Robert Mueller has got the news about Lin Feng from Ellison and knows what Lin Feng means. From what Ellison said, Lin Feng intended to reconcile. It's just the compensation. It can't be less.

9.4 billion dollars! What a big number it is. It's a huge amount of money enough to run the entire FBI department for ten years. As the director of the FBI, do you think he would agree to such outrageous compensation. If he agrees to the compensation, I'm afraid that the next second, he will receive the notice of dismissal from Congress.

Therefore, Robert Mueller can only delay, while observing Lin Feng's attitude, while stepping up to deal with the two agents and three experts involved in the case, in order to ease the pressure from the public. However, what depressed Robert Mueller was that Lin Feng's attitude was not easy to guess, and it was not so easy to solve the problem of dealing with the agents involved.

At present, the whole society is full of doubts about the FBI department, believing that this matter is not just two agents and three experts, plus a lawrence-h-summers. After all, they are dealing with Lin Feng, the richest man in the world, and they have planted a frame up for him to betray his 12 year prison sentence. What a terrible thing it is. Once it is exposed, anyone who participates in it will surely face severe punishment by law.

Lawrence H. Samus planted and framed Lin Feng, which makes sense. After all, if it wasn't for Lin Feng, he wouldn't have gone from the headmaster of Harvard to an old man who almost met God after a stroke and still has a little hemiplegia. But why are two FBI agents and three experts involved? Even if they have a good relationship with Lawrence H. summers, will they take such a big risk to deal with the world's richest man? Unless they are driven by some powerful force. Where this powerful force comes from is intriguing.

There is no reasonable explanation for this—— At present, people from all walks of life are also paying close attention to this matter to see what kind of explanation the FBI will give people in the end. If you can't convince people, I'm afraid they won't give up. This is definitely not for Lin Feng's sake, but for everyone's own safety. As a privileged department such as law enforcement, it is quite frightening to abuse power.

In order to give a reasonable explanation to the public, Robert Mueller has held several meetings with the heads of various departments of the FBI, but none of them has reached a satisfactory result. They say that people don't like Lin Feng, so they aim at Lin Feng—— This explanation is a bit blind. Even if you don't like a person, will you put your own future in it? Besides, the other side is still so strong.

They said that everyone had a grudge against Lin Feng. This time, it was a public revenge. This explanation works, but the two agents have just graduated from University, and their social background is very clean. What deep hatred can they have with Lin Feng, so that they can plant and frame Lin Feng like this? What's more, the three experts are also like this. They are only engaged in technology, and there is basically no possibility of intersection with Lin Feng. Why do they do this—— It doesn't make sense.

They said that they had a good relationship with lawrence-h-summers, and they planted Lin Feng out of gratitude or loyalty. This may seem possible, but the age gap between the three parties is too big. The two FBI agents are only 26 or 7 years old this year, and they are far away from lawrence-h-samus. In addition, their previous jobs and addresses are all over the world, so they are unlikely to become intimate friends. It is quite possible that they never know each other. As for the three experts, who are only about 40 years old, they said they knew lawrence-h-summers, but it's just possible. But it's too far fetched to sell your professional ethics and future for the sake of lawrence-h-summers.

In a word, Robert Mueller and the public want to break their heads, but they haven't come up with a way to successfully explain this matter and give the public a reasonable explanation.

At this time, Lin Feng gave them a problem.

Lin Feng once again sent a petition, asking the California Supreme Court to hear the case as soon as possible, in order to restore his reputation and loss. And this time, Lin Feng pointed out that he asked the FBI department to publicly apologize to the whole society and compensate himself with $9.4 billion.

Damn it, can't he wait for us for a few days—— Robert Muller said angrily.

Because of Ellison's message, Robert Muller knows that Lin Feng is just putting pressure on himself to start the second negotiation as soon as possible, or to compensate Lin Feng for the damned $9.4 billion as soon as possible.

