This Chinese mainland game player, Iwata So, is a sneering at little knowledge and small cheap. Under the hot news of many American journalists, he has been posted to the Chinese mainland through the internet almost instantly in the presence of American journalists. Chinese mainland game player's disdain for Iwata So's tone is strongly aroused by the protests of game player in China. Most angry netizens even shouted out the declaration of boycotting Japanese goods, and created "boycott of Japanese goods" through the post bar of Baidu and QQ group of Tencent.

Naturally, this speech of Iwata Cong also spread to Lin Feng for the first time. Lin Feng despised Iwata Cong's argument. It's clear that you can't eat grapes because they are sour. However, looking at the indignation of domestic players, although Lin Feng was indignant, he sighed helplessly.

Boycott Japanese goods—— easier said than done!

Lin Feng used to be the "number one fighter" of "boycotting Japanese goods", and was jokingly called the modern version of "Qi Jiguang" by the domestic "Anti Japanese" media (which means a bit to belittle Japan. In the era of Qi Jiguang, Japan became Japanese pirates). But in fact, although Lin Feng in the media, get a large number of netizens response, but in fact little effect.

At that time, Lin Feng's brain was full of blood and indignant thoughts. In the face of major media or major occasions, Lin Feng lost no time to promote patriotism and appeal for boycotting Japanese goods. Indeed, at first, relying on Lin Feng's huge popularity, many netizens chose to reject Japanese products spontaneously, which made the products of major Japanese companies unsalable in China.

However, with the major protests of Japanese companies, the promotion of local governments, and the criticism of major experts (criticizing Lin Feng's untimely remarks, believing that he is undermining the development of the motherland), as well as the boycott of Japanese products, which is a hard and long road, it naturally faded down in the end. Up to now, those who should use Japanese products are still using Japanese products, those who should watch Japanese animation are still looking after them, and those who should play Japanese games are still playing according to them.

At first, Lin Feng didn't understand why and how. The war of aggression against China 65 years ago, and the Japanese's ravages on the Chinese people, did these experts forget? Can local governments ignore the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese in China!

At the beginning, Lin Feng didn't understand, but now with the gradual improvement of Lin Feng's wealth and status, he also gradually understood. Obviously, China is a developing country, while Japan is the second largest economy in the world. If China wants to develop faster, it can't do without Japan as a trading partner. At present, China is Japan's second largest trading country (second only to the United States), with a trade deficit of 2.7986 trillion yen (about 200 billion yuan). If there is a similar trade dispute with Japan, I'm afraid no one would like to see this trade deficit of 2.7986 trillion yen. At least, in the era of economic leadership, no one is willing to bear the loss.

Moreover, Japanese companies investing in China also employ a large number of Chinese employees. If these companies withdraw their capital, the consequences will be unimaginable. At least the local governments can't bear, or perhaps don't want to bear the responsibility. Therefore, for the original appeal of Lin Feng, local governments and experts have come out to attack Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng has been ridiculed by local governments for a long time.

The same is true this time. In the face of Iwata's speech, although the netizens were very happy, the local governments stood by coldly. As for some experts, they also jumped out again, calling on many netizens to calm down and not be used by intentional people to undermine Sino Japanese friendship. And a professor named Ge Hongbing even stood up for Japan and wrote a book "don't demonize Japan any more".

At the beginning of the book, it says, "the day before yesterday, I talked with Mike, an American, about China's hatred of Japan on the Internet. Mike didn't understand it. He said that in the Pearl Harbor incident, Americans have been deeply hurt by Japan. However, no Americans will hate the Japanese now. On the contrary, Americans are reflecting on whether the two atomic bombs of the United States are really necessary to push so many Japanese civilians to death, and whether the way Americans fight should reflect on themselves and apologize to the Japanese people. "

As for the contents of Ge Hongbing's book, many netizens who have bought it can't help tearing it to pieces after reading only a few pages. The contents of this book are really confusing right and wrong, confusing black and white, forgetting one's ancestors, worshiping foreign countries and flattering foreign countries. What's more, they challenge and slander the justice of China's Anti Japanese war.

Many netizens denounced Ge Hongbing as a traitor and a running dog of Japanese. Many angry netizens even directly asked after all Ge Hongbing's maternal relatives.

As for the abuse of many netizens, Professor Ge Hongbing openly appeared on a talk column of Shanghai Oriental TV station about Sino Japanese Friendship with a look of justice and for the people.

