There are more and more curses, and they are not limited to the Internet, including the real media. Major newspapers have also published relevant reports on the front page, and expressed them in huge bold characters. Lin Feng, do you really want to flee China because of marriage?

This kind of query, under the attack of public opinion, has almost played a huge role. Those who had accepted Lin Feng's three-year contract were not so calm.

Because, according to the news published in the newspaper, it seems that in three years' time, the house price may fall, and it may fall to the satisfaction of all house buyers, but this does not mean that they will spend less. On the contrary, because Lin Feng has lowered the house price to a low level and satisfied them with the house price, all of them will owe Lin Feng a favor and be grateful to him.

In the past three years, we have been used to "micro home decoration". After buying a house in the future, we will go to the home decoration company through "". In the middle of this, Lin Feng will earn a very rich reward. After all, home decoration has always been the most profitable, and making money invisible, so you don't know how much money the other party has earned from you.

At that time, Lin Feng not only earned the hearts of the people, but also made countless money. You know, decoration is bottomless! What's more, after we all rely on "Dingdang", the benefits of "Dingdang" will be unimaginable.

Think about it. If one day, China's 1.3 billion people can't do without the "Ding Dang net", no matter what the basic necessities of life are, they have to rely on the "Ding Dang net", what a terrible thing it will be. How much money would Dingdang make at that time?

Think about it, Chinese people consume more than 800000 tons of grain a day, which is equivalent to the total output of a grain base county in the whole year; More than 60000 tons of pork are consumed, that is, more than 1 million pigs are slaughtered every day; More than 20000 tons of edible vegetable oil, that is, 600000 mu of rape oil is consumed every day; More than 16000 tons of sugar are consumed, that is, 48000 mu of sugar produced by sugarcane fields are consumed every day; 18.7 million kg of fresh eggs, that is, 186000 eggs a day produced by improved breeds of egg chickens throughout the year; 19.55 million kg of aquatic products, nearly half of the annual output of aquatic products in Yunnan Province; There are 220 million cigarettes, three of which are stacked in a straight line, about 6266.6 kilometers long, 1200 kilometers longer than the width of China's land between the East and the West; 36000 tons of wine, which can fill 1.5 West Lakes in Hangzhou; Domestic cloth is 36000 km, which can almost circle the equator; More than 600000 tons of coal, equivalent to the annual output of a large and medium-sized mine; To buy 50 million newspapers, it will take more than 400 medium-sized freight cars to load them.

And this is just the basic material for a person to survive. People, there are more needs. Whether it's material or spiritual, people have more and more needs. In this case, when everyone depends on Dingdang, how big is the market!

Therefore, Lin Feng is just in the layout! And it's the most brilliant layout. It's a situation set up for one's own benefit.

Under the guidance of public opinion, those who have been waiting for three years can not calm down. They are ordinary people, and they follow blindly. They can believe Lin Feng's words, and if they don't buy a house for three years, they will naturally give up this promise. As long as they believe that Lin Feng is lying and "intimidates" them not to buy a house for three years, they can tear up this promise.

"Boss, there is more and more pressure from the outside world. Those who buy houses are beginning to complain that you are forcing them not to buy houses for three years for your own sake!" Melissa said angrily, "these people, why are they so stupid. It's ridiculous to say that the boss asked them not to buy a house for his own sake! If the boss really wants to make money, he will collude with the real estate developers to bid up the house price! That way, you can earn more. It's much more profitable than home decoration! "

When Lin Feng heard Melissa's words, she still drank tea calmly, which made Melissa unable to understand.

"Boss, aren't you angry? How much did you lose and how much did you pay for these people and the top management. But they listen to slander and are easily shaken. Aren't you angry? " Asked Melissa, puzzled.

But Lin Feng shook his head with a smile.

"Melissa, you've been in China for a long time, and your Chinese level is getting higher and higher. Have you ever heard such a saying that the people can make use of it, but they can't make use of it. What does that mean? This is a sentence in the chapter of the Analects of Confucius. It is also the most controversial sentence in China since ancient times. " Lin Feng took a sip of tea and explained, "what does this mean? It means that the common people can go and tell them what to do, but don't tell them why to do it. Why? Because when people think about why they do it, they do nothing. They're going to be a huge problem. Therefore, since ancient times, China has adopted the policy of fooling the people, coupled with the rule of imperial power, to let the people understand that God's will cannot be violated and that imperial power is greater than everything. "

Melissa chewed carefully and understood what Lin Feng meant.

"Of course, there are other meanings in this sentence, but I won't say them. What I want to say is that since ancient times, most of the people have followed blindly. Because they have a narrow range of knowledge, receive less information, and they have very few resources, and they have no power, so they are easy to follow blindly without much judgment. It's just blind obedience. " Lin Feng shrugged, "so, when they are faced with difficulties, I stand up. With my unparalleled reputation and reputation, they follow me blindly and respond to my proposal not to buy a house for three years!"

Melissa nodded.

"Now, all kinds of rumors and public opinion bombs concocted by those guys make these people worry. What do they worry about? What worries us is not whether we trust the wrong people, but whether their interests will be damaged! " Lin Feng took another sip of tea. "You should have heard of the word 'petty profit', which refers to a very small profit, and this word is often derogatory. And it's usually used to describe "ordinary people.". What is common people? " Lin Feng smiles.

