"Tyrande, will you eat the ball?" He Chen asked. Zenith novels,

Tyrande confused: "eat the ball? What is a ball? "

Hechen briefly explained "eat the ball" to Tyrande. Tyrande frowned and said that she can try... No, she can't. in the face of the battle of hell, Azeroth's future depends on her.

"Later, Tyrande will try his best to milk the green dragon. Be careful not to break the fault. Sylvanas himself to play with eggs... Power bomb, be careful not to let the eggs fall to the ground. Gianna, go to kite soft. The person named by the queen of blood will find a non infectious target nearby and bite before the transformation. The whole venue is scattered. If there's a connection, we'll gather. If the ice dragon calls the roll, we'll get out of the crowd... "

For the first time in a battle, he Chen assigned n boss combat tasks, which was very novel. If you take the game as an example, even if it's a 40 person replica, you can't play like this.

"As for the ice dragon, I'll play with him slowly." He Chen divided the tasks of the main heroes to make sure that the most important ones were safe. After all, if they were killed this time, they would be gone.

"Any more questions?"

He Chen seeps the fire of the soul of a person to scan a circle, even if originally have a problem, at this time all have no problem.

"Good! For Azeroth

"For Azeroth!"

Originally, no one knows which onion he Chen is. However, in the previous few times, he has only been friendly among the hero leaders. If the heroes don't object, others won't care.

He Chen's tactics are simple and crude. The focus is on the bright spots. One is the green dragon. If the injured green dragon is treated, it will be one of their main forces; The second is the blood queen. The bite buff on the blood queen in the game will not only cause the players to change without infecting others within the specified time, but also improve the DPS.

When we attack the boss, we rely on this buff, especially in the reclamation stage. We try our best to let the most NB DPS in the regiment get this buff first.

The improvement of DPS is not one or two points, it is a huge improvement. Compared to here. It should have the same effect.

Let Tyrande focus on the green dragon, pay money to cure the green dragon, so that it can participate in the exhibition. At the same time, let Tyrande put the killing order of the blood queen behind, so as to maximize the use of this buff and give priority to killing other bosses, so as to reduce the overall pressure.

boss Although they are not idiots, they will not stand foolishly and let hechen break them one by one, but hechen really knows them too well. Boss will be a sea of people tactics, he Chen will also, but behind him is the whole Azeroth across the alliance tribal two camps of the army. Although the fighting process was chaotic, it was an arduous one. All the bosses were cut off.

More two fool's fight is not surprising - perhaps he Chen pushed too many times, and he is too familiar with the skills of two fool. It can be said that when he pouts his butt, he knows what he farts. These heroes are not rookies. Under such circumstances, if he Chen doesn't turn over the car, he feels that he should commit suicide.

After the battle, Bolvar? Fatagan is going to result in a new Lich King - because without the control of the Lich King, the Legion of natural disasters will become more crazy, so it needs a person to shoulder the responsibility, or curse.

He Chen touched a corpse, the game does not give him invincible, the system does not give him invincible, in a bad mood, so he said, don't fight. Then he took up the crown of control.

"You all have concerns. I'm a skeleton. I have no concerns. No one is more suitable than me."

The heroes were silent. Tyrande, Sylvanas, Gianna and others gave hechen a hug. They said, "you are a hero."

He Chen feels very sorry. He has a skeleton frame and can't even feel other people's hugs. Is there anything more sad than that?

He shrugged his shoulders and roared. He didn't know if it was revenge. He beat hechen on the shoulder so hard that he almost broke up. This is not a description, but a statement.

"Warrior! You are my friend

"Oh, don't make two mistakes in the future, or I'll push you next time."



At the end of the war, the unlocking of world of Warcraft was completed, but hechen didn't leave directly. The world was too urgent and the task was too smooth, so after he finished everything, he was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to have a good look at the mysterious world and experience the atmosphere of the world that had been with him for many years.Following the track of history, the Lich King was overthrown.

But history has changed, because hechen replaced Bolvar? Voltagen. He Chen also wanted to see if the Bronze Dragon would wander out to chat with him if it was changed by himself. However, he Chen wandered most of the world on Azeroth's road, and did not see half of the Bronze Dragon talking with him.

