The moon is in orbit!

Everybody's out. No matter Li Zhiyou, Liu Yifei and other women who had fallen into the great wall of mahjong before, Feng Jun and others who had been fanatically in the "upgrade" mode, or Franciscans who had been praying devoutly and eager to communicate with God, they all came.

Looking at the huge moon in front of us, the surging feelings in people's hearts are beyond words. Although the moon in front of people is extremely ugly, which is very different from the bright moon on the earth, it is the first extraterrestrial star they saw close by. For 99.99 percent of the people on earth, they have never been so lucky in their life to be able to see extraterrestrial objects so close. How can they not be excited!

"How beautiful! Is this the moon! I never thought that I could see the moon so close Li Zhiyou exclaimed, with all kinds of excitement in his eyes.

"I've learned all kinds of poems before. When is the bright moon? I'll ask Qingtian for wine. I don't know what year it is in the palace. How ugly and beautiful the moon is Liu Yifei muttered to himself.

Lin Feng smiles. Indeed, the moon in front of us is really ugly, but it is also beautiful. The ugly thing is that the moon is just like a celestial being coming down to earth, with its face touching the ground first. It's so ugly, but the beauty is that the first extraterrestrial star that people see is too shocking. It was far more shocking than seeing the blue earth in space for the first time.

This is a kind of shocking beauty.

"If only I could go up!" Avril sighed.

Landing on the moon! This is the dream of many people on earth, but except for the American astronauts who landed on the moon a few decades ago, no one has succeeded in landing on the moon. But now, they are close at hand. If they don't feel itchy, it's deceptive. But they also know how hard it is to land on the moon! Even if they don't know much about aerospace, they also know that entering the lunar orbit and landing on the moon are two concepts. Because after you enter the lunar orbit, you are still in space. You only need a little power to change the course and return to the earth. Once landing on the moon, even if the gravity of the moon is only one sixth of that of the earth, if you want to leave the moon, you need to overcome the gravity of the moon, which requires great power.

Does flying saucer have such a powerful power? Can you land on the moon for the first time and return? So, the women just think about it, but they don't expect anything.

Lin Feng is a smile.

"Now that I'm here, I'll go to the moon. OK, everyone, sit down. We are ready to land on the moon. Remember to prepare something for each of us to stay on the moon as a memorial. Oh, by the way, it's time for Paul's reality show Lin fengxiao said.

what! Landing on the moon? All the women screamed. No one thought that it would really land on the moon. It was a big surprise for everyone. Landing on the moon, it's so exciting.

At the moment, not only the people in the UFO, but also the audience on earth who are watching this star trek reality show, are excited. Originally, we thought that this would be a trip around the moon at most. After a close look at the moon, we would fly back. Who expected to land on the moon? It's so enviable. Especially those super rich, they are even more envious.

Anyway, we have to take this ticket. It's only a $1 million starting price. What's that. Take it! This is a moon landing! Although landing on the moon is of no practical significance, it is not the first and will not be the last. But think about it. How many people have been able to land on the moon since ancient times? To be able to set foot on the celestial body is always enviable. This is absolutely the proudest thing they boast about!

Come back! Come back quickly! Lin Feng and others haven't landed on the moon yet. On earth, those super rich people begin to expect them to come back soon.

On the other hand, the "G23" are even more envious of the flying saucer technology. They covet it even more. The spaceship that can land on the moon and return is absolutely coveted. We have to get the technology.

At this moment, under the camera, the flying saucer began to enter the lunar airspace and began to slowly descend. Naturally, Paul can't capture the whole landing video, but Nu Wa can realize a 360 degree panoramic view through the outside camera, so that everyone can see how the UFO landed.

Slowly, the lunar flying saucer landed on the moon, and no dust was raised. It was a shock to the outside world. Although there is no air on the moon, the landing of the spacecraft will inevitably have a strong impact, which will arouse dust. But when Lin Feng's moon flying saucer landed, there was no dust at all. What does that mean? There is no air on the moon, so it can't parachute down. We can only reverse the engine, control the speed and angle, and make it soft landing.

