For Lin Feng, to fight with the Football Association, to ask the football association to severely punish No. 5 and the referee on duty, these things are within the scope of control. But now, the Football Association obviously provokes the opposition between the students' parents and themselves, which is quite insidious.

There is no doubt about the role of "the second world" in Lin Feng. As a result, now some people want to break Lin Feng's "roots", which Lin Feng absolutely can't tolerate. You are not benevolent and I am not righteous. Since you want to break my root, I will dig your grave.

An hour later, Lin Feng held a press conference and released a set of data.

Lu Jun, one of the six members of the CFA's adjudication committee, is the best referee in the past ten years. He has twice been elected the best referee of the year awarded by the CFA and is a full-time full-time referee. According to the relevant regulations of the Football Association, the referee can get a subsidy of 1000 yuan if he whistles in the first a league. Besides, he has no other income. Now, Lu Jun owns three properties in Beijing, including two within the Third Ring Road (more than 100 square meters), three private cars owned by his family and individuals, and more than one million bank deposits.

With an allowance of 1000 yuan per game, how many a's do you need to coach in order to own so many personal assets—— At the press conference, Lin Feng raised such a question.

When the press conference was over, fans all over the country were in an uproar. Some people can't help but calculate an account for Lu Jun. according to the current house price of 12000, the conservative estimate of three houses is 3 million, the conservative estimate of three cars is 500000, and the bank deposit is 1 million. At least 4.5 million. Lu Jun is a full-time full-time referee. He can get 1000 yuan subsidy for a game. If he wants to earn 4.5 million yuan, he must whistle 4500 games. According to an average of 100 whistles a year, Lu Jun has to whistle for 45 years to earn 4.5 million yuan.

Lu Jun became a football referee at the age of 19. He is 45 years old. He whistled for 26 years. According to this calculation, he earned 2.6 million yuan, which is far from 4.5 million yuan! What's more, when Lu Jun started to whistle, his allowance was only a few tens of yuan, which is far from comparable now.

Obviously, there is a big problem! The most likely is to whistle and collect money! Of course, the fans will also think, you say that Lu Jun, the golden whistle, has a problem, then will other domestic football referees also have a problem?

The biggest headache for the outside world is not Lu Jun himself. The biggest headache is undoubtedly the Football Association. Originally, if only a referee is involved, the football association can shirk responsibility and say that it is an individual phenomenon. This is the personal behavior of some referees without professional quality. However, Lu Jun, the golden whistle, is the referee that the football association has been advocating and the benchmark of the referee world. If there is a problem with Lu Jun, the whole referee will have a problem. Where will the FA face then? What's more, it may involve the Football Association, which is more troublesome.

Therefore, the football association is more urgent than Lu Jun himself, and immediately held a press conference, claiming that Lu Jun is absolutely worthy of his golden whistle name and will never blow the black whistle. What's more, the Disciplinary Committee of the football association will never allow the referee to sell his professional ethics.

Lu Jun himself also cooperated with the football association to publicize that the three houses belonged to his family, but wrote the owner's name under his name. As for the three cars, they were jointly bought by relatives. As for Lin Feng's million dollar deposit, it is nothing more. It's just made up by Lin Feng! And in the face of reporters, Lu Jun is righteousness is strict words to Lin Feng issued the strongest protest, propaganda this is Lin Feng to his naked slander.

Is it really slander—— Lin Feng smashes the newspaper in his hand on the glass of the tea table. Both the football association and Lu Jun are deceiving people. Let me expose your lies. Of course, before exposing the lies, Lin Feng must also listen to the wind above.

Although the football association is a sports organization, it is still under the State Department. Let the Football Association lose face, also let the national government lose face to a certain extent. So Lin Feng had to listen to the wind above.

"Xiao Lin, it's not my business. It's Lao Xi's business. I think you should go and communicate with him." But Mr. Wen didn't say anything and pushed Lin Feng to Mr. Xi. For Mr. Xi, Lin Feng has never dealt with him, but he is strange to him. But Lin Feng is not afraid. He has so many halos on his head that he can eat himself!

