"G23" Apache squadron captain John is stupid. Then I screamed wildly!

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat John twisted the fuselage desperately, forced to turn, turned around and ran.

The whole formation was in a mess. The rest of Apache didn't know at first, so they didn't know why captain John wanted to do this, but when they saw the real situation below, they were dumbfounded for a moment. Later, like John, they all turned the fuselage and fled wildly.

“FUCK! What are you doing! " Old Morgan was furious when he saw this.

But when John sent what he saw to the base camp through the real-time wartime feedback system, old Morgan was also stunned and speechless.

"Lunatics, these lunatics! Where did they get so many bazookas! " Exclaimed old Morgan.

Old DuPont was also thrilled. This picture is so shocking.

Rocket launcher is a kind of portable anti tank weapon that can launch rockets. It mainly launches rocket armour penetrator, and can also launch rocket grenade or other rockets. It is used to attack tanks, armored vehicles, infantry combat vehicles, armored personnel transport vehicles, military equipment and destruction works in close range. It can also be used to kill living targets or complete other tactical missions. Due to its small mass, simple structure, low price and convenient use, rocket launcher has played an important role in anti tank operations in previous wars. RPG for short.

The earliest archetype of rocket launcher appeared in Ming Dynasty. In the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1598), Zhao Shizhen made a rocket launching device called "rocket slide", which can give the rocket a certain direction and angle of fire. It is the rudiment of modern rocket launching device.

Zhao Shizhen's greatest invention was the thunderbolt.

Xunlei blunderbuss is a kind of fire rope gun with five blunderbuss. The blunderbuss are surrounded by a wooden blunderbuss. There is an organic box in the middle of the blunderbuss. There is a shield in the front and a small axe in the middle. The overall shape is very unique. According to the records, "five blunderbuss weighed 10 Jin in total, and the length of a single blunderbuss was more than 2 feet". The blunderbuss were fixed on the front and rear discs, which were in a pentagonal distribution, with an angle of 72 °。 Each blunderbuss tube is equipped with a collimator, a light door and a fire door for charging the powder line. The five gunpowder wires are separated from each other by thin copper sheets to ensure the safety of launching. The front part of the blunderbuss rod is hollow, in which a fireball is installed, and an iron gun head is installed at the other end. In the middle of the case, there is an ignition tap on the top and a trigger under it, which is used for ignition and launching of five blunderbuss. The shield at the front is covered with raw cowhide, which is padded with silk wool, hair and paper. There is a round hole and five square holes in the middle. The blunderbuss pass through the round hole, and the blunderbuss pass through the square hole. The square hole is used to observe and aim at the same time. The shield is used to protect the shooter's safety.

Before launching, it is necessary to load the five gun tubes of the thunderbolt gun with ammunition, set up the shield, insert the small axe on the ground, frame the gun body well, the shooter's left leg squats forward, his right leg kneels back, holds the gearbox with his left hand, holds the gun rod with his right arm, and controls the trigger to fire with his right hand. After shooting a tube, turn the barrel disk for 72 seconds °, Aim the second gun tube at the gearbox and continue to aim at the launch. In this way, five cannons were fired in turn. If there are still enemy soldiers approaching at this time, the fireball in the blunderbuss can be ignited to make it "burn the enemy with flame"; When there is no time to reload ammunition, the gun rod can be turned upside down and used as a fighting weapon; Axe and shield can also be used as weapons respectively. It's really a multi-purpose gun with both attack and defense.

It can be said that if the Ming Dynasty is not so fatuous, the imperial court does not always have treacherous officials in charge, and eunuchs are in disorder, then the Ming Dynasty will certainly be an unprecedented Dynasty. If such a great inventor as Zhao Shizhen can continue to study his inventions and apply them to the army and even the people's livelihood, then the Ming Dynasty will usher in an unprecedented "firearms revolution", which will change history no less than the British Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.

At that time, China will become an unprecedented empire. The Qing army will not be able to enter the pass.

The greatest inventor in the history of Chinese firearms, like other great inventors, devoted his whole life to invention and creation, but was not familiar with officialdom, and was eventually implicated by officialdom. First of all, Zhang Juzheng, a famous prime minister, refused to go home for his father's funeral because he was ill, which led to the event of "seizing love" which shocked the government and the public, and was implicated. Later, after he Shengguang was killed in the "demon book case" in Wanli period, it was widely spread in Beijing that the demon book "was written by Zhao Shizhen of Dongjia". Zhao Shizhen was physically and mentally exhausted because of this. It is said that he has been insane, and even dreamed many times that he could not get up and died of depression.