But, how is that possible? It's $9.4 billion—— Originally, Robert Mueller wanted to delay for a few more days. At the same time, he also put a little pressure on Lin Feng to let him know that it is absolutely impossible for the FBI to compensate for such a huge amount of compensation. Unexpectedly, at this time, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger suddenly stepped forward and personally pressed the California Supreme Court to deal with the matter as soon as possible.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's statement is beyond Lin Feng's expectation. Obviously, Arnold Schwarzenegger is making up for the fact that he didn't go to court before, which almost made Lin Feng in prison for 12 years. Of course, this is also Arnold Schwarzenegger's courtship to Lin Feng. I told Lin Feng that I had to leave because of the overwhelming pressure. Now I have the ability to cope with the situation, so I can help you as much as I can.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's statement undoubtedly gave Robert mill a heavy blow. Lin Feng filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of California, which naturally belongs to the state court of California. The FBI is headquartered in Washington state, so it can't intervene in the cases concerned by the governor of California at all. Once the court really opens and Lin Feng successfully sued the FBI department, the FBI Department will really become a joke in the history of the United States.

At present, the United States Congress is divided into two groups. One group is Democrats, who are dissatisfied with President Bush as a Republican, and Robert Mueller was appointed by President Bush. Therefore, they are very happy about such a big scandal in the FBI. All day long in Congress, they are clamoring about the dismissal of Robert Mueller.

The other is the Republican Party headed by Bush. For Robert Mueller, it's natural to keep it to the end. But in the face of such a big scandal, the Republican Party is divided into two groups. One is the hardliners headed by Bush, who think that no matter what the FBI does wrong, they can't make a fool of themselves, and they want to keep the face of the FBI, so they can't bow to Lin Feng; The other group is the neutral group headed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who thinks that since the FBI is wrong, it should be responsible for this matter, and it should apologize to Lin Feng and make compensation.

Of course, both Democrats and Republicans think that Lin Feng's $9.4 billion compensation is too much. This is blackmailing America! This is absolutely not allowed. Of course, Lin Feng's anger must be calmed down. After all, the FBI is wrong in this matter anyway, and people should ask for some compensation. Blame the world's richest man for the loss. A jump in the stock price is $9.4 billion. Fortunately, it's still Lin Feng now. If it happens two years later, the stock price will jump at random. It's not as simple as $9.4 billion.

In this context, Robert Mueller and Lin Feng had to start the second round of negotiations again. But this time, it broke up again. Lin Feng is still biting $9.4 billion, but he has promised in other aspects that as long as the FBI compensates $9.4 billion, as for how they charge the two FBI agents and the three experts, Lin Feng never asks.

The exhausted Robert Mueller finally returned to the FBI with a piece of barely good news. Although the issue of Lin Feng's negotiation has not yet been resolved. However, if we are not in a hurry, we will have to negotiate eight or ten times for us $9.4 billion in compensation, which is fast. For now, it is crucial to solve the problems of the two agents and the three experts first. Now that Lin Feng doesn't know what's going on and just asks for compensation, it's much easier to solve the problem of these two agents and three experts.

Soon, the FBI announced to the public the crimes and motives of the two agents and three experts. The two FBI agents had received the favor of lawrence-h-samus before they could enter the FBI under the guidance of lawrence-h-samus. Therefore, they agreed to help lawrence-h-samus punish Lin Feng and export evil spirit under the condition of half threat and half request of lawrence-h-samus. As for the three experts, because of tax evasion, they were blackmailed by two FBI agents and made perjury to frame Lin Feng. As for the reasons of lawrence-h-summers, there is no need to list them at all. It is well known.

For the final treatment of the six, the FBI is fully responsible for the trial by the U.S. Department of justice, and Robert Mueller guarantees that the six will get a fair trial.

When the results of the survey were released, there was an uproar across the country. No wonder two FBI agents and three experts will take great risks to frame Lin Feng. It turns out that there is such a reason. Although it's a bit like a Hollywood movie, it's really acceptable. As for the results, they are also acceptable. After all, in the United States, the public believes in the fairness of the law. No matter what crime the other party committed, it is better to rely on the law to solve everything. It is quite satisfactory that the FBI did not use the internal hidden rules to solve this matter.