Soon, Lin Feng took a special bus to visit Mr. Xi and told him his intention with a very impassioned tone and a compassionate look.

"Lin Feng, Dong Lin, sir Lin, Chinese boy, Fengshen..." Mr. Xi recited many nicknames of Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, our attitude towards the matter of the football association is business. Everything is based on evidence and we will never take sides. But I want to ask you, if the football association is really finished this time, how are you going to end it? Where is the future of Chinese football? Who's in charge? " Mr. Xi zhengse said.

Lin Feng is slightly a Leng, then heroic clap chest.

"As for the Football Association, let them continue to do harm. Within five years, Chinese football will become the fifth rate in Asia. As long as we can innovate, if you trust me and give it to me, I can guarantee that Chinese football will return to the second class top in Asia in three years, become the first class in Asia in five years, and be among the top 30 in the world in ten years Lin Feng is unambiguous.

If Chinese football is completely devolved to itself, there is absolutely no problem. In Lin Feng's mind, there has been a set of plans for the development of Chinese football. Ten years is a generation, as long as we start now, ten years later, that is 2114, will be the day of Chinese football's take-off. Just, will the state delegate power!

No comment—— Mr. Xi finally asked his secretary to send Lin Feng out. As for Lin Feng's answer - no comment!

Depressed! These old people like to play this game. Although he didn't get the answer that would make him crazy, Lin Feng also heard from the top, that is, he was quite dissatisfied with the Football Association, just needed evidence. It's not easy to get proof. A a has become "false a", what evidence do you want!

Although there are more referees blowing black whistles, if they are all exposed, how much will be involved. Lin Feng didn't want to check the embezzlement case of the national grain depot before. At last, he didn't dare to check it. Therefore, this time Lin Feng should pay attention to the key points, and Lu Jun is the key point.

If you want to find the referee's evidence, the teams are undoubtedly the most abundant source of evidence. However, Lin Feng's contacts in China are not very wide, especially for the current super team owners. But just because Lin Feng doesn't know him doesn't mean his friends don't know him. Lin Feng immediately called Zong Qinghou, the boss of "Wahaha Group" and said his intention.

"Brother Lin, what you want is taboo. Although I know something inside, I dare not tell you even if I am not a member of the football circle. Or you'll get into a lot of trouble. Especially those enterprises that are in the football circle, they are afraid of the Revenge of the Football Association. " Although Zong Qinghou knew some inside stories and knew who knew more about them, he did not dare to tell Lin Feng. This matter involves too much. Although Lin Feng is fighting with the Football Association, the struggle between the two sides seems to be gradually escalating. In Zong Qinghou's view, even if Lin Feng wins in the end and the officials of the Football Association fall, there will be another group of officials. Does that make any difference! At that time, they will give Lin Feng the inside story. In the end, it's them, not Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned. Is there no way out? Of course, Lin Feng can say that the football association is quite dissatisfied, but this is just empty talk, who will believe it? What's more, in this magical country, some words can't be said nonsense.

"There is no way. Unless you're willing to take the loss of certain clubs. That is to say, if the club that gives you the news will suffer any retaliation in the future, you should help others. " After pondering for a moment, Zong Qinghou came up with a solution. These bosses are not worried about the company's fear of being retaliated. As long as Lin Feng admits that he will help, who will be afraid! I don't know. There will be a lot of bosses coming to deliver the inside story.

After all, there are not so many opportunities to curry favor with the world's richest man!

"OK, Lao Zong, I'll ask you to help me release the wind." Lin Feng laughs and agrees immediately. With his wealth and status today, it's really a little help to help some enterprises. What's more, there must be concrete evidence for retaliation. I'm afraid the football association can't even care about it. I still want to retaliate. Dream about it!

"Ha ha, brother Lin, just wait for the good news!" Zong Qinghou hung up.

