the firewall, and zhongshentong Xiaorong and others began to trace the addresses of Japanese hackers while plugging the leak.

"Bagaya road!" A room in Japan, a room of Japanese, repeatedly clamour. They have just used various means, but they can't find out the loopholes of Lin Feng's company's website, let alone access the website, and even the outermost firewall can't be broken.

What firewall! Many hackers frown. However, to be a hacker, the first key is patience and not to be discouraged. Japanese hackers are still patiently looking for loopholes in Lin Feng's company.

Japanese hackers were shocked, but domestic folk experts were shocked. Only Huang Xin, who was once one of the top five hackers in China, was not surprised. He also participated in the testing and design of the firewall installed by Li Yuan, covering almost all known vulnerabilities, which is absolutely difficult to break by ordinary means.

Li Yuan called it the wall of sighs.

However, what makes Huang Xin and others frown is that it is not easy to find out the hacker's real address. The hacker's real address is very deep, and it may not be possible to find it in a short time.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

"Well, is the second world affected?" The battle between hackers is invisible. It only exists between lines of data. Since Lin Feng hired them, he gave them full power. Lin Feng is concerned about whether the four games currently operated by "second world" will be affected.

"No problem," he said. "The second world game uses" cloud computing "to share part of the data flow among the players' computers. Therefore, this amount of attack can not paralyze our company's games. Of course, the player slightly affected by the point is inevitable, but still within the acceptable range Wang Hai explained.

Lin Feng nodded.

Time flies by.

The Sino Japanese hacking war has lasted for three days, and both sides have nothing to do with each other. Japanese hackers scanned all the websites of Lin Feng's company for three days, but Lin Feng's company firewall was as solid as gold, occasionally showing a flaw, which was immediately blocked by Wang Hai and others, and even several times their real address was almost discovered by zhongshentong Xiaorong and others.

However, Lin Feng's hackers didn't make much progress, and the other side was also very cunning. They constantly used "golden cicada out of shell" and "Li daitaojiang" to make Wang Hai and others fight again and again.

In the past three days, the only feeling of domestic netizens is that the normal browsing of the Internet seems to be slowing down. Whether it's downloading or opening the network window, it's obviously delayed than before. This is naturally the reason why a large number of network garbage was blocked during the Sino Japanese hacker war.

But three days later, day and night defense, although adopted rotation, but Huang Xin and others have been exhausted. Wang Hai is good. He is a soldier. This is nothing. He is still energetic.

The same is true of the Japanese hackers. Although the Japanese have been using milk for more than ten years, their height has really risen, but their physique is not so easy to change, and many hackers are unbearable.

"Akita Jun, we can't go on like this. If we go on like this, our bodies will collapse before we break the website." A hacker with a tired face complained like Akita Jun, the person in charge of the operation.

Akita Jun night is frowning, so go on naturally not. And these hackers can't always get together, and Yoichi HOTA won't always pay for them.

We have to change the way—— Akita Jun hammered the table hard.

"Changing goals, they are not shrinking in that firewall, we do not attack, to attack other * * sites, I do not believe that we have broken all the Chins website, they are still shrinking." After several days of fighting, Akita Jun and others also realized that the opponent this time might be the master of Chinese hackers. Since they shrink, let them not shrink.

Three minutes later, a large game website in China was hacked.

Five minutes later, an alumni network was hacked.

Ten minutes later, a game operator was hacked, the entire online game was paralyzed, and there were signs that the database had been invaded.

The attack continues

The whole Chinese Internet industry is in an uproar. It's the first time for such a large-scale invasion. Previously, I only heard about the term hacker. For most netizens, hackers, like the distant fairy nebula, only exist in the introduction, but now they really happen in front of us. Let all netizens a little confused, especially the users of the hacked websites, are constantly complaining, denouncing these hackers, calling on Chinese hackers where, why not fight back.

The hacked websites strongly denounce this kind of unethical hacking behavior, but they just recovered and took back the control of the website. In a flash, they were hacked again, which made the bosses of these network companies angry, but they didn't have any talents in this field at all. Want to hire, only to find that China's hacker experts suddenly disappeared in an instant, this is to feel the unusual event.

"Haige, it can't go on like this. Little Japan is humiliating us." When the first Chinese website was hacked, they couldn't help trying to teach the Japanese a lesson and hack their website. But it was stopped by Wang Hai. For Wang Hai, his primary goal is to ensure the safety of Lin Feng's companies, and other domestic companies are not under his protection. It's just that little Japan is so arrogant. It's really hateful and hateful. And we can't let little Japan toss about in China.

"Li Yuan, Huang Xin and I are in charge of defense. You attack." Wang Hai thought about it and finally gave the order. What's the face of being humiliated and not fighting back? Where is the dignity of Chinese hackers!

Zhongshentong Xiaorong gets the order, cheers, tools appear frequently, all kinds of broilers activate one after another, and begins to attack Japanese websites.

A minute later, the newly restored "Yasukuni Shrine" was blacked out again, with a big red letter written on it - "blood debt, blood payment".

Three minutes later, the website of the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence was hacked, which caused a big wave of exaggeration in Japan.

At the first time, the official spokesman of Japan made a strong speech: these hacker attacks are malicious provocations to the Japanese government, and threatened to be punished.

At the same time, the official spokesman of Yasukuni Shrine also came forward to speak: these attacks are not only regarded as attacks on 2.5 million "Heroes" who died for the country, but also as malicious challenges to Japan. We should let the Japanese know that the attack on Yasukuni shrine is a despicable act of terrorism against Internet technology and social order. I hope all the Japanese will resist this aggression together.