Hoo, Robert Muller. A long sigh of relief. Finally solved a big problem. The rest is Lin Feng's side. However, Lin Feng is a bit troublesome. He is always biting 9.4 billion yuan. You are the richest man in the world. Why do you want so much money? What's more, the stock market is still losing money. As soon as the stock price rises, it will come back.

But what bothers Robert Muller is that now the problems of two agents and three experts have been solved, and the public's attention is completely on Lin Feng again. They want to see how the FBI will compensate Lin Feng in the end.

Urged by the above, Robert mill had to patiently start the third round of negotiations with Lin Feng. But it broke up again. Lin Feng didn't know what medicine he took. He killed 9.4 billion US dollars and didn't let go, which made Robert Muller and him have nothing to talk about at all.

On the other hand, China's pressure from Mr. Wen has increased sharply. Mr. Wen didn't say anything else, so he called President Bush - President Bush. Now that the FBI Department has dealt with the agents who abuse their power, should we give an account to Lin Feng, our legal citizen and your legal investor.

What Mr. Wen said is perfectly reasonable. You have even dealt with the case. As the "sufferer" in this case, that is, the compensation of the parties, you should give an explanation.

President Bush is so angry that he doesn't know what to say. Originally, he expected to deal with Lin Feng. As a result, Mr. Wen suddenly appeared behind his back to support Lin Feng on behalf of the country, which virtually gave Bush an opportunity to take advantage of China. Unexpectedly, everything went very smoothly. In the end, Lin Feng created a "diplomatic immunity", but the "diplomatic immunity" of Maldives destroyed President Bush's overall plan.

Fortunately, there is nothing in the world that can't be changed. Just as President Bush was about to reach an agreement with the president of Maldives to cancel Lin Feng's diplomatic immunity, "WikiLeaks" suddenly revealed that the FBI had planted Lin Feng, and the evidence was solid. Now Lin Fengfei has no trouble. Instead, he is elated. He even takes the opportunity to offer us $9.4 billion in sky high compensation. If it wasn't for President Bush's excellent psychological quality, he might be angry this time.

As a result, now Mr. Wen has come to collect debts. Why, do you really want China to compensate Lin Feng $9.4 billion—— Bush has an angry face. Naturally, Mr. Wen's request was ignored. But just because he ignores Mr. Wen doesn't mean he will give up.

After not receiving President Bush's response, Mr. Wen simply put forward the matter directly at the UN executive meeting, asking the UN to make a judgment and asking the US government to give a statement to Chinese citizens investing in the United States.

Boom! Now the whole world is crazy. Originally, it was just a dispute about compensation between Lin Feng and the FBI. Now it has not only risen to the level of country to country, but also to the United Nations. This is the first time in the world. And one of them is the housekeeper of the earth today - the super overlord of the United States.

Bush is really going crazy. He really didn't expect that Mr. Wen would bring this matter to the United Nations, and openly accused the U.S. FBI Department of incompetence in supervision at the United Nations, allowing its subordinates to frame up Chinese citizens, and refusing to pay compensation. This makes Bush extremely unhappy. No, it should be super unhappy. But Bush was a bit speechless. Because what Mr. Wen said is true, which makes Bush unable to refute.

Other members of the United Nations are naturally happy to see a joke about this. Let's fight, let's fight. Anyway, the two countries are big countries. It's better to fight. Then they will be happy. Of course, everyone knows that it is impossible to fight. At most, it is a matter of bickering. After all, Mr. Wen has left room in his words. Instead of criticizing the US government, he has targeted the FBI. But just because they can't fight doesn't mean that people won't fish in troubled waters to help China crack down on the United States.

After all, the United States is so powerful, but it has long been hated. This time, it is not easy for the US government to make some mistakes. With such a big Oolong incident, naturally, some countries will take the opportunity to beat the "drowning dog". Of course, many countries' representatives will only touch up and down on one side and say some painless words to stimulate the US.

"Well, it's a disgrace to your country that this kind of planting has happened."

