Yi Jing's face was expressionless, and she could not see happiness, anger, sadness and happiness.

But it was such a serious look that he felt as if he was facing a volcano that was about to erupt.

"Jinglin, you know, I'm just playing a show for walnut." He Chen explains as he walks to Yi Jing.

However, as soon as he Chen finished speaking, the walnut ran past him and rushed to Yijing. He cried to Yijing about his evil face: "you see, I just hope he can help me. But he, but he, he even pretended to be real, intimidated me, forced to kiss me While saying that, just sunny pretty face instant overcast, tears trickled down.

Mourning, as if he Chen forced her. Violent general.

Yi Jing Lin is indifferent and looks at he Chen calmly, which makes he Chen feel hairy.

He Chen quickly explained, "I'm acting according to the scenes in the general story. I hope it's more realistic. Otherwise, they would not believe it so easily... "

He Chen's voice is getting smaller and smaller. This rash action is completely caused by his selfishness, so it's impossible to say that he is not guilty. After all, his face is not thick enough to resist his girlfriend's sword like eyes.

"Even if you kiss in a play, you don't have to stick out your tongue! Even in the kissing scene in the movie, sticking out your tongue is a chance to play hooligans, see, men are the same, just want to take advantage of women! I don't care, but I don't want you to be cheated by such scum! " In walnut's words, everywhere revealed the shadow of trying to pull Yi Jingli astray.

After solving his own problems, walnut turned around and pointed the spearhead at he Chen, who had just been "singing and following".

He Chen was annoyed. Is this man addicted to acting? After deceiving his family, he came to the corner of hechen.

however. For walnut's words, he Chen has nothing to say. Wet kiss and kissing are totally different in nature, just like clothes in movies. Wearing or not is a totally different movie.

Yi Jing Hui suddenly stands up, just as the walnut's face is beaming, expecting Yi Jing Hui to slap hechen in the face, but she says, "you. Come in with me. "

Then he went to hechen's room.

"Ho Ho, you..." walnut wants to keep up.

However, she was coldly glanced at by Yijing, and her body suddenly stopped. Yijing said, "don't follow me."

With that, he walked away without looking back, and the walnut stood still. It's the first time that Yi Jing Lin talks to her in this tone.

"Walnut, have you eaten yet?"

Ma Meizi is opening a small kitchen for he Chen. She suddenly thinks that she doesn't know whether to eat walnuts or not. If she doesn't eat walnuts, she has to do more. So she probes out from the kitchen and asks about walnuts.

He is full of thinking about the problems of "what exactly yijinghui and hechen are going to do when they go in" and "why yijinghui is hiding from himself". Now I don't have the heart to eat.

After going in, he Chen closes the door conveniently, Yi Jing Hui backs to him.

Hechen didn't turn on the light, and the dim light outside the room passed through the window and sprinkled on Yi Jingli. Thin figure brings hechen psychological pressure beyond any words.

"Well, I'm wrong... Jingyu. I'm sorry

He Chen walks over and hugs Yi Jing from behind. Yi Jing Hui didn't make any movement, so she was held by he Chen, feeling the heat coming from her ear, and said indifferently: "you should say this to walnut."

Yi Jing Li turns around, two people's bodies are close to each other, feeling each other's temperature. She looks up at he Chen's eyes and says, "do you know why I'm angry?"

He Chen thought about it and said tentatively, "because I kiss walnuts?"

Yi Jing Lin stepped on he Chen's foot, and there was a trace of anger in his voice: "this is just one of them!"

"Although walnut has some other problems, there is no doubt about her beauty and loveliness. You can say that you can't help it. You can say that you really fall in love with walnut, but you should never say that it's acting."

Yi Jing Yi's every word, her eyes are illuminated by the dim light, flashing: "eat dry wipe clean, turn over face don't recognize people, no sense of responsibility scum, I don't like. I also don't like the man who lies very much

"I hate being cheated, and I'm even more afraid that the agreement will become a lie!"

He Chen put his arms around Yi Jing Hui's hands slightly, as if to rub Yi Jing Hui into his body.

"In the future, I will never tell you a word of a lie!"

Yi Jing's words also make he Chen emotional.

"Third, are you in love with walnuts?" Yi Jing's eyes became serious.It's really subtle to be asked by a prospective girlfriend whether she's in love with another girl.

"Absolutely not!" He Chen makes a promise to Yi Jingli. This time, his words are absolutely from the heart, which is truer than Zhenjin.

Yi Jing Lin said noncommittally, "remember your promise just now."

