Lin Feng finally arrived at Washington International Airport.

Reporters, like ants, gather at Washington International Airport, waiting for Lin Feng to arrive. When Lin Feng appeared at the airport, the whole Washington Airport was boiling. All the reporters began to "riot". In order to interview Lin Feng for the first time, they directly turned into "rioters" at Washington International Airport and tried their best to get close to the VIP exit of Washington International Airport.

Washington International Airport, the capital airport of the United States, is supposed to be a very modern airport, but no one can expect that Washington Airport is rated as one of the top ten worst airports in the world by travelers all over the country. Although it is the capital airport, its internal facilities are dilapidated. In addition, due to the fact that it is the capital, there are too many planes parked, which directly leads to a greatly prolonged time for getting boarding passes and going through customs. To get the boarding pass here, the queuing time is usually more than 2 hours.

At the moment, so many reporters' rampage directly paralyzed Washington Airport. Lin Feng and his party were also blocked at the exit and couldn't get down.

Originally, according to Lin Feng's identity and status, there was a special VIP channel. However, Lin Feng's passport is a Chinese passport, and the Chinese passport is not visa free. Even if you apply for a visa, you can go through another customs pass here, and it is impossible for Lin Feng to enter the country visa free. Even if we all know that he is the richest man in the world, he can't enter the country visa free. That's the rule. And American government officials are very disciplined. At least, on the lower level.

Originally, Lin Feng was able to get a little preferential treatment and go through the customs ahead of time, but today, when these reporters made a noise, all the airport staff were called to maintain order, so as to avoid causing major riots, resulting in tens of thousands of passengers stranded at Washington Airport, resulting in the shutdown of Washington Airport. More than half of the 20 staff members who were originally responsible for entering the customs were transferred. Lin Feng's speed of customs clearance slowed down. After all, it's not easy for Lin Feng to jump in the queue when someone comes first. But usually there are staff to inform Lin Feng to handle it in advance, but now there is no more.

But Lin Feng was not in a hurry. Instead, he sat on one side and waited leisurely.

If Lin Feng doesn't come out, the reporter will be more anxious. When a reporter is in a hurry, everything can be done. When they were in such a hurry, Washington Airport became even more chaotic. In the end, all work was paralyzed, and Washington Airport was shut down.

The passengers couldn't get their boarding pass and board the plane, especially those who delayed the flight due to airport problems. They were all furious and went directly to the service desk of the airport to complain about the behavior of the airport. This hot scene makes the airport even more chaotic.

In the end, four hours later, Lin Feng has not yet gone through the customs.

"Boss, do you want me to go to the customs and ask them to let us go ahead of time?" Li Rui asked.

"No, no, let's wait. We're not in a hurry anyway. " But Lin Feng waved his hand.

It's not Microsoft that's in a hurry. It's the U.S. Department of Commerce. If this time is delayed for one more minute, the share of Pangu system will be one more point. According to Lin Feng's current information, the online rate of Pangu system has reached 170 million people on average after a 16 hour flight from Shanghai to Washington. At its peak, it was more than 230 million. At present, the number of downloads has reached 500 million.

This is a terrible number‘ Microsoft's best "XP" sold 230 million copies. Lin Feng's "Pangu" has far exceeded this figure. Of course, if piracy is included, the global user base of Microsoft's system is a terrible number. The official estimate is 1.5 billion, but in fact, some media estimates are at least more than 2.5 billion.

I'm afraid that the number of people pirating XP in China and India alone exceeds 1 billion, not counting other populous countries, such as Brazil, the Philippines and Africa. Can not afford to use the genuine, had to use pirated. With the popularity of the Internet, piracy is becoming more and more rampant.

However, although there is still a big gap compared with Microsoft's user base, the rising momentum of Pangu system is very considerable. Once this period of time has gained a firm foothold and made users accustomed to the operation interface of Pangu system, Microsoft will not be able to drive Pangu system out of the market.

So Microsoft is in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't Lin Feng been to the Ministry of Commerce yet? " Bill Gates is fidgeting.

