The sound of mourning is playing continuously. In the mourning hall, it's very simple. There is a single picture of the dead in the middle, with couplets hanging on both sides, and then there are two wreaths. See someone come in, family members immediately kneel to one side, ready to salute.

Lin Feng bowed respectfully to the incense. Lin Zhiling also followed Zhu Xiang and bowed three times. Immediately, Lin Feng would kneel down to worship. This time, it scared Lin Zhiling.

"Boss, who is this?" Lin Zhiling still looks confused. She didn't know what happened to varayu. She doesn't know what the relationship between the dead and Lin Feng is, but as far as she knows, it should be OK.

"It should be! Zhiling, our company's car just had a car accident, and the victim is the traffic police Lin Feng said in a low voice.

"Ah, what happened!" Lin Zhiling exclaimed, she really didn't know about it.

"Well, that's why I'm coming to worship. Although it has nothing to do with our company and belongs to outsiders who use our company's cars, as a company manager, I still have to stand up. " With that, Lin Feng knelt down and kowtowed three times.

The family returned the gift.

When Lin Zhiling saw that Lin Feng kowtowed, she knelt down and kowtowed three times.

"Thank you for coming to see my son, thank you!" An old man came over with tears in his eyes.

"I beg your pardon, old man. I believe that good and evil will be rewarded in the end! " Lin Feng said.

"Thank you, thank you. Are you two children's colleagues or friends? Or... "The old man asked.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, which was hard to answer. It can't be said that we are the car owners who killed your son. This, even if has nothing to do with oneself, that other people also have to work hard. Lin Feng can't say that yet. Lin Feng will not do this kind of thing.

"Old man, this is a little bit of my heart. Please accept it. I'm sorry for your change!" Lin Feng gives Lin Zhiling a look.

Lin Zhiling was stunned. Money for human relations? The wedding is a red envelope, and the funeral is an envelope. But Lin Zhiling didn't prepare. She didn't know Lin Feng was coming here. What can I do about this? However, Lin Zhiling also had an idea. People went to one side, quickly folded a simple envelope with a few pieces of white paper in her briefcase, and then stuffed 5000 yuan into it.

With Lin Feng's wealth and the fact that it has something to do with the "second world", the package will not be too small. However, Lin Zhiling was afraid of packing too much, and frightened the other party, so she only packed 5000 yuan, otherwise she would have stuffed tens of thousands of Yuan directly.

But even so, it still scares the old man. The envelope is thick with a pile of money. Although I don't know the exact number, I can guess that there are at least several thousand yuan in it. Well, what's the relationship! How can you send so much money?

"Wife, come here, come here!" The old man was a little shivering and called his wife, who had been crying for a while that day.

"What's the matter?"

"Here, here, do you remember who this is? They gave a lot of money! This, I ask their name, also don't say! Who on earth is this The old man had a worried face. If they give so much money, they have to pay back the gift. They can't say that they accept the money for nothing without asking their names.

"I, I don't know either!"

"Ah, Xiao Guo, come and see who that is. He gave me a lot of money! And so he went The old man called his son and colleagues to ask.

"What! So much money! " Xiao Guo came to have a look and estimated that it would be at least four or five thousand. Who is so rich. Most of them gave 500 to the Bureau and 800-1000 to the leaders. That's four or five thousand. That's too much! This is more than the leader's. who is this!

After all, the deceased is just an ordinary traffic police, without any identity and status. It's impossible to send too many visitors. After all, this society is very realistic, but this time, how can we not be surprised to give so much.

"Uncle, I don't know that man either. We don't have him in the Bureau. And there is no such person in a system. It's just that I look a little familiar! " Xiao Guo looks at Lin Feng's back and doubts.

"Uncle, did he write his name?" Asked Guo.

Several people looked at the envelope up and down, left and right. It was white paper without any name.

"Well, uncle, here's a clue. You see, this is an envelope folded with the company's letter paper. It's got the name of the company on it. " After Xiao Guo handed the money to the two elders, he restored the letter paper and read the big word "the second Consortium" clearly. Seeing these four characters, Xiao Guo trembled all over.

"Xiao Guo, who is this and what company is this?" The old man doesn't know what company this is. He hasn't heard of it.

"Uncle, this is Fengshen's company! Just now, just now that person is Fengshen Xiao Guojian cried, "my God, it was Fengshen who came to see your son just now! He's the one to worship your son! Xiao Chen is the most loyal player of "the second world". He likes to play "the second world" after work. What he worships most is Fengshen. God, if he knew that Fengshen was coming to worship him, even in heaven, he would be happy. "

what? Fengshen? Who is that? The old man had a blank face.

