As for the theme of time and space, many of he chenchu's works have already mentioned, such as the endless reincarnation of when the cicadas cry; For example, the spirit of the world beyond the time axis in fate, and the second law; For example, xiaomeiyan in "magic girl with a round face"; Of course, there is clannad. According to the theory of top point small point,

The final "file reading" ending of "clannad" echoes the space-time study of Qinmei's parents. Of course, as a love story, there is no detailed description of it.

However, the story of time and space from "clannad" does not end lightly. After the end of clannad, he Chen prepared Steins; gate》。

"Steins; Gate has two sets of stories, one is the animated version of the story, the other is the game version of the story, although the animation is adapted from the game, and generally follow the story of the game plot, but there are some different content. The plot of the game enriches the image of the characters.

And he Chen is to "Steins; The completion of the story of gate refers to the depiction of the characters in the game version, which makes the characters and the story more full. At the same time, Qin Mei's parents and "Steins; Gate is also linked. As a colorful egg, the research of Qinmei's parents will appear in the story, but only from the perspective of "passers-by", which will not affect the whole story.

"The great devil is a great liar《 steins; "Gate" is fake. It's impossible to get through! "

《steins; Gate is still a simultaneous release of comics and animations, and the game Steins is expected to be released after the end; Gate is an AVG game. It's easy to make. So the production of Tianman will be very fast.

In Steins; After gate. Soon there was a fan who complained about hechen's "Steins"; The theory of space-time travel in gate is false.

When fans make complaints about the Tucao, there are more fans who have been cheated out. It even includes the people around him, Ma Meizi, Yi Jingli, and even Ling Yan, which he can't understand. As a result, all three microwave ovens in hechen's house were damaged.

Until hechen promised again and again. The stories are all made up by themselves, and the three talents regretfully give up exploring the mystery of time and space.

I don't blame them for their naivety. It's because he Chen wrote too "true" in the story.

In the original version of the animation, basically for some of the boring theory directly skip, the game has this part of the setting, he Chen is very boring, according to the game, plus his own experience, but also refer to some famous time theory, so as to find out any loopholes in the whole set of theory.

Not to mention ordinary fans. Even some scientists in this field have tried the theory proposed by he Chen. Although illegal proof of hechen's theory is correct, but so far, they can not falsify. In the scientific community, if there is no falsification, it means that this theory is possible.

And he Chen, in fact, is just to further improve "Steins; It's just the "connotation" of gate.

In fact, it is also because of Steins; The story of gate is so boring《 steins; Gate is a slow work, even after he Chen's embellishment, it can not change the overall rhythm of the early story is very slow.

And it is also full of a large number of network language, the protagonist is always a second disease patients in the late appearance, quite the audience did not like.

If the name of the author is not marked with the word "Porter", I'm afraid many people will give up directly. After all, the heat is not up yet, and the audience only sees the slow, if the author is changed, the evaluation will be dead. Only with hechen's prestige can the audience afford to wait and look forward to the story.

They also want to know, in the early stage of such a boring story, what kind of magic will the great devil use to reverse the story?

The story takes place from Akihabara in Tokyo to the world of Heian city.

Today's "human land" has become the "holy land" of the world, and its status, scale and so on have far exceeded the original "Akihabara" of Tokyo.

Hechen is also a real scene reference. Every place in the story has a real place. In order to cooperate with Steins; With the release of "gate", he directly made a satellite crash on the top of the corresponding building, which restored the original scene of the story. On the day of the release, the flow of people in the world increased. Fans of Ping'an city went to take photos and tweet to make fans in other areas envy and hate.Huaze coriander's dubbing naturally belongs to her. It's her maiden match. It's directly the work of the devil king, and it's also a supporting role with a lot of scenes. When she's excited and excited, she can't help being timid. After all, it's a newcomer, and there's a big gap with Yi Jing, who is dubbing murase hongliqi. Dubbing is very rigid, green, no emotional change, that is, great reading. However, her great reading is not annoying, which may be her characteristic.