Of course, one of the most important reasons for Zhao Shizhen's tragic experience is that his firearms were too sharp, which led to the revolution of the army. Some people even worried that if he continued to invent them, he would invent a lethal weapon that would take the first place thousands of miles away. This is the same as the legendary xuedizi, but xuedizi is blown out, while Zhao Shizhen's invention is real and visible.

Therefore, in the end, China's dream of becoming a big country in firearms was shattered in the fear of the Ming Dynasty.

As for the later modern rocket launchers, they first appeared during the Second World War. At that time, there were two types: one was the 60mm M1 rocket type rocket rocket launcher, which was equipped by the United States in 1942 and developed by George Washington University. American soldiers called it "bazuka" because it was very similar to a trumpet like instrument called "bazuka". This common name later became the customary name for rocket launcher in Europe and America.

Of course, with the progress of the times, the rocket launcher has undergone several changes. Now it's the third generation. At the moment, what Langya is holding is Russia's rpg-7v rocket launcher. Although its performance is not top-notch, it is also an advanced anti tank rocket launcher in the world.

At the moment, hundreds of shoulder mounted rpg-7v rockets suddenly appear in the hands of wolf tooth in Casablanca! The black muzzle makes everyone afraid. Especially for Apache, who is fleeing rapidly in the air, it is even more frightening.

Apache is really powerful, and the "G23" is the most advanced Apache, with the most advanced air defense missile early warning system, but in the face of hundreds of rocket launchers, they can never escape.

"Lunatics, a bunch of lunatics!" John is on the run. He couldn't figure out how anyone could bring so many bazookas. It was insane. Do they know in advance that there will be an air raid by Apache? If they don't explain that, how can they bring so many bazookas. You know, although these rocket launchers are shoulder mounted, they bring so many, which is also a very troublesome thing for their handling. In particular, the "wolf tooth" is a rapid reaction force. How can it transport so many rocket launchers.

It's not logical! Unreasonable!

Run! Run! Run!

"Want to escape? It's too late Lin Feng said with a smile, "Li Rui, let's launch. Undifferentiated range attack, be sure to keep all the Apache for me. As for the places of interest in Casablanca, they are old and dilapidated. Let's rebuild a new city for Casablanca! "

Li Rui nods and has Lin Feng's promise. He has no scruples in his heart.

"Fire! Undifferentiated range attack, fire! Leave all the Apache behind for me Li Rui roared.

"Boom ~ ~ ~"

"Boom ~ ~ ~"


Countless rocket launchers spewed out their tongues, and hundreds of rockets shot into the air. Twelve Apache flew away with rolling smoke and roaring sound. It's the roar of death. It's the smoke. It's the fire of the devil from the abyss of hell.

“FUCK!” John was scared out of his wits when he saw the Rockets coming from all over the sky.

"Dodge each other, escape each other!" John yelled.

At the moment, what formation, what array, it's all bullshit. At this moment, the most important thing is to protect life!

But in the face of the rain like rockets, life? What do you use to save your life!

"Dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada. All the people, looking at the fireball exploding all over the sky in the distance, were completely shocked. This picture, even in Hollywood movies, has never appeared. This is the end of the world.

The real end of the world!

screaming! Cry! Howling! The whole Casablanca is hell on earth.

"Casablanca!" Mayor Sajid covered his face with tears. Looking at the smoke of the city, this is still his Casablanca!

Damn terrorists! Damn warlord! Damn you all! Mayor Sajid roared.

"Mayor Sajid, I'm afraid Mr. Lin can't do anything about it..." Annan sighed.

"Mr. Annan, I understand that this has nothing to do with Mr. Lin. It's all caused by those bastards. I'll make these bastards pay the price in my lifetime! " Sajid clenched his fist and swore.

Annan breathed a sigh of relief. If this matter if anger to Lin Feng, then Lin Feng had done all in vain. Fortunately, this Sajid is not fatuous and reasonable.


More violent explosions!

Then, the deafening explosion came, and almost everyone's ears were deafened. And in the sky, black smoke shrouded, the earth seems to be black at this moment.

At this moment, Casablanca seems to have entered the darkest moment. It seems that this time, Casablanca has been destroyed and can never be rebuilt!

2 million people, what should they do? Does Casablanca have a future? Sajid looked at the black smoke in the sky like ink, with a sad face.