After Enron thought about it, he couldn't help asking:

"What price will Gong Hao pay to make these nine shareholders obedient?"

Xiaoshan smiled: "they don't have to pay any price. They just need to put pressure on these people and support him at the shareholders' meeting."

Enron once again puzzled: "can they directly order the enterprise?"

"If you are a small enterprise, you can ignore the people in power. As long as you don't break the law, you won't do anything to you. But when you grow up, you must deal with the people in power. For example, there are too many places for labor and foreign exchange, so large enterprises must be obedient.

However, if the enterprise has a close relationship with the people in power, it is also very bad. Because the weather changes every four years. After the weather changes, will the new people in power let go of the original Hongding businessmen? Later, they will either die in a foreign land, be prosecuted or even go to jail.

Therefore, the current situation of Taidao is that large enterprises stay away from those in power. "

After Xiaoshan's analysis, Enron and Jiang Liangqing feel that Gong Hao doesn't have much advantage at all, and Xiaoshan's situation is not so bad.

Wang Yongqing is sure to come. How can a person who can be the richest man in Taidao have no wisdom in doing things?

At this time, live television shows that the demonstrations have become more and more intense, reaching 70000 people.

At this time——

A spokesman suddenly made a televised speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, regarding the shooting incident in Xiaoshan, we reiterate once again that it was entirely a spontaneous act of the people! I hope the people will not be used by people with ulterior motives, focus on the overall situation of defense and act prudently.

We have always welcomed the investment of road funds. We are also very sorry for the shooting. At the same time, we call on the general public to remain calm and stop aggressive behavior.

In order to show our sincerity in promoting peace, we solemnly make the following resolutions: first, we respect the opinions of the management of TSMC and will no longer participate in the dispute over the controlling right of TSMC. Everything will be subject to the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders.

Second, the whole process of the shareholders' meeting is supervised by the media. As for the time of holding the shareholders' meeting, considering Mr. Xiaoshan's special circumstances, we can decide by Mr. Xiaoshan. Thank you. "

This speech was directly understood by the people as a compromise.

After all, the management of TSMC has made a voice, hoping to give up obstruction, abide by the internationally accepted company law and let Xiaoshan take over TSMC.

This means that there are no obstacles for Xiaoshan to take over taijidian, the fuse of the war is extinguished, everything will be calm and better tomorrow.

Most people were satisfied with the result and dispersed one after another.

Only a few false people with ulterior motives are still dissatisfied.

I'm not willing to take advantage of this opportunity to get that person down.

But the situation was obviously under control, and these people had nothing to do.

As Xiao Shan expected, two hours later, Zhang gengyu called:

"President Xiao, Wang Wenxiang, the second son of Wang Yongqing, wants to see you."

"Wang Wenxiang?" Xiaoshan was surprised. "Let's meet."

He hung up the phone and told Jiang Liangqing: "check whether the representative of Taisu is Wang Wenxiang."

Jiang Liangqing immediately called Bajiao and the answer was yes. Wang Wen fully represented his father and had the right to make a decision.

Enron asked with some worry, "will Wang Wenxiang worry about Wang Wenxiang's life and death?"

What she means is that rich families compete for power and profits and have weak family ties. If Wang Wenxiang doesn't care about his brother's life and death, it's hard to talk about today. Maybe Wang Wenxiang was just forced by his father's orders to go through the motions.

"I'll know after talking." Xiao Shan said solemnly.

In Xiaoshan's past life memory, Wang Wenxiang had a business mind.

Maybe he inherited his father's talent and was good at doing business when he was at school.

Most people would think that as the son of the richest man, Wang Wenxiang must have been born with a golden key and had never suffered at all.

In fact, on the contrary, Wang Yongqing is very strict with his son. He always gives his son only living expenses and no extra money.

But Wang Wenxiang monopolized the stationery business in the school by himself, and let all the students buy stationery from him.

This was done by myself without any family help.

Later, he went to school in the United States. He once sold toys door-to-door.

This man has a strong ability to survive.

After taking over the family business, Wang Yongqing did not recognize his son's business ability.

According to Xiao Shan, Wang Yongqing did not hand over the control of his huge business empire to any of his sons, but to his younger brother who was more than ten years younger than himself.

Obviously, Wang Yongqing pays more attention to whether the glory of his business empire can continue, rather than the interests of his children.

After his death, it became the fuse of a dispute.

After years of property disputes, the lawsuit went to the cross century

Zhang gengyu soon came with Wang Wen. He was a strong middle-aged man with two bodyguards behind him.

If mango were here, you would recognize it at a glance. Wang Wenxiang was the middle-aged man around Tong ailing when he was at the airport.