But in any case, so many landings in the past will raise dust on the moon. However, the lunar flying saucer landed smoothly without any dust. This shows that its power control is extremely perfect, and the final landing is almost at 0 speed. How can this be done? Thousands of tons of flying saucer, zero speed landing, how is this done? This manipulation technique is extremely frightening.

Of course, ordinary viewers don't care about these technologies. What they know is that the moon successfully landed on the moon. Lin Feng and others want to really set foot on the moon.

At this time, the hatch opens. As seen in science fiction movies, people in space suits walk out of the UFO and come to the moon. The last time we set foot on the moon was on December 17, 1972, but now it has been 36 years before the moon welcomes guests from the earth again.

At this moment, on the screen, we can clearly see people's excited expressions, including his majesty Francis, who has always been the most calm. This is the moon. He actually set foot on the moon. How many billion believers on the ground are looking up to him now! At this moment, he felt as if he was above, like God.

envy! All of them are looking at Lin Feng and others walking out of the moon with envy. Want to see what they're doing on the moon.

What will Lin Feng and others do on the moon? What will they do?

In the expectation of everyone, all the women took out what they were going to leave on the moon from a box they were carrying with them.

The first is Francis. He took out a cross box with a Bible inside. He carefully placed it on the surface of the moon and prayed silently.

At this moment, all Catholics on the earth are crossing and praying together. From this moment on, the moon is also illuminated by the supreme glory of Catholicism. Their praying power will also be blessed on the moon and pray for the moon!

Then, Li Zhiyou and them. What Li Zhiyou brings out is a crystal photo frame of Lin Jiaqi, in which there are photos of her with Lin Jiaqi and Lin Feng. She puts it here in the hope that Lin Jiaqi can come up and get it back in person in the future. This also represents her hope that Lin Jiaqi can grow up healthily.

Huang Meixi, of course, is the same. She has a group photo with Lin Youxi and Lin Feng. Naturally, she is eager for Lin Youxi to grow up healthily and land on the moon in the future.

Avril put down a record of her own. Maybe there will be aliens in the future. Maybe her records can be heard by aliens. Of course, if not an alien, it means she was the first pop singer to conquer the moon.

As for Lin Zhiling, what she put down was a brocade bag with a wish in it. To keep this wish here, naturally, is also the hope to make the dream come true!

Jessica, it's a model of the latest Chrysler car. This naturally represents her blessing to Chrysler! Today's Chrysler is in her hands, reborn, and she naturally hopes it can go further.

Sharapova, put down the nature is a tennis racket. She longed to be the number one in the world all the time.

Liu Yifei, on the other hand, planted a five-star red flag, which naturally represents the desire for a strong and prosperous motherland.

Huang Shuqi, on the other hand, put down a Fengshen express truck, which means that Fengshen express will become a star class express company in the future!

Liu Yingying, on the other hand, put down the logo of, which means that she can also buy online in the future on the moon! will become a star online shopping company.

Li Yunxin, on the other hand, did not put down the Samsung logo. To be honest, when she knew that they were going to land on the moon, Samsung contacted her and hoped that she would put down the Samsung logo. No matter what kind of logo, in a word, Samsung should keep its name on the moon, which is very good for promoting the Samsung brand. However, Li Yunxin did not do so. She hated the family very much, so what she left behind was only a set of old clothes, which meant that she was completely separated from the past.

These are Lin Feng's ten ladies. Of course, in addition, Lin Zhihui, alegra, as the girl's best friend, also came. What Allegra put down is naturally the symbol of Versace. She naturally hopes that Versace will become the first luxury brand in the world.

As for Lin Zhihui, she doesn't have any requirements or wishes. She just left her whole body rubbings on the moon. This rubbing, if there is no accident, will stay here forever.

At this time, everyone's attention is on Lin Feng. What will he leave on the moon.

Under the global attention, Lin Feng jumps into the crowd and smiles.

"Moon, here comes Lin Feng. After many years of gazing, I, Lin Feng, finally represent us Chinese! Armstrong said that his personal small step represents a big step for mankind. And what I want to say is, it belongs to all of us. And I want to announce something here! " Lin Feng looks up at the earth.