Her timbre is a bit similar to that of mamiko, but mamiko is more obvious and intense than her. Yi Jing Hui understood the style of Ma Meizi, so he guided Hua Ze coriander, which was in order on the whole.

Huaze Xiangcai, who was worried about herself, was relieved to see that she didn't want to change herself.

Fukuyama run dubbing okabu, with this opportunity, he Chen let him enjoy the feeling of the second.

At the beginning, Steins; The most popular role in gate is not the protagonist, not the assistant, not coriander, but ryukua, which comes from okabu's fragmentary thoughts.

"It sounds and behaves like a woman, no, more like a beautiful girl than a woman! But it's a man... Although he's taller than zhenyouli, he's slim, but it's a man... It's very suitable for Witches' clothes, but it's a man... It's evening, it's really hot, cicada is still calling, but it's a man... "

And his voice, even if not listen to the voice, fans also know that it must be Xu Yue.

Is there a better voice for this role than Xu Yue?

When Fukuyama run voiced this sentence, it can be said that he sympathized with Oka's feelings and gave full play to them. At that moment, he attached Oka's body, not only talking about Liuhua, but also talking about Xu Yue himself.

After that, fans added this paragraph to the Chihiro encyclopedia edited by Xu Yue, which became Xu Yue's symbol. This is the deep regret and complex feelings of countless fans who have been cheated.

After understanding the matter, Xu Yue ran to tears again. This time, he was a little bit serious. He was depressed and depressed for several days. Fortunately, after everyone's comfort, he came out of the psychological shadow again.

He Chen told him that it was a sacrifice for art, and then he believed it.

Strange to say, Yijing is also anti string, and many of the characters are very classic, but no one says anything about Yijing. On the contrary, they think Yijing is very powerful; But when he arrived here, Xu Yue's antics were also very good, but no one said his strength was good. Everyone said "but, it's a man".

This is a very strange phenomenon. Some people think about it for a long time, and finally think that the reason for all this lies in he Chen - because Yi Jingli is just a comedian. When she appears in front of fans, she is always dressed in women's clothes. Even if occasionally Cosplay male roles, everyone can see her at a glance; In contrast, when Xu Yue first appeared in the eyes of fans, he was the moon hare of "beautiful girl warrior". How many people still can't forget the original "amazing".

However, I'm afraid most people want to be blind now... Maybe some of them will keep a picture of Xu Yue in his sailor suit.

It was the first misunderstanding that left a deep impression on the audience, which is the root of the audience's persistent resentment towards "but, it's a man".

Xu Yue is Tianman's first and only voice over who has been banned by the State - all his works are banned from entering Russia.

It can be seen that Xu Yue's international reputation, especially in Britain, is second only to he Chen in Tianman.

He is the most male fan of all dubbing.

I don't know whether to congratulate him or to mourn for him.


"It's been three episodes. Why is it still like this?"

Since the magic girl's little circle, the law of three episodes has been cited as a classic and widely used in all kinds of animation, comics, novels and TV.

But Steins; Several episodes of "gate" have passed, and the story is still as calm as an old well. For those fans who are used to the wonderful stories of porters, it's too boring and boring. As the saying goes, it's relaxed, but the "Relaxation" is a bit too much.

Mulin Feng is one of many fans. If it wasn't for the work of the devil, I'm afraid he would have abandoned it long ago.

He doesn't like the painting style of this work, and he doesn't have the dubbing he likes. Except for the great devil, the only thing that can make him like it is animation.

Although "Steins; At this time, the story of "gate" is not surprising, but OP "hacking to the gate" burns through the sky, which is very touching and hits his G-spot. As soon as the animation was released and before the album was released, he intercepted the animated OP as his mobile phone ringtone.Every time I go after Steins; "Gate", he can't jump OP, this OP gives animation a great bonus.

Moreover, he thinks that the lyric atmosphere of this song is also very suitable for "magic girl Xiao Yuan", "cruel agreement and choice, hacking to the gate". So now, across every second of the world line, want to protect your smile, so into the cycle of time without sadness, gradually swallowed up... "The struggle of singing, used in xiaomeiyan's body will not have the slightest violation( Not finished, to be continued