Finally, she became the little round face of the magic girl. One arrow dispelled the clouds in the sky, and also dispelled the depressing and depressing style that almost runs through the whole animated magic girl fighting. The color of the picture began to warm up- Top point small say-

The little round face's arrow turns into a rain of thousands of arrows. It goes through the universe and time. It comes to all the magic girls in the past, the present and the future. It takes away their despair and leaves them a smile of good hope.

The segmentation and stitching of different space-time scenes is a combination of sound and painting montages. The technique of separating mirrors used in EVA has rendered the appeal to the extreme.

In particular, xiaomeiyan wakes up in a white earth and a black world like nothingness, silent, with only her blank look around and slight breathing.

The way of expression of this scene is the same as the ending of "death and rebirth" in EVA.

Here, xiaomeiyan witnessed the reconstruction of the universe under the rewriting of xiaoyuanlian's power.

Little round face, dressed in a white dress, lights up all the darkness by turning herself into a holy light. She gives up her life to eliminate despair and becomes the God of all magic girls.

"Because the magic girl is a symbol of hope and dream!"

Little round face's words are about the magic girl she once longed for, and also the dream of countless people who once had the same dream, which is the essence of magic girl.

Due to the disappearance of the concept of "magic girl", the magic girl who died in the hand of the magic girl can survive, but the magic girl who exhausted her strength will die without trace.

Everyone has forgotten the little round face, only xiaomeiyan holding the little round face and finally gave her a hairband to sob in a low voice - her wish to become a magic girl is for the little round face, maybe because of this. She can remember the little round face.

But because the little round face has completely disappeared. She also lost the ability to travel through time - her wish is to be able to return to meet with little round face. But little round face has disappeared from all kinds of time in the universe, so she can't go back to the time when she met little round face, and her ability disappeared (the shield representing time on her arm is gone).

Although the Warcraft disappeared, it does not mean that the curse of the world will disappear. The distortion of the world has changed the form of Warcraft.

The battle of the magic girls will continue, but they will no longer be bound by despair.


(don't forget)

alaways ,some eone-is-fighting-for-you。

(the man has been fighting for you)


(just keep her in your heart)

you-are-not-alone .

You're not alone

In a desolate desert, xiaomeiyan faces 13 "Warcraft" battles alone. In the endless reverie left to the audience, "little round face of the magic girl" finally comes to an end perfectly.

It's a very short space, only 12 episodes, but it's repeated, bringing people a huge world of extraordinary richness and richness, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Six o'clock, which is generally defined as children's schedule, has attracted countless adults.

The little round face of the magic girl thoroughly analyzes the essence of the magic girl, which can even be called the origin of the magic girl.

At the same time. It's not just about the magic girl.

Even the famous Chinese woman rights fighter, the president of the women's Federation, has become a believer of Yuanshen.

"At the beginning, I watched the animation with my daughter. It is said in the animation that the magic girl will eventually grow into a witch. It seems to be writing the story of the magic girl, but I think it is writing the story of the magic girl. It's not a story for children, it's a story for women. "

"In the setting of the work, the relationship between the magic girl and the magic girl is a progressive relationship. The witch is the final form of the magic girl and the product of the despair of the magic girl. The magic maiden is the young form of women, while the magic maiden is the symbol of the old form of women. "

"When women are young, they have rich feelings and fantasies, which is also the attribute of justice incarnation of magic girls. They have super power because of their beautiful desire, and they are doing what they think is to build a good thing. However, as time goes on, they gradually discover the cruelty of the world. So they began to despair more and more, until the final outbreak. And that's how people grow up. ""When we are young, we dream a lot, and we are even too egocentric. But the increase of age makes us have to face the bleak reality, which teaches us what is despair. Obviously, we are always in between the dream and despair, in the painful choice, at a loss. The greater one's expectation, the greater one's disappointment. Magic girls have superhuman abilities because of their own expectations, so their disappointment and despair are also the biggest. Once they are defeated by despair, they will turn into evil witches. "

"And the appearance of the little circle ended all this. Why? Not simply because Xiao Yuan has changed the rules of the world, but because Xiao Yuan always believes in dreams and hopes in the world. Because we believe in hope, we can finally overcome despair. In other words, women should not lose their persistence in hope because of the ups and downs of the world. As long as you keep hope, as long as you have hope and dreams in your heart, then the world will not collapse in despair. "

"But the world is not peaceful and peaceful without the witch. Because there is also Warcraft, although there is no specific expression in the animation, I think Warcraft is a metaphor for men. That is to say, when a woman conquers herself and surpasses herself, she is faced with a man. Women have conquered themselves, redeemed themselves, and overcome despair with hope, but the unreasonable world order still exists. Therefore, although Xiaoyuan has killed all the magic girls in the cradle, the magic girls still exist and need to fight constantly. in other words. Women's liberation. Complete liberation. Its ultimate goal is to break the male dominance of the world. What is needed? It's not magic, but just like Xiao Yuan's persistence in hope for the future. Only by trusting hope can we gain hope. "


"We should learn to be independent! To liberate! The ultimate goal is to break the dominance of QB in the world! "

In a certain room, Yi Jinghui, Ling Yan, Ma Meizi and Li youyou sit together mysteriously. Walnut's eyes are fanatical and his tone is very provocative, instilling some faith in them.