What kind of world is this?

Is the system just a copy of Icecrown fortress or a complete Azeroth?

He Chen uses every inch of his body to feel the magic world with a bone.

He rides his own bird, wandering the mainland, just like a lonely bard, to see the countless landscapes that he once saved as wallpaper.

He went to see a lot of celebrities. The fight was so urgent that he didn't have time to talk with Sylvanas and Gianna. On the contrary, he talked with Tyrande, who had no interest in him, the most - who let ya be strong milk?

He went to the dark city to confess to Sylvanas. After he was rejected, he went to find Gianna. Gianna had already replied. He Chen confessed, and then he was rejected.

Sad he Chen with a sad mood, go out wandering, just a pile of skeletons, unexpectedly gave birth to a literary atmosphere. In addition to the celebrities who have participated in the war, there are also some celebrities who, for various reasons, failed to fight against the Lich King. He Chen also visited one side to satisfy his curiosity, especially women, or extramarital mothers.

Tianman's "world of Warcraft" is bound to come out. He can't restore to the level that the system allows him to see. Even if he can do it, I'm afraid it's difficult for the current computer to bring it up. As an online game, he needs to face a broader group of players.

However, he wants to do better than the original.

In this way, I can travel in the world by myself.

"World of Warcraft" smoothly completed the unlocking, hechen in the second floor balcony, looking at the small garden outside in a daze. Luna strolled over, staring at hechen for a few seconds, meow, no response. Then he put his head out of the gap between the two guardrails and looked around, as if he was very interested in what he was looking at.

However, after watching for a long time, there was nothing outside.

Luna is very slim, it can easily run through the gap of the balcony. He Chen stretched out his feet, only to hear Luna issued a very ugly, harsh, as if pinched by the neck, that card a card issued a scream, Luna gently kicked down from the balcony.

He Chen looks down from the balcony. The height of the second floor is similar to that of the cat. He often jumps down and climbs up in the open air, as if he thinks he is spider man.

Luna stares at hechen, bares her teeth, explodes all over her body, and makes a low, threatening cry.

Black cat itself always gives people a mysterious color. All over the world, it has an ominous meaning. If a black cat stares at you like this, I'm afraid many people will feel cold.

He Chen curls his mouth, silly cat.

He has used the same trick to kick it down more than ten times, and still has no memory.

After the end of world of Warcraft, hechen opened a few more pits, and then began the unlocking task of idol master.

Compared with world of Warcraft, the unlock mission of idol master is very eye-catching. Although hechen is not an idol training company or an agent company, he is also a member of the entertainment industry. He has a certain understanding of the way here - even if he doesn't know it, he can ask Liu Ying. Liu Ying's understanding of the way here is Menqing.

This time, it's not as lucky as world of Warcraft. It's just going to be in the team.

He Chen is a man without identity. His first task is to apply for the producer of 765 firm. Although the 765 firm is still very small and has no reputation, there are many applicants.

He Chen didn't bring his resume with him... After all, he is a person without identity. Among these candidates, he has almost no characteristics. And if you make up a resume at will, if you find it out, I'm afraid it will be gameover.

To apply is to sell yourself to HR.

It's not that you can go up with ability, but that you make people feel that you are the person the company needs.

It's not the normal way to tell others about your resume.

It's hechen's turn to interview. He is a kind-hearted middle-aged man. He should be the poor boss who never shows his face.

The boss is good, and he has naive fantasy. It's obvious that 765 has become such a miserable company. The most important thing is that it's rare for 765 to be single in the muddy entertainment industry. Of course, the leading role template can't be denied.A group of people in 765 office are also full of fantasy. In other words, they are called dreamers.

Such people, there is a topic can easily arouse their resonance - that is dream!

He Chen is aimed at such, caused the resonance of boss, passed the first level easily, became the producer of 765 firm

To sum up is a word, to realize your dream is my dream( Not finished, to be continued

ps :... It's a little uncomfortable. I feel dry. I can't write it out.