"Boss, do you really want to release this news?" Wu Zhaopu reminds me with a sad face.

Although it seems that these game developers can negotiate without consulting with their respective department heads, it's impossible for Wu Zhaopu to develop an online game overnight with quality and quantity guaranteed and without bugs. It's too hard!

Hasty completion is possible, but in case of a bug, it will smash the signboard of "second world".

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu. We should believe in the strength and determination of these game developers. Just announce it! Recently, players have been looking forward to our "World War", and so on are a little impatient. This "Tank War online" just let the players hi Lin fengxiao said.

You know, "World War" is a game that players have been looking forward to for nearly three years. Finally, it will be officially tested on New Year's day next year. Originally, the public beta time has been set, and has promised to all players, with the strength and credit of "second world", it will never jump. But for players, the more they expect, the more they fear disappointment. Therefore, this kind of anxiety is spreading among the players, and even affects other "second world" games.

Every day online, there are players in the game to ask "World War" whether it can be tested on time, and if it can be tested on time, what is the picture? This is the most concerned topic for players. As a result, they can't play well, and some even turn off the game and hold a seminar in QQ group. This kind of anxiety is not good.

Therefore, Lin Feng simply took this opportunity to let the players have a place to vent, but also to give full confidence to the players. Think about it. If you can develop a game overnight, it's a miracle. And even this miracle can be completed, then "World War" on time public beta, what is difficult.

Of course, Lin Feng let Wu Zhaopu release a night to complete an online game, is also speculation《 "Tank War online" is absolutely promising, at least in the short term will be extremely hot, so Lin Feng just took the opportunity to make some money, to the company these employees red envelope.

Wu Zhaopu saw that Lin Feng was so sure. After thinking about it, he didn't insist on it any more. If we stick to it, we will not only question Lin Feng's judgment, but also question the creative development ability of the 11 major game development departments. That's what makes people angry. Wu Zhaopu doesn't want to make people angry about it!

"By the way, Mr. Wu, first call the Nanmeng palace to finalize the copyright fee for tank war, and then publish it. I don't want to give little Japan a chance to blackmail us. " Lin Feng said.

If "Tank War online" is really a big fire, it is hard to guarantee that Nanmeng palace will not take the opportunity to blackmail. At that time, Nanmeng palace could knock as much money as it wanted. Lin Feng will never let Japan blackmail him.

Wu Zhaopu nodded. I will contact nanmenggong company. Although it's already 9 p.m., and according to the time difference, it's late at night in Japan. However, after receiving a call from "the second world" asking to buy the copyright of "tank war", nanmenggong company held a simple shareholders' meeting in the shortest time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what's the purpose of" second world "to buy our company's" tank war "produced on FC in 1985?" Gao xuwunan, President of Nanmeng palace, asked aloud.

Nanmenggong several shareholders, you look at me, I look at you, are at a loss. They don't understand why second world wants this old game.

"President, no matter what the second world wants this old game to do, we are in a bad financial situation. Making a little money is a little money. It's better to ask for the copyright fee of 10 million yen. " One shareholder said.

The other shareholders agreed. Although 10 million yen is not much, it is also a life-saving straw for some Nanmeng Palace today.

Gao Xuwu thought about it, agreed to the plan, and immediately replied to the "second world".

what! 10 million yen, is little Japan crazy—— Wu Zhaopu jumped at the news.

Although 10 million yen is equivalent to about 800000 yuan, it is really not much for the "second world". But "tank war" is an old-fashioned game after all. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's whim that he wanted to make an online version of "Tank War online", this game might still be in everyone's memory. But now little Japan has to pay 10 million yen for the copyright fee, which is absolutely a lion's big mouth.

Wu Zhaopu immediately called back: up to 100000 yuan, otherwise, no discussion.

"What to do? Now the other party is only willing to offer 100000 yuan. Should we agree? " Takasu said.

Although the other party is only willing to offer 100000 yuan, it is also good for the nanmenggong, which is now in financial crisis. At least we can get paid. In particular, the other party is still buying "tank war" which is an old-fashioned game that no one plays. However, as the president of nanmenggong, Gao xuwunan always has a sixth sense of some things. In his opinion, the "second world" suddenly wanted to buy the copyright of "tank war", which must have a purpose.

Although he couldn't figure out what the "second world" was buying for, what the "second world" was looking for must be a good thing. Therefore, Takeo Takasu does not want to sell so cheaply. However, if he doesn't sell it and the other party doesn't buy it, it's not good for his position as president to spread the news. You know, since he became president, the financial situation of nanmenggong has gone from bad to worse, but the board of directors is quite dissatisfied. He has been brewing whether to fire him, so at this time, he has to think twice.

"Sell or not? 100000 yuan. " Takasu decided to consult several shareholders.

RMB 100000! There was a burst of exclamation. Obviously, people are not satisfied with the price. After all, they put forward 10 million yen, but the other side countered 100000 yuan, which was a big difference of 700000 yuan!

This counter-offer is too fierce, isn't it!

"President, no more?" One shareholder said.

"Yes, the counter-offer is a bit too fierce. Even if there is no such counter-offer." Another shareholder complained.

Takasu's eyes turned white. You really think it's a vegetable market. You can bargain for cabbage. However, what these shareholders said is in Takeo Takasu's heart. He absolutely thinks that the copyright of "tank war" is cheap, especially when the buyer is "the second world", the price is too cheap.

After thinking about it, Takeo Takasu replied a letter to Wu Zhaopu - 700000 yuan, the same price.