"Yes, yes, if this kind of thing can't be allowed to happen in our country, it will disappoint the people."

"Well, it's good, it's good, so this kind of black sheep must be eradicated. Your country will deal with this kind of thing very well."


Many countries on behalf of you, I taunt the U.S. representative, angry on behalf of the United States face a blue, purple, but can not attack. After all, they are in charge. In this world, no matter how powerful you are, you have to make sense. Just as the United States wants to fight Iraq, it always has to find a reason to say that it has weapons of mass destruction, otherwise the United States will not dare to move. Now that they have the truth, can you slander the United States? Unless you are as strong as Mongolia in ancient times, you can fight whoever you want.

However, these representatives have said all about it. If they want to help Mr. Wen accuse the US government, no one dares. Of course, some Islamic countries are excluded. But even so, Mr. Wen has been very happy.

For many years, I don't know how many years, he felt for the first time that China was so upright in the face of the United States and could embarrass the United States. It's a great feeling. You know, in the past, it was the representatives of China who couldn't hold up their heads in front of the representatives of the United States. In order to develop the economy, I don't know how many wrongs they suffered. This time, it was a little bad breath.

"Xiao Lin, you are really the lucky star of our country. Do you know that for many years, no one has been able to scold them so justly in front of the representatives of the United States, and they can't refute them at all. This kind of feeling is really great! " Mr. Wen said with rare excitement.

Lin Feng laughs. It was rather awesome to see Mr. Wen's rebuke of the representative of the United States in United Nations Headquarters. Over the years, U.S. imperialists have regarded themselves as the stewards of the earth, but they have offended many countries. It's a great pleasure to see the U.S. representative look like a lost dog at the United Nations.

For Lin Feng, because Mr. Wen's trouble at the United Nations has involved the attention of the whole United States, it is also good news for Lin Feng.

First of all, Mr. Wen has made such a fuss at the United Nations, which is quite a headache for the whole United States. After all, Mr. Wen's bluster made the U.S. government quite shameful, but it was even more impossible to compensate Lin Feng $9.4 billion, but without compensation. Now all countries in the world support Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng has received so much injustice and suffered so heavy losses, so it is natural to make compensation. What's more, it's not the compensation of other countries, it's the compensation of the United States. When many countries shout, they will spare no effort.

The pressure from all over the world, even if the United States is strong, can't bear it. Besides, there are voices from home. For most Americans, being an American is very proud and proud. But now, it's not the same thing. Due to the delay of the FBI's compensation for Lin Feng, the current international public opinion is full of criticism against the United States, and on the Internet, Americans have become cowards who dare not do what they dare to do and dare not admit their mistakes.

This makes the Americans who always regard themselves as world police and World Heroes unbearable. Therefore, China also requires the FBI department to compensate Lin Feng as soon as possible, proving that the American nation is a nation that has the courage to bear and correct its mistakes.

Facing the pressure from home and abroad, the US government has to bow down.

"Do you really want to pay Lin Feng $9.4 billion this time?" The U.S. Congress had to hold an interim meeting to solve the problem. All 100 members of the Senate and 435 members of the house of representatives came together and held a meeting on Lin Feng's compensation at the same time.

After heated and repeated discussions, the Senate unanimously agreed that Lin Feng should not be compensated, otherwise it will damage the U.S. national system, but it can be compensated with similar policies in a small range. However, the house of Representatives unanimously agreed that compensation should be given to Lin Feng, but not directly in the form of economic compensation. In the case of maintaining the national system of the United States, indirect economic compensation can be given to Lin Feng.

Boom! The results of the two houses of Congress in the United States are different, which is very painful. Generally speaking, the scope of jurisdiction of the two houses is not the same, and they bear different responsibilities and obligations. Only when a bill concerning each American is submitted, it will be submitted to the two houses for examination and approval, and finally to the president for approval. Therefore, if there is disagreement between the two chambers, it means that the bill can not be passed. Since it can't pass, it can only be mentioned later.