She chose to believe hechen's promise, so she no longer doubted everything he said. If hechen tells a lie, the promise is void, and everything else becomes meaningless.

Feeling that Yi Jing's attitude softens in her arms, he Chen is finally relieved that she doesn't follow Cheng's footsteps.

After relaxing, the atmosphere inside the room suddenly became tense. They were close to each other. Even though he was wearing clothes, he could feel the weak softness of his abdomen and the rising temperature of both of them.

The darkness gave hechen courage and made him ready to move.

It's rare to meet the situation that two people are alone in a room. It's a pity not to do something?

The atmosphere is the best flirt. He Chen looks at each other and his heart is beating. Although hechen had been kissing walnuts for a minute, and also had kissing experience with yijingyu, he was not as nervous and excited as hechen is now.

He Chen holds Yi Jing's hand and cuts down slowly from her waist

However, Yi Jing Lin suddenly grabs a dishonest hand of he Chen, stops at the heel of he Chen's foot, and then puts a shoulder on it. He Chen stands unsteadily and falls back.

He Chen didn't expect that Yi Jing Hui would be in trouble at this time, so he didn't have time to react, so he was pushed down on the bed by Yi Jing Hui with her clever strength.

In the dark bedroom, he Chen didn't push Yi Jing, but he was pushed back by Yi Jing!

Seeing Yi Jinghui straddling on his waist, he Chen's mind can't help thinking: is Yi Jinghui already in love and can't help but push herself on the spot?

Yi Jing Hui pulls hechen's hand aside, leans on hechen's chest with one hand and leans down. Her long soft hair falls down from her ears like two black waterfalls, which shut hechen and Yi Jing Hui in.

Yi Jing Lin half narrowed his eyes, eyes flashing dangerous light, fingers gently press to and fro in he Chen's chest.

"You won't forget that you still have the taste of walnuts in your mouth."

"I can't accept kissing someone who has the smell of another woman in his mouth."

Having said that, Yi Jing Lin no longer gives he Chen a chance. With a smile, she rises leisurely and opens the door to go out, leaving the aroused he Chen aside.

"Walnut, I'll go up first." Yijing said, walnut heard, anxious, hurried to chase up: "I also go up. What are you doing with him? Why didn't you come out for a long time. Ah! What's wrong with your clothes? Did he do something to you? I have told you that he is a scum. Don't be cheated by him

Their voices gradually diverged, and with the sound of closing the door, everything returned to peace.

For Yi Jing Hui's inner thoughts, he Chen is still unclear, but the result is not bad.

"Mr. Chen, the meal is ready. Do you want to eat it?"

Ma Meizi looked inside at the door and saw he Chen lying on the bed. She asked softly.

Although for hechen, this short hour seemed like a long time. But for mamiko, it's the same as usual: cooking, eating, watching TV.

The only difference is that after several guests arrived today, everyone became very strange.


He Chen turned over and sat up. Originally, he told Ma Meizi to cook, but he just wanted to get out of the way. However, he was teased by Yi Jing, but he was really hungry.

"Why? What about Liu Ying? "

He Chen suddenly remembered that he had forgotten Liu Ying.

"After the guests left, sister Liu went back first." Ma Meizi reported the truth.

He Chen shakes his head. Under such good material, Liu Ying doesn't stay to attack him sarcastically. It's really rare.

However, after Yi Jing Hui goes back, Liu Ying is afraid that she will speak ill of herself to Yi Jing Hui again.

Judging from Yi's attitude just now, there should be no problem with their relationship... Of course, the premise is that he Chen will not die.

This time, he was already on the edge of the cliff. If he was dying, he would be very afraid.

He Chen secretly decided that he would never do the task of almost killing himself in the future.Speaking of the mission, he Chen thought of the Christmas gift bag - the culprit that led to all this.

"School days" was originally a game, later adapted animation. In this world, how should hechen launch?

This is a short story. It won't take him long. However, if the cartoon is first launched, the shock of this work will be greatly reduced without BGM.

In particular, when the kettle finally boils, brother Cheng turns down the text message and finally stops. At the same time, "brother Cheng's soul song" the other side of sadness "rings out, and the world rushes out and slashes his lover with a knife.

This series of combination lens achievement classic scene gives the human heart the shock, is the single cartoon cannot express.

But it's no use thinking about it now, because it doesn't seem to be the best time to launch this work.

The blood ending of school days is a work with anti harem theme. If harem hasn't prevailed yet, how can we get spiritual healing and sublimation in it?