Wheel fight!

After the lunch break, the patient unexpectedly found that the western medicine had changed. It's no longer the famous doctor who can be seen on TV or in magazines. Instead, I changed to a slightly younger doctor.

Of course, there are signs on the desks in front of these people, on which some of their brilliant deeds in the medical field are written. Obviously, this is also to win the trust of those patients, so that they can rest assured that these doctors, like the top ten famous doctors before, are also very skilled.

This replacement naturally caused a stir. But this man is always famous. Although the new ten are not as famous as the original ten, they are at least famous doctors. A lot of names.

On the other hand, in traditional Chinese medicine, ten people are not only young, but most importantly, they are not famous at all, and they are the first time to practice medicine. Who do you want patients to choose?

This is naturally a very simple choice!

Therefore, this afternoon, there was still a long line on the western side, while on the other side, the traditional Chinese medicine side was still empty. These two contrasts form a strong and sharp contrast.

From the perspective of this picture, the debate between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has come to a conclusion.

Naturally, some patients sent their photos to the Internet.

This network, micro blog, of course, is noisy.

"What's the matter with these people! You don't believe in TCM! Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years. If it doesn't work, it will be broken. You would rather kneel and lick western medicine than support traditional Chinese medicine! How hateful

"No! These people are still Chinese! I don't trust traditional Chinese medicine at all. I remember when I was a child, I got sick, and Western medicine didn't look good. My grandmother was looking for traditional Chinese medicine with me in her arms. People prescribed some medicine at random, and I'll be fine as soon as I eat it! "

"Yes! These people are really traitors! Besides, even if you don't trust traditional Chinese medicine, you should also trust Fengshen. Will Fengshen cheat you! I'll lie to you! "


There was a lot of abuse on the Internet.

Naturally, this also caused the strong resistance of the patients at the scene. Even when they open the microblog and scold these keymen, they are not afraid to stand high when they go to the theatre!

"It's a matter of life and death. Western medicine has proved to be absolutely scientific. Those famous doctors don't know how many people have been cured and how many lives have been saved. Don't we trust them? Instead, we trust some fledgling Chinese medicine? We have only one life

"Good! We have only one life. Naturally, we go to the most reliable doctor. What's more, this time we're going to see a doctor who's trustworthy. "


The two sides argued and quarreled.

In the end, the day ended in bickering.

Western medicine, this day diagnosed 2010 people, cured 0 people.

Chinese medicine, diagnosed 27 people, cured 0 people!

The gap between the two sides is very obvious!

"Doctors, it's hard today! We've prepared a feast for the doctors! " On the side of Western medicine, many presidents are in full bloom.

They felt that there was no need to compete in the next two rounds at all. In the first round, it was enough to kill TCM. Of course, in addition to the credit of these 20 doctors, all the nurses and the staff of the whole hospital can not be separated from their efforts to achieve such a brilliant "battle record".

In the process of people waiting in line to see a doctor, these staff, or the staff dressed up by doctor Joe, went up to all the patients to make all kinds of inquiries, which is called registration. In fact, it is a preliminary examination of the disease. Ten doctors visited the hospital, but hundreds of doctors from several hospitals were involved in the search.

After these doctors have made a preliminary investigation of their condition and conducted a comprehensive discussion, can the doctors in charge of the treatment be quick?

This has to be replaced by an ordinary outpatient service. Can there be such a thing? So, it's not a surprise that 2010 people will see a doctor on this day. It's just cheating.

But whether you cheat or not, you can win Lin Feng! That's the point.

On the other hand, Lin Feng personally hosted a banquet for 17 and 10 young Chinese doctors.

"How's it going? How's the day?" Lin Feng poured a glass of wine for everyone.

Ten doctors, you look at me, I look at you, all look depressed.

One day, I watched 27 people, while the other side was 2010 people. On the first day, they opened such a big distance, and they were sure to lose.

They lost the battle between Chinese and Western medicine!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry we let you down!" The oldest one apologized on behalf of the public. Of course, he is the oldest. In fact, he is not two years younger than Lin Feng. This year, he is only 27 years old.

"Before you say that, I'm not disappointed. I'm disappointed when you say that! " Lin Feng said faintly, "today's competition, the score difference is very big indeed, but this is not the medical skill gap between you! This is an unfair contest in itself! It's not surprising that we lost so many points today, because the other side has the advantage of the time, the place and the people. In addition, they play rogue and change doctors

"The other side is so shameless! It's shameless to go to see a doctor as a staff member with a doctor's make-up! " Ten doctors were furious.

