Libya? What's up? Lin Feng was surprised.

This is Libya. Lin Feng hasn't been there for a long time. After all, it's OK. Lin Feng doesn't like to run in Libya. It's too far away, and Gaddafi is too enthusiastic. I'd like to marry his daughter to him. You say, how can Lin Feng bear the passion.

Although Gaddafi's daughter is also a beautiful woman, Lin Feng doesn't like it. If you can't see a beautiful woman, you can get into the harem. Even if nobody cares, Lin Feng doesn't want to.

After all, this man's energy is limited. There are too many women to take care of. That's enough. Therefore, Lin Feng seldom passed.

"Gaddafi's national infrastructure, with the support of his US dollar, as well as the construction of China and Italy, has made great progress. But the problem is that Gaddafi's personal ambitions are also expanding! " President Sarkozy said.

Lin Feng nodded.

For Gaddafi, Lin Feng still has a clear understanding. He is also a civil rights fighter similar to himself. He has been committed to leading the Libyans, that is, the Arabs, on the road to prosperity and democracy. He longed for the Arab world to be free of Westerners. This is obviously impossible.

Because most of the world's oil resources are in the hands of the Arab world. Although Lin Feng's "solar energy technology" has been gradually promoted. At least from the civil, solar water heaters and electric cars have begun to popularize. But in military terms, solar energy or electric energy can not replace oil resources.

This is still a strategic resource. Therefore, the western countries in the Arab world are staring at allowing Africa to establish a grand alliance, but they have not allowed the Arab world to establish such a grand alliance. And Gaddafi has always wanted to form a grand League of the Arab world. Naturally, this is also regarded as an eyesore by western countries.

Before that, if it had not been for Lin Feng's mediation, I'm afraid Gaddafi's good days would have come to an end. Libya as a whole will not be as prosperous as it is now.

"Libya is an authoritarian government, and at present there is instability in the country. Because of Gaddafi's dictatorship, the internal affairs of the country is unstable, and there are opposition voices!" President Sarkozy said.

Lin Feng frowned.

"Opposition is inevitable. There's no way. After all, no matter how good he is, there will be people who feel bad about it. After all, there are always conflicts between vested interests and non vested interests. In this world, you can't satisfy everyone! " Lin Feng said.

"Good! Under Gaddafi's administration, Libya is the first country in Africa to get rid of poverty. Now the treatment of Libyans is similar to that of the European Union. People all over the country enjoy free medical insurance, free housing, free schooling and free education. Their lives can be said to be above the benchmark. Even if it's not as good as the western countries, it's not much worse! " Berlusconi agreed.

President Sarkozy shook his head.

"It's not important to have a small voice of opposition. I'm worried about Gaddafi! " President Sarkozy has a worried look on his face.

Who are you? Lin Feng and Berlusconi are puzzled.

"He is a dictator, and today's dictator is different from the former. Before the dictator, everything is for one's own interests. But in modern times, dictators will try their best to benefit the people and let them enjoy the welfare of national growth. For example, the former head of state, although hateful, in some ways, he also made Germany enjoy the welfare of developed countries. Let Germany be the best material condition in Europe and even in the world at that time! " President Sarkozy explained.

Lin Feng nodded.

"It's the same with Gaddafi. We will not talk about his personal corruption. But he did use the dividend of the country's oil on the national welfare! Let Libyans be happier than all Africans. " But Mr. Lin should be very clear that people are greedy. This person, who has never really been able to achieve contentment. Always more and more greedy, more and more dissatisfied with the status quo

Lin Feng agrees with this very much.

Like Linfeng management company, when an employee has achieved a certain amount of time, he always wants to make progress, hoping to get more in his position or salary. Then, he will continue to hope to go further. This, of course, is a very good side. Companies want to have motivated staff, so that the company can progress.

But there is a limit to talent. Their growth space is limited. It can't grow all the time. To a certain extent, they can not grow up, how to do? If they can't get a higher salary or a higher position, what should they do? It's very simple. Try to be lazy.

