September 30, 2009, is destined to be an extraordinary day.

In the future, this day will also be designated as the first year of human combat. On this day, human beings began the spirit of Xiangwu. From this day on, human physical quality has been improved year by year.

Of course, tomorrow is also the 60th anniversary of the founding of China, which will open the prelude of human space exploration, and also be called the first year of human interstellar civilization by later historians.

At the moment, more than 300000 boxers have reached the foot of Huashan. The black crowd makes Huashan no longer so grand. Huashan management office is well prepared. In the face of more than 300000 boxers, Huashan management office is faced with a big enemy. In order to avoid accidents caused by these people's rash mountaineering, Huashan has long been blocked.

"Where are we going to compete? Can Huashan accommodate so many people? "

"Fengshen, why hasn't he appeared yet?"


More than 300000 fighters are talking about this, and the whole Huashan Mountain is buzzing. The huge echo makes the valley like a thousand troops fighting.

What about Lin Feng? Where is he?

At this time, in the sky, many white clouds suddenly gathered to the center, and then the white clouds became more and more red, like fire, and finally burst out all around.

The thunderous explosion stunned everyone. At this moment, as if the sky has been blown open a hole.

At this time, a huge flying saucer appeared over Huashan.

"This... My God, this can't be an alien invasion!" The boxer exclaimed below.

Alien invasion of the earth, the most impressive is the American blockbuster "independence day.". It's minutes for aliens to do earth people. The huge hull directly enveloped the super city of mankind, and began to bomb the super city of all mankind at zero.

That scene impressed everyone.

At the moment, they should not be so bad luck, encountered the alien attack on the earth.

You know, this human has begun to explore space, it is not because of human behavior, and offend God, sent an alien fleet, attack the earth.

There was chaos at the foot of Huashan.

Of course, some people understand.

"This is Fengshen's flying saucer. Fengshen is coming!" Some boxers often follow the news and guess where the UFO comes from.

It's just that it's too big!

It's just like a city, shrouded in the sky.

It's too big!

The world was also shocked by this scene.

You know what a terrible thing it is. Such a huge flying saucer is actually made by human beings. It was totally unbelievable before.

"Welcome to the world's first martial arts competition. As the host and the organizer of the competition, I welcome you all to come!" Lin Feng's voice came rolling, shaking the sky.

It's really Fengshen!

Everyone be quiet.

At this time, a beam of light suddenly shot out, mapping in the air, a huge projection image appeared in front of the crowd. Lin Feng's figure suddenly appears in the projection.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this" world's first martial arts competition "is the first no difference, no rules competition. From now on, it will be held every three years, and the winner of each event will receive a cash reward of 100 million dollars! " Lin Feng's voice is rolling. Every boxer at the foot of Huashan Mountain is excited.

Once every three years, every time it's a $100 million winner's bonus, days! This is crazy!

If you are strong enough, and the peak period lasts long enough, you can win at least two winners, that's 200 million dollars!

200 million dollars!

"As for the runner up, it's 50 million dollars! Third runner up $30 million! After that, 4-8 people, each with a $10 million bonus. 9-16, each with a $5 million bonus. 17-32, each with a $1 million bonus. 33-64, each with a $500000 bonus. The top 128, each with a $100000 bonus. The top 256 are $50000 each! For the top 512, it's $10000 per person. All the top 1 024 players will receive a $5000 prize. " Lin Feng announced the amount of the bonus.

The whole room was boiling.

It's crazy that there are so many bonuses and so much light involved.

The champion's $100 million has been known for a long time. It's amazing. But people did not expect that the runner up also had 50 million dollars. The third place and the top 1024 are rich. This is a super prize that no event has ever seen.

Although, compared with the number of participants, this seems to be less. But there are only so many real masters. It's impossible for everyone to get a prize.

Lin Feng can make the top 1024 boxers have a bonus, already very forthright.

Of course, the only thing that hurts is that Lin Feng doesn't take the whole number. He doesn't have to be a scattered number. To be honest, it's a little painful. For the vast majority of people, there is a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I hope everything is in order and neat.