Lin Feng smiles to stop the anger of the people.

"We are here to challenge each other. It's normal for us to encounter injustice and wait. So don't get angry about it. And I'm very satisfied with your performance during the day. I'm calm and have a great style. Traditional Chinese medicine should be like this. At the moment, I'm not satisfied with your performance. Remember, this duel, win or lose, can not change the inevitable rise of TCM momentum. On the contrary, if you lose your tolerance and mentality, it will be the biggest loss of TCM. After all, Hua spent all his efforts on you Lin Feng exhorted.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your instruction. We have been taught!" Ten young doctors were attentive. Lin Feng's words calmed their restless heart.

On one side, Hua 17 nodded with satisfaction. Although these ten people are young, they have a good heart. And the most important point is that the most important thing for Hua 17 is medical ethics.

If a doctor has no medical ethics, he will lose his qualification as a doctor and become a businessman. Now doctors, too much pursuit of fame and wealth, have lost their conscience as doctors. This is one of the reasons why Hua Shiqi did not choose doctors who graduated from traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

"So what's your prescription for tomorrow?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, "have you thought of any countermeasures after sitting all day?"

"I think that being young and not famous is something we can't change at the moment. The only thing we can change is to prescribe medicine! Now patients want to take medicine, and they don't care if they really need it. Then, we'll prescribe medicine to meet the requirements of patients! " Said the youngest doctor, who was only 14 years old.

"Good! These patients do not understand medical theory at all. They are brainwashed by western medicine and think that they must prescribe medicine when they see a doctor. The more medicine you take, the closer you are to death. " Many young doctors are not angry.

"Silence Hua Shiqi frowned.

"The heart of a doctor's parents! If patients entrust their health to you, you will be responsible for their health. How can you damage their health because of their ignorance! I don't want to hear that again, or I will be expelled from the school! " Hua Shiqi said angrily.

Ten doctors were silent and did not dare to look at Hua 17.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't become a peacemaker. It's about medical ethics. There must be no negligence. Now, traditional Chinese medicine, can be said to be a hundred waste to be revitalized. These years, the decline of traditional Chinese medicine is very helpless. Now is the time to Reshape Traditional Chinese medicine, and these ten people will also shoulder the important task of rejuvenating the dead wood of traditional Chinese medicine. And their attitude will also be directly related to the future development of traditional Chinese medicine.

If their mentality changes, if they become utilitarian at the beginning, then their future will be crooked.

"Xiao Lin, this is my mistake. Teachers are lazy if they are not strict in teaching. It's my fault as a master. " Hua Shiqi gets up and bows to Lin Feng to admit his mistake.

"Master!" Ten doctors were moved and yelled. They are all young people. Seeing that they let master apologize to Lin Feng because of their own advantages, they have mixed feelings. The youngest one has tears in his eyes.

Ten people immediately knelt down.

"Master, it's our fault that we disobey your instruction. It's none of your business! Mr. Lin, all this is our own state of mind. Please don't blame master! Everything is that we are young and can't calm down... "People admit their mistakes to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand to stop the people from admitting their mistakes.

"You are indeed wrong. What do I spend so much money on training Chinese medicine for? Is it just to regain the glory of traditional Chinese medicine? no As far as my personal understanding is concerned, western medicine, as a modern medicine, has its advanced side. In other words, western medicine can do things that traditional Chinese medicine can't, such as permanent freezing, gene replacement technology and so on. These are things that TCM has never done. At least, I've never heard that traditional Chinese medicine can help people change hands and feet, and repair congenital genetic defects. " Lin Feng has a straight face.

"The reason why I spent so much money to re cultivate traditional Chinese medicine is that besides traditional Chinese medicine is our country's kuibao, I also hope that the idea of saving people of traditional Chinese medicine can change this materialistic society. Traditional Chinese medicine is to help people live longer, to let people say goodbye to pain and enjoy life. Medicine is the art of cure, not the art of making a fortune. I hope you understand that! Of course, I don't mean to let you have nothing to do with it. But I hope you understand that medical skills save people first, and wealth is only an accessory of medical skills! "

"Besides, this battle between Chinese and Western medicine is actually a test for you. As a result, in my opinion, it doesn't matter at all! Neither success nor failure can prove anything. This is just a test for you to get out of the mountain! Your master and I will give you a test together Lin Feng said coldly.

(today, there are only two. I don't know what's the matter. I have a bad stomach, so it's very sad. I can't do that! It's too uncivilized to say! Anyway, it's bad! Continue to update tomorrow, thank you for your support!)