Compared with Steve Ballmer, a pure professional manager, he has a technical background and is very clear about the inertia of user experience. Once users get used to Pangu system, they will no longer use Microsoft's system. Even though there are many exclusive software on Microsoft's system, it is necessary to deal with some important daily affairs through Microsoft's system, but it will only let users switch the system at a critical moment. More time, but still used to the system.

This is just like when "XP" was first launched, many people installed "Win98" and "XP" dual systems. Bill Gates is worried about the future, and we will also install the dual system of "XP" (or other systems of "Microsoft") and "Pangu". In that case, Pangu would not be able to go out of business.

Once many software companies turn around again, launch corresponding programs, and even develop software that "Microsoft" and "Pangu" can communicate with each other, it will be the absolute crisis of "Microsoft", or even the end of "Microsoft". At least Microsoft can no longer make money as easily as it does now.

That's why Bill Gates is so nervous. Because he knew the horror of the incident.

"Bill, I just received the news that because of the arrival of Lin Feng and the madness of many reporters, Lin Feng was blocked at the Washington Airport. He can't get out Steve Ballmer frowned and said, "it's not good for us to go on like this. I think the Ministry of commerce must come forward to get Lin Feng out of Washington Airport. Otherwise, it's not sure when it will be blocked. In particular, if Lin Feng is behind it, it will be even more troublesome. Historically, the longest time of congestion at Washington International Airport was three days. Within three days, all passengers can only transfer through other airports. If it's blocked for three days, it's too bad for us. "

In Steve Ballmer's view, Lin Feng's initiative to apply to Washington to explain to the Ministry of commerce is a delay. It will take 16 hours to fly here, so it will take 16 hours for Pangu system. Let players have more time to get used to the Pangu system. If we delay for a few more days, "Microsoft" will suffer a great loss. Even if the Ministry of commerce finally ruled that Lin Feng violated the fair competition law and let Lin Feng hand over the system, Microsoft would not be able to obtain enough benefits.

Once players get used to using Pangu system for games and entertainment and Microsoft system for office, Microsoft will not be able to continue to attack Lin Feng. But a series of plans set by Steve Ballmer for Lin Feng could not be realized. Because even if you split it, Second World accounts for half of the operating system, and its share price will not fall, but will rise!

According to Microsoft's internal tests, it takes an average of one week for users to get used to a completely unfamiliar operating system. It has been 48 hours, exactly two days, since Pangu system was put on sale. There are still five days left for Microsoft. Five days later, once players get used to Pangu system, everything will be late. At that time, "Microsoft" had to accept that the operating system market was no longer an era of "Microsoft" dominating the world, but an era of rivalry between Chu and Han.

This is unacceptable to Microsoft.

"Bill, come on, let the Ministry of Commerce get Lin Feng out at once." Steve Ballmer gritted his teeth.

Bill Gates immediately called the U.S. Department of Commerce to state the seriousness of the matter. And the U.S. Department of commerce is also very cooperative, immediately let the airport to release people. But sometimes, how can we say that the laws of the United States are sound. It's not impossible to let the airport give Lin Feng the green light immediately, but it's not under the control of the US Department of Commerce. He doesn't have the privilege. This matter can only be handled by the USCIS, and of course, by the FBI. Using the immigration office, the procedure is too slow, and there is the possibility that Lin Feng does not cooperate. So the U.S. Department of Commerce contacted the FBI directly.

"Mr. Lin, you can enter the United States now. Now it's up to us to take you to 1401 Herbert C. Hoover building, Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C., the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Commerce. " The FBI smiles and makes a please sign.

Lin Feng was surprised.

"Well, I thought I had to wait for three days. I didn't expect that your government valued me so much and invited the FBI. It's a great honor, a great honor, a great honor!" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Mr. Lin, the officials of the Ministry of commerce are still waiting for you, and they have been waiting for you for five hours because of the riots at the airport. I hope you can hurry up. " The FBI smiles and urges Lin Feng with a tone that can't be refused.

"What if I want to have more rest?" But Lin Feng stretched himself.