I'll give you 700000. Why don't you eat shit—— Wu Zhaopu yelled on the other side. Of course, he uses Mandarin, how to scold, the other side can not understand. Originally, he wanted to scold in Japanese, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that it would be bad if the conversation broke down( The two sides negotiated in English

Damn little Japan, even want to bargain, I go to your grandmother's. Wu Zhaopu also answered a letter - 150000 yuan. If there is more, he will hang up.

"Everybody, it's 150000 now!" Takasu's voice rose slightly.

"Ha ha, President, look, now there's another 50000 yuan, it's still RMB! We can continue to talk. " Several shareholders yelled excitedly. You know, in recent years, the financial situation of nanmenggong has been miserable. They haven't been able to negotiate so well for a long time.

It's 50000 yuan more at a time, that's about 650000 yen. It's rare, but it's better than nothing.

When Gao Xuwu heard the excited tone of the audience, he felt sad. Once upon a time, nanmenggong was also a powerful game development company. It earned tens of millions of yen every day. When would it be reduced to bargaining for just a few hundred thousand yen.

grief! This is absolutely a kind of sadness—— Takeo Takasu yelled.

But after thinking about it, we continued the negotiation. If it wasn't for his insistence on investing in real estate, which led to a deficit in the company's working capital, how could nanmenggong be reduced to the present situation. Just, just, real estate kills people!

After clearing up his sad mood, Takeo Takasu wrote back a letter of 650000 yuan, no matter how little I need to get off work.

Bageya road—— This time, Wu Zhaopu finally came up with a sentence of Japanese. He was so angry that this little Japan really regarded "tank war" as a treasure, and even dared to bargain like this. If it wasn't for Lin Feng, the game would be a mess.

Alas, his boss, Lin Feng, is interested in this game. Especially now more than 3000 people in the company are working hard on their own posts. If he doesn't talk about it properly, he will have no face to see others tomorrow morning.

Grandma a bear, 250000, more, you do your spring and autumn dream—— Wu Zhaopu was very cruel.

"Everybody, 250000. The other party is finally willing to mention 250000! " Takeo Takasu's sad cry.

For such a small price difference of 100000 yuan, he is really back to Europe tonight. Shame! Once upon a time, he signed contracts of tens of millions of yen, but now he is fighting for hundreds of thousands of yen!

"President, why don't we try to make the price a little higher?" One shareholder added.

This time Takeo Takasu got angry.

"If you want to raise the price, you can talk to the other party yourself." Takasu roared. He really has no face to negotiate with the other party again, not to mention listening to the tone of the other party, but also to the limit. Moreover, "tank war" is really an old junk game, with a price of 250000 RMB, a lot of it.

If not considering that the buyer is "the second world", when the counter-offer reaches 100000 yuan, Takeo Takasu will sell.

"That's 250000!" Several shareholders looked at each other, and they didn't have the cheek to continue grinding tens of thousands of RMB with each other, so they agreed to the price.

At this time, the "second world" side.

"Mr. Wu, what's the matter? Does little Japan want a lion to open his mouth?" Seeing that Wu Zhaopu hasn't come back for a long time, Lin Feng comes to find Wu Zhaopu himself. As a result, I saw Wu Zhaopu still holding the phone.

"Boss, the other side is bargaining. At present, I've offered 250000 yuan, and the other side should agree." Wu Zhaopu helplessly explained the whole story.

What—— Lin Fengyan almost jumped.

"Damn little Japan, even want to bargain, such a rotten game even cost 250000 yuan, I'll go to hell." Lin Feng was so angry that he grabbed the phone.

Just at this time, Takeo Takasu picked up the phone.

"Deputy general manager Wu, we agree to your price." Gao Xuwu said helplessly.

"I'll go to your grandma's. I don't agree with the price." Lin Feng roared on the phone.

"What? Why don't you agree? We just agreed? And who are you? I want to talk to vice president Wu. " Takeo Takasu was shocked by the speech. It's clear that the two sides have already negotiated the price just now, but now they have changed their mind. If he changes his mind again, how can he explain to the board of directors.

"Who am I? I'm Lin Feng! I tell you, little Japan, the copyright of "tank war" is that I like to buy it for adaptation and play, so I want to buy the copyright because I can't afford to watch the game. You want to blackmail us. I'll tell you, I'll give you 100000 RMB at most, or I won't talk about it! " Lin Feng swears on the phone.

Buy it yourself? Look at the other party to buy the other party's copyright—— Wu Zhaopu had a chill, and Lin Feng was fooling each other again. But now it seems that the other party will be decided by their boss again.


Lin Feng's words, however, made Gao Xuwu's man thunder on the spot. They nanmenggong in order to continue the operation of the company, but for tens of thousands of RMB bargaining, what face is lost. It's good for you to play for yourself and buy a copyright. The gap between people is so big!

"Mr. Lin, even if you don't agree with our offer, you shouldn't swear!" Takasu said with a sad face.

If it wasn't for the consideration that selling the copyright of "tank war" could alleviate the financial crisis of nanmenggong and allow the board of directors to spare him a little more time, he would not sell it. Especially to this damned Lin Feng.

"Less for me, 100000 RMB. Do you want to sell it or not? If you don't sell it, I'll play it just like piracy. It's even better! " Lin Feng didn't say well.

Vomit blood! Gao xuwunan vomited blood three times because of Lin Feng's words. We all play games. You can say that it's better to play pirated games. People can be shameless, but they can't be so shameless—— Takasu was in tears. We all play games. Can't you understand me.

"Mr. Lin, that's 200000. 200000 yuan is definitely not much. " Takeo Takasu begged.

"Are you finished. If you say 100000, you will get 100000. If you want to grind me, I'll hang up and play piracy! In a word, 100000, sell or not! " Lin Feng said coldly on the phone( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in www.qidian.com , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)