In just three hours, Lin Feng's residence was visited by at least seven groups of people. Each group of people who came to visit not only gave Lin Feng a dark curtain that he had never imagined before, but also produced a lot of conclusive evidence. Some of them are books bribed by clubs. Some are more aggressive. They are recording directly. Others are video recording. Obviously, it's not stupid for these managers to send black money. They are afraid that the referee will not do anything with the money, so they all try their best to keep some evidence in hand. Among them, there is a piece of evidence from Lu Jun, as well as evidence of bribery by football association officials.

Last year's last generation a was related to a key battle in the championship competition - the key competition between Shanghai Shenhua and Shanghai International. Lu Jun received 700000 black money from Shanghai Shenhua.

"Thank you, thank you. Please call me if you have anything to do in the future." Lin Feng sent off the general managers of the major clubs with a smile.

Immediately, Lin Feng released the evidence about Lu Jun's collection of Shanghai Shenhua 700000.

For a moment, the whole country was in an uproar! In this conclusive evidence, Lu Jun Jinshao's image is self defeating! And then, after Lin Feng announced the rest of the evidence in his hand, it shocked the whole country. There is a call for the football association to step down all over the country!

"It's all false, all the evidence is false!" On the one hand, the Football Association tried its best to refute the rumor, on the other hand, it sent people to lobby everywhere. On the one hand, they warned the clubs not to act rashly, otherwise they would settle the accounts in the future. On the other hand, they went to the top to lobby.

Is that enough evidence—— Lin Feng watched football association officials running around like clowns behind the scenes, sneering in his heart. Mr. Xi has given all the evidence he asked for. If he really wants to clean up the domestic football environment, he must take action.

At this juncture, the judicial department suddenly and forcefully intervened in this incident, and these black scenes in the football circle will be strictly enforced in accordance with national laws. No matter whether there are any tacit rules or hidden rules, in a word, nothing is better than national laws.

A football campaign officially began. And in Lin Feng's high-profile appeal, all the clubs have spit out their grievances over the years. Because, at the same time, Lin Feng also came up with the last trump card and set up the China Professional Football League. This business alliance, which never violates any law, reassures all clubs. When they have a way back, they are not afraid of the threat of the Football Association. Naturally, we can spit out all the wrongs we have suffered in recent years.

More and more evidence of bribery by referees has surfaced, more and more dark scenes have been uncovered, and the whole Chinese football industry has fallen into chaos. First, Lu Jun was detained by torture, then Nan Yong and Yang Yimin were detained by torture, and Yan Shiduo, the current Vice Chairman, was transferred from his post. And those officials under the football association are all temporarily unemployed at home, not allowed to go out, waiting for the notice of the Ministry of public security.

As for those referees, they are all out of business. Moreover, the state has ordered all judges to voluntarily turn themselves in. Those who turn themselves in and withdraw all the stolen money will not be investigated for legal and criminal responsibility. Those who want to take chances will be severely punished once they are found out.

For a moment, all the referees were in a panic. I don't know whether it's better to refund or not. After all, once the money is refunded, the rich life will become a floating cloud. In particular, some referees have already bought a car, a house, or even a honey. How can they afford it!

Chaos! The whole Chinese football circle is in chaos.

But let all fans happy is, no matter how chaotic now, at least the future of Chinese football is bright.

At this time, Lin Feng's trouble came. The ticket from FIFA came down. FIFA will heavily punish the player who beat him in the friendly match, as well as Tottenham Hotspur and China national team.

Lin Feng frowned at the ticket. The penalty is too heavy. For Jose, FIFA directly suspended his qualification as head coach for two years. But regarding Tottenham Hotspur player, the ban is many. Some banned 2 matches, some banned 3 matches, and the most frequent was Drogba, who was the most awesome fighter at that time, and banned 10 matches. As for the Chinese national team, No. 5 is suspended for one year. As for the rest of the fighting players, they are all suspended for three months.

Now, Lin Feng is in big trouble! You know, once these players are suspended, plus the suspension of Jose, how will the Premier League play next season? The damn ticket includes all kinds of events, including the Premier League( To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading!)