"Mr. Lin, you must understand that you are in the United States now. Please abide by the laws of the United States. Of course, you can ask your lawyer team to come here, but now you are involved in the unfair competition law. If you do not cooperate, China can forcibly freeze all the assets of your company. It's not good, but please don't force us. " The FBI's trump card.

Lin Feng's mouth is shriveled.

"Well, let's go!" Lin Feng shrugged. If the U.S. government is really forced to come up with this kind of trump card that will be criticized by others and cause thousands of people's criticism, the U.S. government will certainly curse, but its own loss is also too big. So, let's work together. At least not at the airport.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" The FBI smiles.

But Lin Feng did, but many reporters did not. Seeing Lin Feng come out, everyone exclaimed. They created this riot, the purpose is to see Lin Feng, interview Lin Feng. How can you let Lin Feng go in vain. They immediately gathered around.

Lin Feng smiles. Let these reporters come, but Lin Feng's arrangement. Lin Feng, just a little bit now, delay time. If you wait a week, Microsoft will have no choice. Although Lin Feng has some cards, they are all based on the premise that the US government abides by the rules of the game. If the U.S. government shamelessly breaks the rules of the game, Lin Feng's cards are useless. The company will be forced to dismantle, and "Pangu system" will be taken off the shelves, and that will be the end.

Only let users get used to "Pangu system", then they will not be afraid of "Microsoft".

"Lin Feng, look, it's Lin Feng!" One reporter exclaimed, leading thousands of reporters to flee.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, do you plead guilty to this accusation against the US Department of Commerce?"

"Mr. Lin, what do you think of the Ministry of Commerce's testimony?"

"Mr. Lin, do you think you are unfair competition? Do you think the "Microsoft" accusation is reasonable? "

"Mr. Lin, Microsoft was also investigated by the antitrust act at the beginning. What's your opinion on this matter?"


All the reporters were surrounded by Lin Feng and his party. They couldn't move.

"Ah, this agent, you see, we can't go. You know the power of journalists. If I don't answer some questions, I can't leave. " Lin fengxiao said.

The FBI agent frowned. After scanning many reporters, he couldn't help it. These are all journalists. If he acts a little bit beyond his authority, he will be scolded to death by these journalists. These journalists can even get President Nixon out of office, not to mention these FBI agents.

"Yes, you can make a long story short." FBI agents told me.

Lin Feng smiles. Small sample, fight with yourself, you are still young.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be calm, be calm." Lin Feng waved to many reporters to be quiet.

Don't mention the reporters who can't be controlled by the airport staff, who can't be stopped by the FBI. With the wave of Lin Feng's hand, many reporters are quiet. They all hold their breath and look at Lin Feng.

"Dear journalists, thank you very much for your support and understanding of our company. As for me, I always repay good for good and straight for resentment. You respect me, I respect you! Since we all give face today, I, Lin Feng, also give face today. " Said Lin fenglang.

The FBI agent felt something was wrong.

"So, no matter how many journalists are here today, each of you has the right to ask questions once. I will answer them one by one. But remember, everyone has only one chance to ask questions, and I only answer them once. " Lin Feng said.

what! Every reporter answers a question? The FBI agent glanced at many reporters. There are at least 5000 reporters in the airport. That is more than 5000 questions. The average time of this question is one minute, that is more than 5000 minutes, that is more than 83 hours, that is more than three days.

One day, the Ministry of Commerce asked itself to get Lin Feng in an hour and let Lin Feng stay here for three days! I don't want to work in the FBI.

"Mr. Lin, this is not suitable for you. It's too much for everyone to answer one question. You can only answer three questions at most. " The FBI agent whispered, "don't push us."

Lin Feng ignored him at all.

"Dear reporter friends, the FBI agent said that I can only answer three of your questions, otherwise I will be poisoned and my company will be frozen. Listen, I still have evidence! " Lin Feng takes out his cell phone and releases the threat speech of the FBI agent just now.

Boom! This time, the whole airport is boiling.

The FBI agent just fainted. Damn it, Lin Fengyin( It's not finished yet. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian. Com) to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation.)