At this time, domestic and Japanese Netizens found that China and Japan are engaged in a hacker war.

Zhongshentong Xiaorong and others continue to attack Japanese websites. Since they can't find out the addresses of Japanese hackers and can't protect domestic websites, they can only vent their anger on Japanese websites.

Witnessing that domestic websites have been hacked repeatedly, Akita Jun is not afraid of anything, but shows a look of joy.

"Well, shanshang, have you found out the loophole? Most of their main force should be attacking our websites. This is our opportunity. " Akita asked.

"Sorry, not yet, but my software speculates that this firewall can be broken through by the tide attack, forcing it to be paralyzed." The mountain said.

"Go on." Akita asked.

"As long as there are more than 100000 attacks per second, this firewall can be paralyzed and broken through. But now our peak attacks can only reach 50000 per second, and the number of machines is not enough. " The mountain says helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, let all the chickens help, and see if other countries have friends to help." Akita Jun said.

"Yes." The mountain immediately began to contact.

Akita Jun listened to the news that Japanese domestic websites were hacked, and his face was more insidious.

"All right, stop. That's enough." Wang Hai ordered.

Zhongshentong Xiaorong and others frown, they just attack the fun, did not expect Wang Hai actually let them stop.

"Wait, Haige, I'll stop when I hack Panasonic's website." Zhongshentong Xiaorong said.

Other dongxie Gong Wei, Nandi Xie Chaoxia and Beigai Wan Tao also continued to attack the website.

Wang Hai frowned and sighed in his heart. Folk experts are like this, it is difficult to ban, this is their advantages and disadvantages.

At this moment, the computer suddenly called the police.

Wang Hai immediately looked at the screen and exclaimed.

"Stop, Japan is attacking us again." Wang Haili drinks.

When Xiao Rong and others heard that they had been attacked, they quickly withdrew the attack and retreated. However, this attack by little Japan was unexpectedly powerful. The number of attacks per second rose sharply, approaching 80000. This is 4.8 million attacks per minute, far exceeding the record of 900000 attacks per minute during the Sino US war in 2001.

The five top experts have a good look on their faces. I didn't expect that little Japan's attack was so fierce.

"Haige, no, the wall of sighs can only withstand 100000 attacks per second at most. Once it exceeds 100000 attacks, the firewall will collapse. This is also the weakness of this firewall. " Li Yuan has a worried face.

This time, he, Wang Hai and Huang Xin have combined the advantages of all firewalls in the world. The "wall of sighing" designed by him has such a weakness. Once the number of attacks exceeds the upper limit, it will collapse immediately. It is an irreconcilable weakness. Of course, for personal computers, this is not a weakness. After all, few personal computers can withstand so many attacks.

The crowd was in a daze and didn't understand why the Japanese hackers suddenly attacked so quickly.

"Damn, they must have contacted hackers from other countries." Xiaorong, the magic power of China, scolds.

The others echoed. They did not fight with other countries once or twice, but it was the first time for them to launch such a fierce attack.

"Well, the firewall is going to crash, and everyone is ready to resist the invasion." Wang Hai went to interrupt people's complaints and said calmly.

All of them were drunk by Wang Hai, and they suddenly woke up. They all went into combat. I'm afraid this attack will be the most difficult one in their hacking career.

"Xiaorong, you don't want to defend, you go to find their address." Wang Hai suddenly said.

"You can attack, you can defend. If we can't attack and just defend, sooner or later we will be attacked. So we have to find their address. " Wang Haishen said again, "you have the strongest ability in this respect. I believe you should be able to find out their address."

Xiao Rong, the magic power of China, takes a breath. It's the first time that he has been entrusted so much. However, he is confident that he will show his flaws under such a strong attack.

A minute later, the "wall of sighs" disappeared like the sunshine from the twelve gold saints. The website of Lin Feng's company was exposed to hackers.

Wang Hai and others breathing for one turbid, no firewall, it is up to them to defend. Instantly bear the opponent's full attack, almost let everyone a little collapse, fortunately we are all experts, after the initial confusion, they adapt.

The Japanese side finally broke through the damned firewall and cheered. The attack was more fierce and the software that pressed the bottom of the box was taken out.

Attack and defense are still going on, but Wang Hai and others are under more and more pressure, but everyone is gritting their teeth and waiting for Xiao Rong's news.

"Found it!" Xiaorong cheered, while the other side to attack, he finally found out the real IP address of the other side, but let him headache is, his side at the moment has no ability to fight back. If Wang Hai and others fight back, I'm afraid Lin Feng's company website will be broken through. Even if they all hacked each other's computers, as long as Lin Feng's personal website was hacked, it would be a failure.

Wang Hai and others are helpless. Now they have no choice but to defend with all their strength. But now it seems that full defense is a problem.

Akita Jun received the message that the real address was detected, and didn't care. The attack power of Xiaorong alone can't break through their defense line.

Now my address has been found by you, what can you do for me—— Akita Jun said sarcastically.

"I can't keep it!" Wan Tao, the northern beggar, was the first to call Ji. He is responsible for the "starting point Chinese network" and "starting point fast food restaurant" has been in danger.

Wang Hai wanted to ask others to help, but now everyone is like this, and no one can help. Even Wang Hai himself and Li Yuan are in a big hurry to defend the "second world".

Give up the pawn to protect the car! There has to be a trade-off.

Lin Feng sighed, as if it could only be so.

"It seems that you are in trouble. I think I can help you." A voice sounded( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)