What he could do in the past day, he would do it in a few days. Anyway, he would make himself comfortable as much as possible. Therefore, Lin Feng will adopt the competitive system in the company to avoid the spread of this slack mood in the company.

"Libyans are very happy now, much happier than other countries in Africa, but when they have such happiness, they will not be satisfied any more. In particular, Qaddafi proposed a network revolution in Africa, which connected the whole African continent, including rural areas, through the application of telephone, television, radio and other technologies such as telemedicine and distance learning. That is to say, Libya is the first African country with Internet! " "And when the Libyans know more about the outside world, they want more," he said. Therefore, what they want now is not material life, but spiritual freedom! That's right! "

right! Lin Feng frowned. Lin Feng already knows what President Sarkozy said.

Right, after people are rich, they will begin to yearn for right. I long for democratic rights and hope I can have more voice. Is Libya a democratic society? no Everything in Libya is under Gaddafi's strong personal dictatorship, which is the present situation.

Once democracy is established, is it appropriate? The simplest of these is South Africa. When South Africa was under the dictatorship, people's life was also very good. Almost as happy as Libyans are now. But the emergence of the civil rights fighter Mandela, the father of South Africa, gave South Africa democracy. But what happened? The result is that the country, once Africa's richest, is now in a state of chaos, with its economy going from bad to worse, its capital, Cape Town, in a state of bad law and order, and there are armed robberies in downtown areas in the daytime.

Democracy may not be suitable for every country. Why can the West have democracy? That is because the citizen quality of the western society as a whole can be born only when it reaches a certain level. On the contrary, when citizens do not have such overall quality and you allow western society to enter democracy, it will only lead to social chaos.

Libya, if it pursues democracy, will also be in chaos.

"Just suppress these people." Berlusconi said, "Gaddafi is in charge of the army! A very strong army. "

"That's the problem!" President Sarkozy has a dignified face. "The problem is Gaddafi's suppression. Gaddafi is a dictator, and he is not greedy for pleasure. He has devoted all his thoughts to the strength of Libya and how to improve the living conditions of the people. He loves Libya, he loves the Libyan people. In his heart, the people of Libya must love him. But what will he do when he knows that the people of Libya do not love him? "

This time, Berlusconi became dignified. If he can become the Prime Minister of Italy, naturally he is not a fool. Naturally he understands the meaning behind this.

"When a dictator knows that the people he loves are against him, he will be furious and use all means to suppress the people. And this will inevitably lead to a strong reaction from the western society! " Berlusconi's face is a bit ugly.

Now it's a democratic society. Western society attaches great importance to human rights. If Gaddafi uses his army to suppress domestic opponents, of course, once the people demonstrate, he will certainly use his army to suppress the people. Then the whole western society will attack Gaddafi and ask the United Nations to stop this inhuman act.

And their two countries are strongly supporting Gaddafi. In this case, they are bound to be attacked by the western society and even at home. Their status will also become embarrassing. Cooperation with Libya is bound to have to end.


"Lin, once Gaddafi does this kind of crazy thing, I will definitely get rid of him in order to protect myself. I will even ask him to stop this kind of rude behavior, or even ask him to take the blame and resign! If he does something crazy, he must resign! But will he resign? " President Sarkozy gave a long sigh.

"He will not resign. I have dealt with him, and he is very attached to power. He can't abandon power. What's more, once he steps down, he will certainly become an exiled government, and the opposition in Libya will not tolerate him. " Berlusconi added.

"He will not step down. Then, I will have to be forced to declare war on him to stop such cruelty! Therefore, I hope you can stop his brutal behavior and let him ease the domestic situation instead of suppressing the domestic opposition forces with the most brutal behavior! " President Sarkozy pleaded, "otherwise, our relationship might break up!"

Lin Feng has a dignified face. What President Nicolas Sarkozy said is absolutely not alarmist, but a possibility that is bound to happen.

This is just like the best treatment given to employees in their own company. If they stab themselves in the back, they will be furious. Of course, he will not be like Gaddafi's bloody suppression. But it will certainly drive it out of the company and make it unable to get a foothold in this industry!

Well, that's the real big deal.