"The richest man in the world! He is also a national hero of China. He is the most admirable person in China! " Xiaoguo said excitedly.

"Ah, is such a big man coming to worship my son?" The old man suddenly got excited. "Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng ~ ~" the old man ran after him directly.

"Ah, uncle, uncle, his name is not Mr. Feng!" Xiao Guo has a black face. Fengshen is the nickname given to Lin Feng by many netizens in China. His surname is Lin, not Feng!

"Boss, the old man has come out!" When Lin Zhiling heard the call from behind, she looked back and was startled.

Lin Feng frowned. What's the matter? Lin Feng is still thinking about what's going on. The old man over there has already run directly to Lin Feng and "plop" kneels down. This time, Lin Feng is frightened. He squatted down and pulled the old man up. But the old man refused to get up and began to cry.

"Mr. Feng, my son died miserably! He was on duty, but he was killed by the unscrupulous troublemaker, and he hit and ran. I've heard that the man has a big background. We ordinary people have no skills. Now we can't catch the troublemaker, and we don't even know who the troublemaker is. Mr. Feng, I heard from Xiao Guo that you have great powers, so I beg you, please help my son to seek justice! " The old man kowtowed one after another.

Lin Feng quickly grabbed it. At this time, the old man's wife and Xiao Guo also rushed over and picked up the old man.

"Lin... Mr. Lin, this is uncle. He's too excited. You, don't blame him!" Xiao Guo stammered.

He is just an ordinary traffic police, suddenly met Lin Feng, he is really a little scared.

Lin Feng nodded.

"In fact, I believe there will be a public opinion on who the troublemaker is. And, old man, I'm really ashamed of you. I can't afford it Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Feng, this day has passed, and there is no result. Mr. Feng, my son's death is unjust. He died miserably for his country's loyalty! You must help him to redress the injustice! " The old man tightly grasped Lin Feng's sleeve and refused to let go.

The news of my son's death came as a bolt from the blue yesterday. Of course, as a public official, he is on the front line, and his life is in danger. He can accept his son's sacrifice for his country, but he can't accept it. It's been a day, but even the murderer hasn't been caught, and they don't even know who the other party is, as their family members. When asked about the leader of his son, they were all secretive. They don't live in the mountains and don't understand the danger of the world. With this attitude of leadership, I'm afraid it's a big man who killed his son this time. If it's really big, their son will die in vain. Therefore, the old man has been in sorrow and helplessness.

At this time, Lin Feng appeared, they just like grasping the straw, how willing to let go. This is their last hope.

"Don't worry, old man. Good people will be rewarded, and evil people will be rewarded." Lin Feng said.

"Well, uncle, Mr. Lin is right. Good people will be rewarded. Xiao Chen will not die in vain. He will surely bring the murderer to justice." Xiao Guo is also persuading.

In the end, they went back crying.

Lin Feng sighed.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry just now. My uncle was a little bit impolite because he missed his son. Please don't blame me Xiao Guo helps to apologize.

Lin Feng waved his hand, for the two old mentality, Lin Feng is able to accept, so it's no surprise.

"Xiao Guo, I'll go first." Lin Feng sighed.

"Mr. Lin, take your time!" Xiao Guo looks at Lin Feng and wants to say nothing.

"What's the matter, Xiao Guo? Seems to have something to say?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, Mr. Lin, I, I'll just say it! Several of our colleagues who were responsible for investigating the incident at that time found out that the car causing the accident was... A car under the name of "second world". We believe it has nothing to do with Mr. Lin, but I don't know if it is... Is it... "Xiao Guo hesitated and didn't say the rest.

As far as the accident vehicle belongs to the "second world", many traffic police in charge of the investigation have no doubt that Lin Feng did it. Because Lin Feng's car is which a few, they have traffic police department record. We should pay special attention to it, prevent bad people from getting close to Lin Feng, and give Lin Feng convenience in traffic as much as possible. And Lin Feng never drives other cars, and Lin Feng doesn't drive himself. Therefore, they have no doubt that it was Lin Feng who drove into the car. But I'm afraid some of the second world executives are just as troublesome as that one. After all, Lin Feng's heart of protecting his weaknesses is well known.

"It has nothing to do with the people in my company, but it's more troublesome. If someone in our company had broken the law, I would have sent him to the Public Security Bureau. Well, I'll go first Lin Feng patted Xiao Guo on the shoulder, with a little sharpness in his eyes.