Due to their selfishness and the misunderstanding that "the opening of copyright will affect the sales performance of their works", except for guoshengshi and Tianyu, others refused the invitation of hechen and missed the first China Animation Festival.

Of course, after seeing the high returns generated by the Huaxia Animation Festival, they only have the envy and hatred in endless regret - they can't figure out why the free opening of copyright not only didn't impact the legitimate market, but also promoted the sales of their works, which is unscientific!

They are not willing to only watch others make money, and they can not even drink soup. However, because of the problem of face - he Chen's invitation has been rejected, so I'm sorry to stick it up again. So this year, they will unite to hold an animation festival.

Animation Festival has hechen example in front, complete process, standard template, do not need them to use any brain, just copy it. But since it is an animation festival, there must be a theme.

On this issue, the three bosss gathered in a high-end hotel, with the Chinese unique table meeting discussion.

"It's a good environment. It's light in taste. It's very in line with my taste... Tianman is the undisputed pioneer in this aspect. In the comic novel game industry, there are many fans and the weight is too heavy. If our animation festival is exactly the same as their content, I don't think we have any competitiveness." A middle-aged woman with a calm face but sharp eyes said faintly.

Qi Xiu, Yuexia boss, the largest female in China.

"Ha ha, if President Qi likes it, it's better to move the headquarters next month. So I can come here to eat every day... It's true. He Chen is very gentle. His eyes are very venomous, and he is young and vigorous. He dares to do anything we dare not do. In a short period of two years, a thing without anything has been developed to this extent. Although we are competitors, we have to be convinced. From him, I seem to see the father of windows, which popularizes computers. If you want to compete with him, there is no attractive main content. It's not going to work. " A middle-aged man with fat figure and mixed hair said with a smile.

Hao Ren, a benevolent entertainer, is involved in online games, novels and comics. Compared with the flourishing age of game giants, his strength is much lower.

"No matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired of it every day." Qi Xiu said.

Another interrupted: "so he Chen won't give people the chance to get tired of it. His works have a wide range of themes, and each of them is excellent, with many fans. But he has a huge market and has not set foot in the subject matter... "

White jade is wide. Emma boss, he was the first one to follow hechen's lead in original comics.

"Women?" Qi Xiu said. There was no accident in her eyes. It was clear.

The great Taizu said that "women can hold up half the sky", which is particularly prominent in the consumer market.

As can be imagined, what is the luxury of the world, what perfume, jewelry, bags, clothes, most of which are customized for women's group, and it is easy to imagine how terrible the consumption ability of women is.

In the literature sector, women's works are far less than men's in terms of total subscription and game adaptation, but in terms of subscription ratio and film and television adaptation, women's works are quite popular with men's.

Bai yukuan nodded and said: "although he Chen has many female sex fans, they are all popular themes, not for female groups. President Qi has a large number of excellent works and writers, as well as fans of movies and TV. President Hao and I also have some works. Therefore, if we want to compete with Tianman and make use of female themes, this is our only advantage. "

"Well, we can't compete with Tianman in general, so we'll try our best to make a good theme." Hao Ren agreed with Bai yukuan.

"Hold a women's Animation Festival."


"Tea, please." Masako, dressed as a maid, smiles and adds tea to Zhou Zhechen, who comes to visit hechen.

Zhou Zhe's eyes were dazed, and he quickly said thanks to cover up his gaffe: "thank you, thank you..." then he secretly glanced at Ma Meizi, who was floating away, and poked hechen and said: "boss, you are really powerful! My admiration for you is like a continuous River... "

"Another example is that the Yellow river overflows uncontrollably..." he Chen interrupts Zhou Zhe's words. This kind of compliment has been yelled rotten in the last world under the leadership of Xingye.

"Ah! Boss, how do you know! It seems that we have something in mind! " Zhou Zhe is no longer steady and exaggerates.

He Chen thumped him on the shoulder and said, "if you have something, just say it."

"How long has Ma Meizi been here? You've taught her to be obedient and obedient. You let her go to the East, she dare not go to the west, even wearing such, such shameful clothes, in your house as a slave, but also full of happy smile. Boss, you are my God! Can you teach me your method? You see, Haozi and dead fat man have girlfriends. I'm still single. You can't make your faithful followers a queen! " Zhou zhe begged bitterly."... it depends on talent. How can you be regarded as a successful person, but also mixed in the University, even a girlfriend can not be found, it can be seen that the low talent. With your qualifications, if you want to forcibly appreciate this kind of magic skill, you will be possessed by the devil. It's not that the boss doesn't take care of you. It's really for your future. I have to do so! "

He Chen fooled Zhou zhe mercifully.