At that time, Wang Wen said to mango that Tong ailing really had Cai Zhiheng's child and left alone.

But Wang Wenxiang is not afraid of the ruffian Cai, but he can't afford to lose this man. With his current wealth and status, it is not a matter to have a few women, but if he makes such a scandal with people in public, it will be infamous.

After Xiao Shan and Wang Wen shook hands and greeted each other, Zhang gengyu quit.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wenxiang asked two bodyguards to go out and wait.

Xiaoshan naturally understood that he turned back to Jiang Liangqing and the religious officials and said, "please avoid it."

Jiang Liangqing and the instructor went into another room.

Only Xiao Shan and Wang Wenxiang were left in the living room. After they sat down, Wang Wenxiang smiled:

"Mr. Xiao, my father is too old to move, so let me come on his behalf and ask you a few questions. If there is anything wrong, I hope Haihan."

"No, I know Mr. Wang is 85 years old. I should go to see him. Brother Wang, if you have anything to say, just say it clearly." Xiao Shan said with leisure.

Wang Wen said bluntly:

"President Xiao, the president has just called our nine minority shareholders to support fund manager Gong Hao. I want to ask, what is president Xiao's position on this?"

Xiao Shan smiled: "look at the stock price of TSMC. It has increased by 10% since I bought it. This represents the support of countless Taidao people. I think you should be able to see the direction and believe in my ability. What I can bring you is greater wealth, at least 100 times the wealth in ten years; but what can you get if you support Gong hao?"

Wang Wen flashed a doubt into his eyes. The OEM industry is not the Internet. Can it grow a hundred times in ten years?

But he said as if nothing had happened:

"President Xiao, this is not so simple. I believe you are a miracle maker. Of course, I hope you will preside over taijidian. But President Xiao, you also understand how easy it is for those in power to support you. It is likely to be a disaster plagued by lawsuits, trouble, or even out of thin air. The consequences are unpredictable."

Xiaoshan smiled: "your family offends, of course, it's trouble, but what if the nine families are tied together, form an alliance and advance and retreat together?"

Wang Wen scolded secretly. Do you think this method still works?

He was ordered by his father to do good. As a result, Xiaoshan asked him to attack.

He had to ask bluntly, "what support can Xiao always give me?"

"My goal is to build a semiconductor industry chain that controls the commanding heights of science and technology. We need powerful partners. From this point of view, our two countries can cooperate in depth, whether Guangdong province or the United States."

Wang Wen nodded and said, "that's right. My brother is in Guangdong Province and many of my father's industries are in the United States. How can we cooperate?"

Next, the two planned for a full hour to completely reach a strategic partnership.

Finally, the two exchanged phone calls. Wang Wen got up and said goodbye: "my father will come forward in person and unite the nine shareholders, which can be done tonight. I hope President Xiao will inform TSMC to convene the board of directors as soon as possible, so as not to have a long dream."

"OK, let me know when you're done." Xiao Shan smiled.

After seeing Wang Wenxiang off, Xiaoshan went into the bedroom.

Enron immediately sighed, "it seems that it has not been negotiated."

"Where did you see that?" Xiao Shan was surprised.

"No celebration."

Xiaoshan laughed and said, "you guessed right and didn't make it. Things exceeded my expectations. Wang Wenxiang is Gong Hao's man."

"Where did you see that?"

"He didn't believe me, but he deliberately covered up talking about cooperation with me and made me trust him completely. Finally, he asked me to convene the board of directors as soon as possible, which was too obvious. He wanted me to be unprepared and kick me out at the shareholders' meeting."

Enron sighed: "compared with the huge inheritance of wealth, the feeling of brotherhood is still too thin."

"I think Gong Hao took hold of him." Xiao Shan narrowed his eyes.

"What shall we do?" Enron was worried.

"Hey, hey, he comforted me, I comforted him, and he was also unprepared." Xiao Shan's mouth flashed an arc.

Just then, Jiang Liangqing came in and whispered, "President Xiao, don't believe this man. After he got on the bus, he called Gong Hao. He was monitored by Bajiao and said four words: everything is done."

"Well, that's true." Xiaoshan sneered, "check Wang Yongqing's phone number and I'll talk to his father before he goes back."

Jiang Liangqing calls Bajiao and Wang Yongqing will call soon.

Xiaoshan dialed directly and rang seven or eight times. Only then did he pick up the phone, but it was an old woman's voice: "who is it, please?"

"Hello, grandma. I'm Xiaoshan. I'd like to have a word with Mr. Wang Yongqing."

"Xiaoshan?" there hesitated for a moment before saying, "wait a minute."

An older voice sounded: "Hello Xiaoshan, I'm Wang Yongqing."