Xiao Shan said to the crowd, "now we want to launch a new product. We need everyone's cooperation to do it well. The name of this product is -"

He picked up his pen and wrote two words on the whiteboard behind him: blog.

Xiao Shan first talked about the page design and function design of this blog, then talked about the content, and finally said:

"The product itself is to give people a stage to show themselves, but the key to development is the star blog. We need to cook some themes to detonate the blog, so that the opponent can catch up with it in the shortest time."

"However, the final development of this blog needs to become popular interest and the participation of the whole people. To achieve this goal, there must be cash channels. In other words, blogging is profitable, good, high traffic and can be exchanged for money."

Liu Qiangfeng excitedly said, "Tao Bao is the realization channel!"

"Yes! The technical barrier of this kind of thing is very low, and anyone can do it. But only we can expand it, because we have Taobao. Get through the blog and Taobao, and turn the traffic into money. The valuation of Teana technology and Taobao soared rapidly."

"For example, we can invite the most famous makeup artist to open a blog and teach makeup skills every day. Then, by the way, the article mentions which cosmetics to use, followed by a link. Readers click this link to buy Taobao goods and give the blogger a share."

Kong Yue asked strangely, "Mr. Xiao, why don't you set up a company alone? With the development prospect you said, does tianlai.com limit his broad space and make it difficult to expand?"

In fact, everyone has this idea. According to Xiaoshan's consistent practice, a website must set up a company, but why should the blog network be placed under Tianlai?

Xiaoshan smiled: "in the blog market, the valuation of US $10 billion is the limit. It's not worth setting up a company."

Several women took a breath of air conditioning, and the 10 billion dollar product is not worth setting up a company?

None of the current websites can be valued at 10 billion US dollars or even 10 billion Chinese dollars.

Shen Fangqiang looked at the expressions of several women and felt ridiculous. He explained for Xiao Shan: "the boss said the valuation space of the overall blog market, not our blog network."

"Oh." several women returned to normal.

Zheng Siyi was surprised again. "Didn't you say that no one can compete with us? How can other blogs survive?"

"Of course, it can survive. For example, xinlang.com, a news portal, is the most suitable for developing blogs and can develop well. But he certainly can't find a better profit model than us. How can he compete with us? The final outcome can only be to buy our blog network."

"Ah?" the crowd again forced, "you haven't done it yet, are you going to sell the blog network?"

"That's right. When Xinlang comes to buy it, we'll sell it to him." Xiao Shan smiled strangely.

Everyone stopped asking. They all felt that the following was extremely confidential. Xiao Shan was not open to money. He must have dug a hole for Xinlang.

Liu qiangshan and Shen Fangqiang are vaguely aware of some, because Xinlang is in urgent need of this thing to get out of trouble and must bid very high. Xiaoshan's plan is to sell the blog, a product with little potential, to acquire thousands of shares with infinite valuation.

In that way, it is equal to the three-party winner. Xinlang has a realization channel and the valuation soars. Tao Bao still has no impact, and even gets more traffic, while Teana has got a more valuable stake in Baidu.

everybody ' s happy.

But only Xiaoshan knows the real reason for selling.

Because blog is only a transitional product, its vitality is only three years, and then it will be eliminated by microblog.

Miao Kexin asked a key question: "how do we make fried dots?"

Xiaoshan smiled: "if words want to impact the vision, of course, it is sex."

Several women are embarrassed. The boss is a little unscrupulous.

Xiao Shan continued, "there is a magazine editor named Mu Zimei in Yangcheng. He invited her to Yanjing, guaranteed her a minimum income of one million a year, and asked her to write a diary named AI. We must sign a contract and specify the penalty for breach of contract. We can't be poached by Xinlang after the fire."

Several people were shocked by Xiaoshan's courage. A blogger actually guaranteed her a million yuan a year?

Teana quickly set up a blog team and began the development and design of blog.

The development of blog is a piece of cake for Teana, which successfully operates the post bar. Talents from all walks of life have their own strong R & D ability. It took three days to complete the internal test and officially go online.

The six CEOs of Xiaoshan have worked together to bring countless celebrities to open blogs.

360 chat software adds the button of blog network.

Teana.com has launched a banner advertisement, and the first blog website in China has been officially opened.

Numerous advertisements bombarded the post bar, making the blog explode in an instant.

Countless singers have opened blogs, but the first one is mu Zimei's love diary.

The first diary recorded her "one night clearing" story with a famous rock musician in Guangzhou.

Mu Zimei reproduces a lot of details of her and the musician in line drawing. In her diary, she called the singer's real name and described her skills and abilities.