Ask him how to pick up a girl?

Do you know what is asking the blind?

He Chen's experience with the girl is zero. After he came back, although he had something to do with many beautiful girls for various reasons, he Chen counted it carefully, and Li youyou didn't seem to agree to his confession; Yi Jinglin and Liu Ying almost killed themselves; Lingyan looks more like a cold sex; Ma Meizi is valued by he Chen because of his introverted personality and island customs. He Chen once said that he liked Ma Meizi by beating about the Bush, but before a second, Ma Meizi gave him a good man card.

Up to now, there may be a few girls who are more than friends. But it's as good as a lover. There's no one!

This is a tragedy. I can't catch any of these girls. I will be laughed at by my brothers.

About the dignity of men, he Chen has always been a pair of ambiguous attitude, will never admit that he does not have a girlfriend!

After joking, Zhou zhe returned to normal and said: "our second China Animation Festival has begun to prepare. In addition to Shengshi and Tianyu, many new companies have applied to participate. It seems that the writers' Association is also very interested. Hope to cooperate with us. "

He Chen was a little impressed by this, but when Master Yi Tianxing talked to him, it seemed that the writers' Association was going to do it by itself. Now why do you want to cooperate with them?

When he Chen asked a question, Zhou zhe replied: "they say that cultural creation industry together can expand its influence. If separated, it is easy to cause a waste of resources. At the same time, there will be conflicts between the venue and the time of the event - after all, the good days have been occupied by other festivals. Moreover, comics and novels can coexist, and some of their readers overlap. It's disrespectful to let readers run twice... In fact, in a word. They want to save money. Anyway, you are responsible for all the expenses of the animation festival. They only need to contact writers to save money, time and effort. "


He Chen is speechless, which is obviously a good thing to expand his influence. How can Zhou zhe become a big wrongdoer when he explains?

"They are not Internet articles. Traditional writers attach great importance to their works. Do they dare to open the copyright and let others create their works again?"

Only a small part of the net text is for creation, and most people are for money. As long as it can bring them profits, they will not care what you do to their works.

In the last Chinese Animation Festival, in addition to comics, there were also some secondary creation of novels, including peer novels and peer comics adapted from novels.

This kind of behavior can greatly upgrade the brain holes of readers and authors, but he Chen supports it with both hands and feet.

"Their original words are that the protection of transition has turned traditional literature into a backwater. Instead of continuing to sink like this and watching foreign literary creation shine, we can only watch it. Instead, we should use open secondary creation to break the deadlock. This kind of thing involves a lot, not only the authors, but also countless publishers. Therefore, although they hope to cooperate, it is still unknown how many authors they can talk about. Now the only thing that is certain is that teacher Yi Tianxing and his son's Liuyun publishing society will give full support to this project. "

Co creation is not only an extension of the original, but also a subversion of the original.

Traditional literature is exquisitely carved works, this kind of subversion is likely to have a great shock, but the specific impact of this kind of subversion can not be estimated by he Chen.

"He Chen, I think you can think about it. Although the association is useless, it still has a huge influence. If we can cooperate with them, it will do us a lot of good. Besides, this is also a good opportunity for us to integrate the cultural field! " Zhou zhe emphasized another sentence.

Having said that, he Chen is thinking about another aspect: if there is the intervention of traditional literature this time, will the comics of traditional literature be born in the works of his peers? Will the depth of comics be improved so as to open up the adult market?

At present, the system has not produced enough works to open up the adult market, but if Chinese people can open this market by themselves, hechen is very happy to see its success!

"Yes. But I hope you will remind the writers' Association to explain the advantages and disadvantages to the authors. I don't want the authors who have promised to open the copyright to sue our colleagues' works to the court. " He Chen said."All right. By the way, Yuexia, Renxin and Aiman are also learning from us to hold the Chinese Animation Festival. "

"... they hold? Is there going to be anybody? Now most people are preparing for our animation festival, right

"There should be a lot of them, because they are holding a theme that we don't have here - women's frequency special show."

"Great! I can think of it! Don't you have a girlfriend yet? Or we can go for a walk together, maybe we can find some beautiful girl idol writers! I just don't know what style the cosplay over there will be? If it's from your department... Oh, I won't go. "