But Lin Feng is very good. All of them are scattered. To be honest, it's really frightening and uncomfortable. After all, the top ten, the top 20, the top 100, the top 1000 are not good. It's so comfortable.

Why? People who know Lin Feng know that Lin Feng is lazy. This guy is too lazy. I don't want to be fussy and troublesome at all, so I just scattered the numbers like this.

Think about it, everyone will fight against each other, which will surely lead to such an even number result in the end. Lin Feng also does not need to carry on the extra rank, directly competes, immediately gives the result, how simple.

This is really lazy to the highest level!

Of course, as boxers, they don't care about the scatter. It doesn't mean anything to them. The only thing they care about is where to play!

"The prize money has been announced. Next, we have to make it clear that there is no difference or rule in the rules of the game, but we still have to say that we should not hit the back of the head, * * *, and the Adam's apple. Secondly, if the opponent admits defeat, he must give up the attack immediately. Otherwise, it will be regarded as violating the rules and will be deprived of the qualification immediately. " Lin Feng announced, "there is another point, that is, if the attacker admits defeat, he will not only be deprived of the competition qualification immediately, but also be transferred to the judicial organ to be punished for malicious wounding! In other words, if you give up and attack your opponent again, you will go to jail! I can make sure here that for such a person who has no martial arts virtue, I will let him go through the bottom of the prison! "

Lin Feng's threat is so domineering and pleasing. Isn't it? You all give up and wait for people to relax their vigilance and attack people again. This kind of behavior is too ungrateful. It's just immoral.

For this kind of person, simply depriving of the qualification is really too light a crime. Because of your behavior, it is very likely to bring harm to the other side and affect the other side's later game state.

It's just like rape. The sentence for rape is three or five years, or even lighter. It seems to be punished, but for the victims, the harm is for a lifetime. A lot of people can't walk out in their whole life. Relatively speaking, the punishment for rapists is too light.

Lin Feng naturally will not allow this kind of punishment, which is just to cancel the qualification of the competition, and will certainly let him go to jail. And it's not going to be easy in prison.

Is it cruel? Maybe in the eyes of some people who don't stand and talk with low back pain, that's true. But in Lin Feng's opinion, if you make a mistake, you must be punished. Otherwise, the world will be flawed.

What's more, if this kind of person without martial arts morality is not punished, then all participants will be ruthless to each other in order to ensure their own interests, so as to avoid the other side plotting against themselves. In that case, the casualties would be great.

Although Lin Feng has already been famous in this contest, he will bear the consequences if he is disabled. Lin Feng will provide medical assistance, but can not ensure the absolute safety of each participant. If the casualties are too large, it will inevitably lead to a lot of criticism.

Severe punishment for those who admit defeat and sneak attack is also to avoid unnecessary casualties. It's also for the good of everyone.

"Well, now the game is about to start!" Lin Feng smiles.

Is the game about to start? Where is the competition? Everyone was stunned. There are more than 300000 people here! Even if you don't go to the top of Huashan Mountain, just at the foot of Huashan Mountain, it won't work. Now that people are crowded, they can't fight at all. How can they compete?

"Everyone, it must be strange. Where is the competition arena? So now is the time to witness the miracle Lin Feng hit a finger with a cool face, "up!"

Boom! A violent roar came, and the earth seemed to tremble at this moment.

Suddenly, in the distant sky, a huge square competition arena supported by stone plates rose, slowly rising vertically.

WOW! Everyone exclaimed.

Are they going to compete in the sky? However, this is too illogical! How can such a heavy competition arena rise to the sky.

No, more than one. Soon, people saw one after another of the competition thunder soared into the air. The whole sky is soon full of rock arena, like a sky city, suspended in the air.

This seems like a mythical scene, appeared in front of people, this is incredible!

This is a miracle!

Of course, now that several developed countries have mastered the "gravity magnetic field technology", it is not surprising. This kind of picture, they can also do. It may not be as easy as Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng had mastered it for a long time, but they just began to master it.

But it must be admitted that this hand, too handsome!

"Now let's welcome the contestants to the stage!" Lin Feng announced.