But the compensation for Lin Feng can not be delayed. Now the United Nations is exerting more and more pressure on these countries, especially the Arab countries, who are not afraid of the high stage. They are eager for the United States to compensate Lin Feng $94 billion, or even $940 billion. It's very frustrating for the American representative. The pressure from the United States is also unprecedented. After all, the American identity, which has always been proud of, is now a little infamous in the world, which makes the Americans who have always been proud a little unbearable.

In the face of pressure from home and abroad, the two courts once again began to discuss the compensation scheme for Lin Feng in an unprecedented day. Finally, under the negotiation and discussion between the two sides, the compensation for Lin Feng was finally approved. However, compensation must be indirect, not direct economic compensation. US $9.4 billion is a drop in the bucket in terms of the national strength of the United States, but no member of Parliament has agreed to give Lin Feng direct economic compensation.

The final result of the consultation between the house of Representatives and the Senate is that the United States issued a series of good news to help Lin Feng raise the company's stock, which will be regarded as saving the Internet stock and laying a good foundation for the future listing of "Google". Then, after the price of Linfeng company returns to the price before the trial, the two sides will start negotiations.

Robert Mueller, director of the FBI, is watching the market. When the share price of "second world" rises to $170, he immediately starts a new round of negotiations. Only if Lin Feng goes back, he will have enough confidence.

However, to the dismay of the U.S. government, with the hard work of the U.S. government behind the bill, Internet stocks soared, and I don't know how many investors took the opportunity to make a windfall. However, what makes the US government vomit blood is that although Lin Feng's "second world" rose for a while under a lot of good news, it then fell again. Let alone rose to the previous level of $170 a share, it was even lower than the previous price of $132. Now it is only $131.5.

Go against the trend! You said the U.S. government would not spit blood.

Damn, why is this stock so difficult to rise—— Many members of the U.S. House of representatives are angry. They have tried their best, but the stock of "second world" just doesn't go up, which makes them cry for help. You know, now other network technology stocks are rising very fast, almost twice as fast as the previous price. It's not good if they launch good news again and fry the network stocks too high. If they don't come to this stock market disaster, the U.S. economy will lose a lot.

Therefore, the good news of the U.S. government comes to this end, and no more policies can be introduced. But why doesn't Lin Feng's "second world" rise?

Why is "the second world"? Naturally, it was Lin Feng who was behind the scenes. After the house of Representatives passed the compensation bill, Lin Feng got the news immediately. Unfortunately, a member of the house of Representatives is one of Ellison's best friends, who secretly financed Ellison's funds to buy American cinemas. Therefore, the bill of the house of Representatives on Lin Feng was passed to Lin Feng through Ellison's representative friend. Naturally, Lin Feng kept Wu Zhaopu announcing all kinds of news behind his back.

For a while, because Lin Feng had lived in the United States for a long time, there were differences within the company; For a while, the company's hardware development department may make mistakes in its R & D direction, and the company will lose billions of dollars; In a short time, the company's top ten game development departments are competing for power and profit, which leads to a significant reduction in the company's game R & D progress

Under the influence of these adverse news, the stimulus bills in the house of Representatives, no matter how good, are useless. After all, now the bad news is at the source, and no matter how good the external stimulus news is. Unless a big company announces that it will take over "second world", no matter how much bad news Lin Feng has, it won't help.

However, during this period of time, Lin Feng also took advantage of the sharp rise of network technology stocks to gain a vote. You know, this time Lin Feng is not alone. Anyone who knows a little bit of the inside story gains a vote. Don't think how noble members of the U.S. House of representatives are. This time they put forward the stock price raising bill to indirectly compensate Lin Feng. They just want to get rich. Otherwise, how can the US government introduce policies to help Lin Feng drive up the stock price! Don't think the U.S. Senate and house of representatives are idiots. They know how stupid this bill is, but they just pass it. The purpose is to make some money legally!

This time, it's just that Lin Feng has become a source of their wealth.

Benefit first!

However, when Lin Feng made a fortune by taking advantage of the rise of the share price, "WikiLeaks" got a very precious image information through a military personage. And this information is enough to shock the world( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)