On February 6, 2004, just after the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, the trial of "Baidu earth" infringing on "Google Earth" attracted the attention of the global IT community opened as scheduled. And because "Google" is booming in the United States, and Lin Feng's high-profile declaration of war, this case that has attracted people's attention is even more concerned.

Focus! This is indeed a focus of contention, which may change the future development of the network industry! If "Google" wins, it will continue to consolidate the absolute position of "Google" in the search engine market, and take down the strongest challenger in history, which is enough to deter any other competitors who want to challenge the authority of "Google". After all, "Baidu portal" is now the third largest search engine company in the world (juxtaposed with "MSN" of "Microsoft"), and behind it is Lin Feng, the young richest man in the super world who has repeatedly created impatience. The significance of "Google" beating "Baidu portal" can be described as far-reaching. Especially for the American media and Lin Feng's competitors, once Lin Feng fails this time, it will always create miracles, and the "miracle" of repeatedly winning in the market will be destroyed.

You know, along the way, Lin Feng's rising speed is too fast, too fast, and its development is too smooth. In the eyes of Westerners, it seems that God is on Lin Feng's side, which virtually puts a heavy shackle on Lin Feng's many competitors. You know, in the face of an opponent who even God is on his side, no one is uneasy. If Lin Feng fails this time, once this "aura of God" is broken, maybe Lin Feng will usher in wave after wave of "offensive".

If "Baidu portal" wins and then seizes the global search engine market, Lin Feng's "aura of God" will be more dazzling, his market myth will continue, and the power of "the second Consortium" will be more expanded. I'm afraid that in the future, the global network world will become Lin Feng's world. Of course, the most important thing is that the pressure on Lin Feng's competitors is even greater. After all, in the search engine market, even "Google", the super local leader, can't reach Lin Feng's tentacles, so can others compete with Lin Feng? If Lin Feng extends his tentacles to other fields in the future, how should they deal with it?

Naturally, in such a high-profile debate, the number of people who attended the court on that day not only set a record in California, but also filled the whole court, and even temporarily increased many seats. All the people who attended the court were business giants without exception. In this way, we can see jobs of apple, Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Yang Zhiyuan of Yahoo, Ginny lomanty of IBM, Peter Moore of EA and so on. This is why the court has temporarily increased the number of seats in the audience. They are all giants, and the court has to give them face.

They came here for only one purpose, and they want to witness the fight for power in the IT network industry. No matter which side wins, it will change the development of the Internet industry and affect the future plans of these companies. Of course, in the minds of many giants, the final winners of this focus fight also have their own scales, with different interests and few supporters. But most people's point of view is the same, the best of both! Only when both sides are defeated, can some companies get the most benefits!

Monopoly is good! But if the monopoly is not their own company, but other companies, it is not good. It's better to compete with each other to see who can finally unify the river and lake!

"Ladies and gentlemen, today, the first trial of Google's lawsuit against Baidu earth, a Chinese company called Baidu portal, will be held. And this trial, many company presidents come together, it can be said that the U.S. IT industry is a grand event! " The location host of ABC TV station in the United States stands outside the Supreme Court of California, excitedly reporting to all the American audience with a loud voice to the camera.

Seeing the figures of business giants on TV, the whole United States is boiling. You know, if these giants present today unite to reach an agreement or launch a plan, it will definitely change the future of mankind. Moreover, some media also calculated the assets of the onlookers present today at the fastest speed - 14 billion US dollars! This has exceeded the GDP of many developed countries. According to the 2003 global GDP index just released, today's many giants are enough to rank 10th in the world, surpassing the GPD index of most countries!

Terror! This wealth is absolutely terrible!

At the moment, we are also watching this broadcast from an Arab country.

"Damn it, if you can put a bomb here, the American economy will be ruined!" Said a bearded Arab.

"We can do it next time! It is impossible for such a trial to end soon! " Another man said.

"Come on, we won't have a chance. Don't you see so many policemen around? This time there are so many business giants, how can they not search them thoroughly. If we want to bomb, we're going to be found. Then the target will be exposed! " The bearded Arab shook his head in hatred.

Although he was extremely crazy, he never went crazy to do something impossible. Maybe we can get another plane to hit the court, but after "9.11", it is not so easy to "get" the plane.

Alas, I knew that I would not have launched the "9.11" attack at the beginning. How nice it would have been today—— For the first time, the Arab man who planned "9.11" thought "9.11" was wrong. Although this starting point is a bit wordless!

At this time, Lin Feng and Ellison drove to the gate of California Supreme Court. Just after getting off the bus, he was blocked by a group of reporters.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think of today's trial? Are you confident? "

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me if your company's Baidu earth really plagiarizes Google's Google Earth?"


One by one, Lin Feng was hit by problems. Looking at the microphone full of eyes, and hundreds of reporters, Lin Feng slightly shrunk his mouth. It seems that today's court trial is really lively. Not only did the reporters come so many times, but they were the same camp as the reporters when they were accused by the U.S. government on September 11, which really surprised Lin Feng.

Actually, it's normal. At the beginning, the "9.11" made the whole United States extremely sad, but most people knew that Lin Feng could not be the "9.11" attacker, and the U.S. government just wanted to get a scapegoat. This time, it's different. Lin Feng is now the richest man in the world, and "Google" is the representative of the new "American Dream". The collision of these two powers is enough to make all Americans curious. Especially different from "9.11", this event is easier for journalists to play a little bit. After all, a disaster, no matter how to write, is to sprinkle salt on the wound, and this kind of commercial confrontation, that can be written too much.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the scale of reporters in the two trials is the same.

With the help of Li Rui and others, Lin Feng and Ellison cut a trail of blood from many reporters and walked into the isolation circle surrounded by many American police. With so many business giants on the scene today, the California police naturally have to be on high alert. In case of any terrorist attack on these people, it will cause a very heavy blow to the entire U.S. economy and even the world economy, which is absolutely more painful than that of "9.11".

Lin Feng went up to the high platform and looked at the reporters below. After looking at the hundreds of American policemen and the helicopters hovering in the sky, Lin Feng thought about it and made a silent gesture to the reporters below.

Many reporters looked at each other and calmed down. Now that Lin Feng has something to say, they don't have to mumble like this any more. What they want is news and news, but Lin Feng usually likes to give priority to news.

"Dear American journalists, we used to get along very well!" Lin Feng said aloud.

Many reporters under the stage looked at each other. Their relationship with Lin Feng was not harmonious. You know, Lin Feng and Avril beat up the reporters of Washington times at the gate of Washington times, which was the face of all American reporters. Both sides are almost equal enemies. As a result, Lin Feng actually said that the relationship between the two sides had been quite harmonious in the past, which really made many American journalists a little sad.

But if you say harmony, then harmony! As long as there is strong material—— After thinking about it, many American journalists were silent. Anyway, for them, what they want is material. The editor in chief also values the material, but does not look at the person who provides the material and what he has done. It doesn't matter if Lin Feng is a bad man captured by the government. As long as he can provide some information, he is still their "God"!

So from a certain point of view, the journalist is indeed a rather unprincipled profession.

"Dear journalists, first of all, I would like to make one point again. This trial is absolutely groundless by Google. Moreover, I firmly believe that the laws of the United States are fair and will give me justice!" Lin Feng waves and enters the court with Ellison.

"Lin, what are you doing? I feel you have no intention Ellison glanced at Lin Feng and thought.

Lin Feng smiles. This time so many reporters paid attention to this matter, which made Lin Feng think of a plan. A very interesting plan! A plan enough to make "Baidu earth" enter the United States( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)