Mu Zimei became popular. Driven by the Navy, the diary was reprinted in Xici Hutong and major forums, and spread rapidly on the Internet. All major news websites followed the heat, rapidly forming a "Mu Zimei phenomenon".

Xiaoshan had never read Mu Zimei's diary in his previous life, because it had nothing to do with him, just knew this person.

But this life is related. He carefully read all muzimi's diaries, but found that muzimi is not the kind of debauchery woman in his original impression.

He felt that Mu Zimei was a fragile and strong person. She could not resist the inferiority of human nature in the world, so she distorted her world outlook, became open, pretended to enjoy it and paralyzed herself, so she put all her eggs on this road.

The popularity of love diary has made countless people imitate Mu Zimei's words to play a marginal ball in order to be famous.

However, there are a few people who have mu Zimei's skills. Many people become yellow when they write.

Blog network is also impolite and deleted directly.

We must maintain the regular development of blog network, otherwise it will be strangled in the cradle.

The valuation of Teana technology soared again due to the launch of blog network, reaching an amazing 8 billion, a total of 1 billion US dollars, which has exceeded 1000 degrees.

Taobao also brought huge traffic after Taobao link appeared in the blog, and the daily turnover soared.

Meanwhile, Taobao's valuation soared again, reaching 10 billion!

Only one blog, sold for up to $500 million alone, can be placed in an ecological chain, but it is like a lever that Prys the overall valuation of the two aircraft carriers.

This ecological chain cooperates perfectly with each other.

If you are the one recording scene.

"Mr. Luo has something to do today, so we invited a special guest to preside over it. He is Xiao Shan, known as the godfather of music."

Luan Yuling said that a close-up of Xiaoshan appeared on the big screen. The applause thundered. Xiaoshan got up and waved to everyone, and then took his seat calmly.

The first male guest appeared. The man was 32 years old. He actually held a bunch of roses and gave them one by one.

Xiao Shan estimated that he wanted to have a close look at these women, but he just found a good way.

After all, these male guests really haven't contacted these women in advance. This is for the authenticity of the program. Otherwise, it's easy to be seen through by countless eyes.

However, the male guest's appearance was too poor and he couldn't speak Mandarin. In the end, he didn't succeed hand in hand.

It's all normal.

After that, the people arranged by Xiaoshan came out.

"Now let's invite the second male guest!"

As soon as the voice fell and the music was heard, the elevator fell, revealing a young man in suit and shoes. He looked really ordinary and belonged to the kind that could not be found in the crowd. But the man smiled calmly, looked very confident, and waved to the host.

"Let me introduce myself to you first." Luan Yuling didn't show any special.

"Hello everyone, my name is Huang Bo, 28 years old, a professional actor." Huang Bo is neither humble nor arrogant, very elegant.

The following lights went out 12, because they had never heard of the name. Obviously, it was not a popular movie star, and Huang was too ordinary.

Luan Yuling looked at the guests who raised their hands and asked as if nothing had happened: "Wu Xiaonan, what's your problem?"

"I want to ask Huang Bo, what have you played?" Wu Xiaonan's tone was obviously teasing. She estimated that Huang Bo had never played anything. And Xiaoshan didn't explain anything to her. She was completely spontaneous and liked to show.

Huang Bo calmly said, "I've only played one film. It was released the year before last. You must have never seen it."

"In other words, you make a movie every two years?" Wu Xiaonan asked immediately.

These people understand the meaning of the words. An actor only makes a film two years ago. It can be imagined how worried his future is. Can he have enough to eat with such a man?

"You're right. I don't have fame and development opportunities. Maybe my acting skills are not good enough, but I have one advantage, that is, I work harder than others. I believe this is an era when there will be gains as long as I work hard." Huang Bo replied with a smile.

But the guest's lamp went out again. Even Wu Xiaonan went out, leaving only one person.

Yu Dan sighed with infinite sigh: "it's really not easy to be an actor. In the huge cast, only a few people become red stars, and most of them are green leaves. This industry needs too much understanding and tolerance."

Xiao Shan followed him and said, "I saw the film you played. I think you have great potential, even the potential to be a movie emperor. I'm optimistic about you. Come on!"

"Thank Mr. Xiaoshan for his encouragement." Huang Bo bowed slightly to thank him.

Luan Yuling said with a smile: "now there is the last one with lights on, No. 16 River gull, Huang Bo, you can ask a question."

"When I saw her in the last program, I immediately had the idea of coming here. I came here for Jiang Ou today. Because I have known Jiang ou for several years and chased her for several years. She has never given me a chance. Today I want to ask, would you like to go with me?"