In a dark room, only the mobile phone on the desk exudes a seeping white light, and the light from bottom to top hits several people's faces. Give it a dark and horrible atmosphere.

If people see it, they may mistakenly think that some cult is holding some evil ceremony.

"No doubt, hechen is QB! Ladies and gentlemen, we can no longer fall into the temptation of hechen. We must unite to break this QB

Walnut said, her eyes shining with danger, her hands tapping on the table according to some strange melody.

"I..." Ma Meizi suddenly hesitated to speak.

Walnut eyes a bright, generous said: "very good! Ma Meizi, as the object of being bullied. You must have the courage to resist! If you have any questions, just ask them! This is our good comrade! "

"The dubbing of QB is not Chenjun." Ma Meizi made corrections.

The walnut was speechless. Then he looked at Ma Meizi, "it seems that you have been completely brainwashed, completely trapped in the trap of sugar coated shells arranged by he Chen! If you think about it carefully, he Chen tempts you to leave your hometown, comes here to work as a full-time nanny for him, and bullies you at will. You don't know how to resist, but you are still enjoying it. Aren't you the magic girl who was used by QB? Besides, you were a great singer, but you were hoodwinked by he Chen and signed a contract with him to become a dubbing player. He even used you to tempt me. Then I signed this contract with him willingly for you. Magic little girl little round face is his own portrayal, which makes me understand the truth and his sinister intentions, Therefore, we can no longer indulge ourselves! For the sake of 姌 and for the sake of everyone, we must unite and fight to QB! "

Her meaning is to compare Yi Jingli to the round God, and she herself is xiaomeiyan who becomes a magic girl for the round God.

Ma Meizi thought about it and said, "but Xiao Meiyan's dubbing is not you. Your dubbing is apricot."

"The person you like will never like yourself..."

From countless reincarnations, we can see that Apricot's feelings for Shaye are extraordinary, but Shaye likes another person.

Ling Yan mended the knife indifferently.

It's very appropriate, very in line with the style of walnut, and even has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. You don't need to look at the CV list or listen to the voice, just look at the role introduction in the story, and you can guess that the voice of walnut is water.

In the light of the mobile phone, walnut's face is even more terrifying. If we follow the plot development of magic girl's little round face, now walnut should have been demonized.

Ma Meizi suddenly sensed that she seemed to have said something wrong.

Then she thought about it, as if it was because the atmosphere made her a little afraid, or to get out of the way and distract her attention, so she said, "I'll turn on the light!"Walnut eyes a stare, just want to say something.

But Yi Jing Hui suddenly said in a panic: "is there a mouse in the room? How can I feel something fluffy dangling? "

This is a tatami recreation and leisure room specially refitted by he Chen and full of island flavor. It was requisitioned by Yi Jingli to play mahjong before, and this time it was used as the underground party meeting room.

They are all sitting on the ground, wearing very little, no protection, the thought of mice, a creepy feeling floating in my heart.

So a group of people immediately urged mamiko, who was closest to the ground, to turn on the light. When the light dissipated the darkness and the room turned back bright, they found that Luna, the black cat, had slipped in and participated in their first magic girls' rights conference.

The only one who was not frightened was Ling Yan. After seeing Luna, she gently rubbed Luna with her feet. Luna turned over very comfortably. Then Ling Yan clamped her feet and held her in her arms.

Looking at the bright room, the table is full of all kinds of snacks, narration, mahjong, poker and other entertainment cards.

"What did you call me for《 The end of the Symposium on the little round face of the magic girl? I didn't dub the animation Li youyou said.

"Gather up the number and play mahjong." Yi Jing said.

Li youyou glances around. Isn't there already four people?

Ma Meizi quickly waved her hand and nervously said, "no, no, I can't play well... I just want to see what you want to eat. I'll prepare it for you."

Every time she plays mahjong, she loses the worst. If she loses, she will have to work for he chenbai all her life.

"Even Luna, a female cat, is eager to participate in this meeting, fight against fate and be liberated. Look at you! There is no consciousness of being a revolutionary at all

"Do you want to fight?" Yi Jing Hui has changed to the mahjong table, asked walnut, it seems that as long as she said no, immediately ready to greet others.

The walnut immediately said happily, "fight!"

Women's biggest enemy is themselves( Not finished, to be continued