"The so-called ordinary people are the vulgar and vulgar people in the city. They have no ambition, and they are very fond of gossip. They are easy to believe the so-called experts' opinions and others' opinions, but they have no self judgment and self screening ability. They just follow blindly! What's more, they are fussy and care most about their petty profits. What they always see is what they have lost at the moment, but not what they will get in the future! " Lin Feng sighed, "so, they are easy to worry about whether they can really buy a cheap house in the future, whether they will worry about their future home decoration, and whether I will make a lot of money. Even if they may not find a home decoration company to decorate their new house, they will still worry about it. This is the common people! This is the Chinese people

Melissa turned her lips.

"Of course, I don't look down on them, and I won't laugh at them, because their insight determines their vision. So, why do you often say that this man, when he was young, had to go out for a break? If you don't go out for a break, you will never know how big the outside world is. When you see tall buildings, stars and the sky on TV and books, does that mean you have insight? The ancients said, read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles. Don't go out, you don't know how big the outside world is! So, with them, am I too angry to go? Besides, angry Lin Feng shook his head, "it's useless! It's no use getting angry with them. It's the people behind them who want to be angry. "

"The real estate developers!" Melissa's eyes were burning. She was very angry with these despicable guys for slandering her boss.

"Ha ha, they?" Lin Feng shook his head, "they are not qualified! They seem to be a lot of people, but in my eyes, they are just a group of local people. They don't have the right to let me fight with them now! "

"Who is that?" Melissa was shocked by Lin Feng's arrogance.

Although these real estate developers are all small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, no central enterprises or real estate developers like Wanda are involved. This time, these large real estate developers are unusually low-key and extremely silent, as if all this has nothing to do with them, just as the ordinary people have nothing to do with them if they don't buy a house for three years. But even without these large real estate developers, it is these small and medium-sized real estate enterprises that can not be underestimated.

Because many of them may not be very strong in real estate enterprises, or even just a new army, but in their main business, or in the original field, they are all giants or leaders in the industry. In this case, Lin Feng is regarded as a cud dog, which is too domineering.

"My goals are just those. Go and visit them Lin Feng stood up and came to the red house again.

"Mr. A, I'd like to see Lin Feng at the door!" Once again, at the gate, Lin Feng began to shout.

Hum! The whole red house was in turmoil.

Last time, someone dared to shout here, it was also Lin Feng. It was Lin Feng who brought millions of people here to shout, demanding justice and fairness. But this time, Lin Feng alone, dare to come to shout, what is he relying on! What qualifications does he have! How dare he be so bold!

Mr. A has a black face. He didn't expect Lin Feng to challenge here. Why, does he regard himself as Mr. health! Does he think that he will follow Mr. health? If he thinks so, he's very wrong!

"Go, go out and see him!" Mr. A, with a black face, came out with several gentlemen.

They would like to see what Lin Feng's advice is today! Hum! Dare to make such a loud noise, he ate ambition leopard gall!

At the moment, on the other side, the two gentlemen looked at each other in astonishment.

"Why is he here again?"

"What is he doing? Mr. health over there is still under investigation. Is it difficult for him to remove Mr. A as well? "

"I think it's possible! If that's the case, the general election will be held in advance! "

"Well, I hope nothing serious happens!"

At the moment, Mr. a came out with several gentlemen.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing? This is not a place for you to fool around. Believe it or not, I can order the guard to arrest you with your loud roar here just now! " Mr. a denounced.

But Lin Feng didn't say that at all.

"Mr. A, there is an old Chinese saying that it's up to the owner to beat a dog. Your dog, barking outside, is biting me. As a human being, it is impossible for me to bite back. So, I'll tell your master, take your dog back, take strict care of it, and give me enough compensation. Otherwise... "Said Lin Feng coldly.

"Or what?" Mr. A has a black face.

"Otherwise, I'll beat your dog to death with a stick!" Lin Feng said coldly.

"Hum, Lin Feng, do you really think your world revolves around you? Do you think the world can't do without you! If your self-confidence is so inflated and inflated to such an arrogant level, I can tell you that you are not far away from extinction! " Mr. a scolded.

"The world revolves around me?" Lin Feng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, raised his hands slowly, and breathed out softly, "Mr. A, do you feel the voice of the world?"

The voice of the world? Mr. a frowned.

"You don't seem to feel it, but I do. I have heard the cry of the people and the voice of the world! They need me! Perhaps, the world is not around me, but the world needs me! Because, I can help them solve their difficulties, I can help them live better. I can -- "Lin Feng said in a loud voice," I can, let house prices fall, I can make Chinese people live better. I can let you -- "

"What about me?" Exclaimed Mr. a.

"Pa!" Lin Feng took the shape of a pistol, pulled the trigger, and then put his index finger in his mouth to blow. Then he laughed, "well, what I'm going to say today is over. Since you don't care if your dog bites others, don't blame me for killing your dog! "

"Go Lin Feng yells and leaves with Melissa and others.

"Son of a bitch! Asshole! What a jerk A first angry face red, Lin Feng's words, Lin Feng's actions, and Lin Feng's manner, too angry, too arrogant! That's too much!