"I don't know why so many young Chinese hate and demonize the Japanese. I think it's a morbid state, a narrow and extreme hysterical nationalist complex. It's not good for China, which is developing now, and it's not good for China's future. We should face up to Sino Japanese relations and stop vilifying the Japanese. For these netizens, especially those who abuse my ancestors and relatives, I can only say that they are too ignorant! " Ge Hongbing "filled with righteous indignation" and "awe inspiring righteousness" patted the table, as if to wake up the people.

The scene was booed. However, Professor Ge Hongbing took out a cold attitude towards Qianfu finger, and bravely faced the boos of the audience, with a posture of "you and other angry youths".

The host frowned slightly. The host, who has just turned 30 this year, is not as hostile to Japan as the young people in their 10's and 20's, but he has no good feelings for the Japanese, or even a sense of trust and respect. After hearing Ge Hongbing's argument, the host of Ge Hongbing, who worships foreign countries and exonerates Japan, instinctively feels uncomfortable and even wants to refute it, arguing for the Chinese compatriots killed and injured in the Anti Japanese war in the past, and for those lovely Chinese netizens who are willing to boycott Japanese goods spontaneously.

But as a host, he can't refute Ge Hongbing himself, otherwise the program will not be able to go on. However, although he could not refute Ge Hongbing, another guest could. He believes that this man will surely refute Ge Hongbing, who is full of Sino Japanese friendship and Japanese friendliness and kindness.

This person is no other than Lin Feng, the symbol of Shanghai, the creator of the Chinese dream, the "King" of online game industry, and one of the richest three people in Asia and the world.

Lin Feng appeared on the scene with a smile in the host's powerful, appealing and sonorous introduction. The scene was filled with cheers and applause. Lin Feng has always been the "number one fighter" who boycotts Japanese goods. He is known as the modern version of "Qi Jiguang". When Lin Feng appears at this moment, he can naturally refute this traitor running dog who is full of Sino Japanese friendship and long live Japan!

Ge Hongbing frowned slightly. He didn't expect that this talk show about Sino Japanese friendship would bring Lin Feng, such a super young rich man, to China. For Lin Feng, Ge Hongbing is naturally like thunder. Of course, I've heard the name of Lin Feng's modern version of Qi Jiguang. It's obviously not good for Shanghai Oriental TV station to bring him here.

Hum, in terms of making money, you are far better than me, but in terms of eloquence and knowledge, you are just a weak child. How can you compare with me—— Ge Hongbing twisted his head slightly, glanced at Lin Feng, snorted, then turned his head and stopped looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw Ge Hongbing like this. Although he was slightly angry, he was not annoyed. This kind of person who has no sense of propriety and shame and forgets his ancestors is not worth Lin Feng's anger. What's more, you can kill people without a knife and curse people without a mouth.

Take advantage!

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly at dozens of audience members. He spread his hands and mouth to ge Hongbing, who pretended to be cool and handsome. The audience was dissatisfied with Ge Hongbing for a long time, and most of them were young people. They immediately understood him and began to coax him

Ge Hongbing heard the noise of the scene, his eyebrows and beards flew together, his forehead was blue, and he thought how he had ever suffered such humiliation. Today, he's here for the face of Shanghai Oriental TV station. Of course, also by the way to promote his "don't demonize Japan" this book. Unexpectedly, he suffered from such leisure. At present, looking at Lin Feng's eyes is not right.

Ge Hongbing was a little bit bigger than Lin Feng, and he was more than ten years older than Lin Feng. He was young and strong. At present, the fire on the tengtengteng up, want to teach this "self righteous", "grandstanding" young rich. However, the body shape just moved, the corner of the eyes of the remaining light will be turned to the backstage passage of a few burly bodyguards.

Now Ge Hongbing's heart is cold. Lin Feng is now the richest man in Asia and has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. This has also made the eight bodyguards around Lin Feng the focus of attention. In a good reporter's investigation, the identity of the eight bodyguards are generally clear.

Among the eight bodyguards, two are from the special brigade of Beijing Military Region, two are from the "northeast tiger" special unit of Shenyang Military Region, three are from the "flying dragon" special unit of Nanjing Military Region, and one is from the most mysterious "sword" special unit (the military region is unknown, and it is speculated that the special unit is aimed at Taiwan). Of course, although they are all veterans, there is no doubt about their strength. According to the assessment of some good military experts from the outside world, a small charge team composed of these eight people can completely break down the establishment of a battalion.

Thinking of this, Ge Hongbing felt cold. He wants to rush up impulsively. I'm afraid that before he gets close to Lin Feng, he has been knocked down by Lin Feng's bodyguards.

After thinking about it, Ge Hongbing shrunk his head and sat back. Damn it, let's see how we can refute your narrow national complex—— Ge Hongbing thought angrily( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)