Is Lin Feng going to play the hero TV series in the cinema—— Ellison was speechless in amazement.

This, this, this is too exaggerated! Is that possible? Even though Ellison is a movie veteran and doesn't know what's in the movie, he knows that it's the first time to show a TV play in the cinema. Will the audience buy it? Will it? You should know that a TV play usually has more than ten or even more than twenty episodes. How long does it take for the audience to watch this episode? What do you think?

One problem after another appeared in Ellison's mind. You know, Lin Feng's resolution is too far off the mark. Although the 1028 cinemas of the two are really short of film sources, is it feasible to show TV series?

Lin Feng smiles.

"Alison, it's true that it's a risk to play a TV play in the cinema, but I don't think it's impossible to give it a try. Because our cinemas are really short of movie sources now. If there is no movie source, the daily maintenance of the cinemas will be a big expense, and there will always be no audience and no movie to watch. As time goes by, when we shoot a movie in the future, the audience will also forget our cinemas. You know, the cinemas under the control of the "Oscar League" have been eyeing us all the time. They won't wait for this opportunity to defeat us. " Lin Feng explained.

Ellison nodded, which he naturally understood, but what he didn't understand was how hero was going to play, and would the audience pay to go to the cinema?

"Ellison, I'm going to play an episode of hero every day, morning, noon and evening. Although this is still unable to meet the normal operating needs of the cinema, it has been able to maintain the minimum operating state. As for whether the audience will pay to go to the cinema, it's very simple. I believe in the charm of hero! This series can definitely attract the audience into the cinema. Of course, the ticket price can't be as high as before. We can reduce the ticket price by half and publicize it to the outside world to give back to the audience. " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Ellison thought about it, and that's all he can do now.

Then, with all the power of himself and Ellison, Lin Feng began to publicize hero through various media. This time, Lin Feng did not publicize hero as a TV play, but as a series of films like Lord of the rings.

Spielberg's hero has a total of 23 episodes, and Lin Feng publicized it as a total of 23 super long and super investment large-scale long film series.

When all the audience heard that Lin Feng company actually launched a 23 part super long film, the whole American film industry was a sensation. You know, there are only about three good-looking film series in Hollywood movies, such as "the matrix", "the Lord of the rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is said that there are also three other horror movies, such as "ghost Street" with four or five films. Although they are all related, they are not as closely related as "the matrix" and "the Lord of the rings".

But now, Lin Feng has announced that this "hero" is actually 23 closely related super long film production, which naturally makes people shocked. It's a little bit shocking!

What kind of movie can I make—— This is the question of all people in the film industry. Of course, TV play can naturally take so long, but that is too much to say about it. Unlike the movie, the essence is condensed and condensed is the essence. Such a long movie series, generally speaking, a movie is 90 minutes, and the 23 movies are 2070 minutes and 34.5 hours long.

Oh, my God, 34.5 hours of movies, how many things do they have to tell. Enough to tell the audience the whole history of the United States. Will the audience be patient to watch it—— All the critics shook their heads. The film critics of the "Oscar League" naturally jumped out one after another. Before "hero" was broadcast, they all denounced this super long film with 23 series, which must be a low-cost and inferior film with slow plot and scattered plot. And we advise the audience who are interested in it not to go to the cinema, even if the ticket price of "forest film projection company" is only half of that of other cinemas.

For the "Oscar League" of these questions, Lin Feng only brought out one person - Spielberg.

In front of the TV cameras, Spielberg only said one thing - none of the films I have ever shot are inferior works. And this "hero" is my most satisfactory work. If there is an audience who goes to the cinema and thinks hero is a bad work, I'll never see Spielberg again!

Boom—— Spielberg's words were like a bolt from the blue. They never expected that Spielberg would have such confidence. You know, even if you are a Hollywood gold medal director, you are so convinced of the success of hero? You know, in the history of American film, there has always been a tradition of bad reputation for sequels. This is 23 super long chapters. Can you guarantee that they are wonderful?

I'd like to see if your hero is really so wonderful—— We will wait and see. If only one of them is not so satisfactory, hum, they will certainly make Spielberg suffer and force him to quit the film industry. Without Spielberg, a single James Cameron can't make it. This is because James Cameron is not a high-yield director like Spielberg. He only made a film in a few years. Although it is wonderful, it is not a good thing for Lin Feng, a film company in urgent need of mass production.

Without Spielberg, Lin Feng's "Lin Feng film festival" would have lost another pillar.

At this time, under the questioning of the "Oscar League" and the tough response of Spielberg, "hero" has become the most anticipated film in the United States. It's not just that the audience wants to see what the longest movie ever will do. What's more, it's about the super powers. Since X-Men, American audiences have been looking forward to super power movies.

Although there used to be superheroes like Superman, Batman and Spiderman, most of them were lone heroes. It's not like there are so many in X-Men, especially these super easy talents are just ordinary people, they have ordinary people's seven emotions and six desires, which makes the American audience look forward to it. After getting used to the movies about superheroes saving the market, American audiences are looking forward to those movies about civilian heroes.

And hero, no doubt, is very much to the taste of most American audiences. Wait, wait, wait for hero.

"Lin, do you really have so much confidence in this hero?" With the release time of hero approaching, Ellison, a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, is also a little nervous. You know, this is not only a bet on his and Lin Feng's future in the film industry, but also on Spielberg's future. For him and Lin Feng, if they fail, they will lose a lot of money, but they can still make a comeback. But if Spielberg loses, he will quit the film industry forever. This is quite a serious problem.

"Allison, don't worry. This is not what I asked Spielberg to say, but what he said. Because he has absolute confidence in his works. Don't worry, although this "hero" is a TV series, it's not too much to say that it's a long film. " Lin Feng smiles with absolute confidence.

You know, when shooting hero, Spielberg had a more thorough understanding of TV series after shooting prison break. Therefore, when taking over the film Hero, Spielberg put forward a request, that is to let him shoot the hero series like a movie. Therefore, originally, Lin Feng worked hard to prepare the script for two seasons, but Spielberg cut it into one season, and removed a lot of lengthy and protracted plots, making it as compact as a movie, making the audience exciting pictures emerge in endlessly.

However, due to Spielberg's love for the works of super powers and his Hollywood filmmaking skills, Spielberg's budget is seriously insufficient. Originally, Lin Feng gave a budget of 20 million US dollars for each episode. This has exceeded the budget cost of most American dramas in the United States, and Lin Feng thinks it's enough to make the audience satisfied with the special effects. But what Spielberg was asking for was $50 million per episode.

$50 million per episode, 23 episodes is $1.15 billion. Spend $1.15 billion on a TV show. Although Lin Feng is rich, he is not so bold. After all, I want to make money when I shoot TV series, not to make money at a loss. Of course, if you have trillions of dollars of wealth in the future, it doesn't matter if you lose money and make money. But now, I only have tens of billions of dollars. You spend more than one billion dollars on a TV play. If you shoot more than one, you still have to lose your fortune. After all, most of your money is stock, not cash.

However, in the end, Spielberg made 16 episodes, consumed all the funds, and then came to Lin Feng for a showdown. At that time, facing the result, Lin Feng almost lost his breath. However, half of the TV series have been shot. What else can we do? I'm not going to continue shooting. What's more, as long as it's really wonderful, Lin Feng believes that he can still make money. Therefore, this "hero" can be said to be a movie series. This is also a very important reason why Spielberg is willing to accept Lin Feng's lifelong contract, because he has guilt for Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng moved it to the screen, but also has absolute confidence.

On March 20, American time, the much anticipated hero was finally released( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)