The security guard's response was unexpected.

He actually took out a black certificate from his arms and handed it to the instructor.

The instructor immediately responded that the purpose of the security guard was not to deceive him into the room, but to deceive him into reaching out.

The security guard must have a poison needle in his hand.

The moment of handing over the certificate is the best time for plotting!

The instructor didn't give him this chance. At the moment when the certificate was stretched out, he kicked the security guard's crotch like lightning!

The security guard suddenly turned sideways, kicked the instructor's crotch, and hit the instructor's face with a series of hook fists.

The instructor gave a quick flash. He didn't dare to fight the security guard for fear of being plotted by his poisonous needle.

But he didn't give in, but changed an angle. It became that he faced the door and the security guard turned his back to the door.

The security guard turned around at the same time, and another round of fierce combination boxing, boxing with wind, was fatal. The instructor's response was simple and rough. He simply kicked him in the face.

If he doesn't retreat, even if he stabs the instructor in the leg with a poisonous needle, he will have to be kicked half to death.

The security guard retreated instantly. He found that his fist and foot were not the instructor's opponent at all. He directly explored his hand and took out the gun!

But at this moment, he saw the mockery in the instructor's eyes.

The back waist suddenly numb!

Anesthesia needle!

And directly into the kidney!

This is the fatal part, and the effect of general anesthesia is better.

He turned slowly, saw Jiang Liangqing's ordinary face, and then fell softly to the ground.

The instructor came over, stepped on the security guard's right wrist, vomited with dark strength, clicked and broke his wrist.

Then he went to the other side, did the same, and broke his left wrist.

Then he retreated and continued to guard at the door, as if there was nothing in front of him.

Jiang Liangqing took a pistol from the security guard's arms, took a look and said, "Glock 23 is the standard configuration of CIA agents."

Then he inserted it into his back waist, grabbed the security guard's neck and dragged it into the room, still keeping the door open.

A minute later, the instructor saw a big man coming with a huge suitcase.

The big man turned a blind eye to the instructor, directly pushed open the empty door and closed it again.

After two minutes, the big man walked out of the room with his heavy suitcase.

Quickly disappeared at the Sheraton Hotel.

In the morning, Xiaoshan and Enron walked out of the room and saw the instructor and Jiang Liangqing standing around. Xiaoshan was surprised: "what's the situation?"

"An agent pretended to be a security guard and has been cleaned up." Jiang Liangqing said concisely. Xiao Shan knows this kind of thing. There is no need to be too detailed.

Xiao Shan sighed, "it seems that there are ghosts in Taiji."

While talking, Gong Hao's sneer came to mind. He immediately took out the phone and dialed Zhang Zhongmou.

"Mr. Zhang, help me find out which director talked to the United States after I left."

Zhang Zhongmou understood as soon as he heard it and sighed, "don't check it. It must be gong Hao."

"That's all right." Xiao Shan hung up as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Liangqing immediately said, "it's not safe here. We take the embassy car and eat in the car."

Xiao Shan nodded, "OK."

The four quickly left the hotel, took the extended Lincoln with three rows of seats and quickly left Amsterdam.

The full-time driver of the embassy was driving. Jiang Liangqing sat on the co pilot, the instructor sat in the last row, and Xiaoshan and Enron sat in the middle row.

After eating the lunch box, he took Xiaoshan's hand safely and looked at the field outside the window.

Sure enough, there are many windmills. This is really a windmill country.

"Why does he LAN like windmills so much?" Enron asked.

"The wind is strong. The west wind blows all the year round, and the Atlantic Ocean is close to the sea and land wind, so Helan likes to make windmills most. It can be said that windmills, cheese and tulips are the representatives of Helan. The windmills here generate electricity, which is nothing. They can also be used to extract oil, make paper and drain water. Many mills are driven by wind."

"It's so beautiful." Enron is pleasing to the eyes. Looking around, the largest one is several floors high, and a wind wing is as long as 20 meters, which is indeed much higher than the house.

The most rare thing is that these windmills are all kinds. Even the buildings of those windmills are beautifully dressed.

It is a perfect work of art, just like entering the fairy tale world.


When he arrived at ASML headquarters, Xiaoshan had to lament that weihefen was vast and sparsely populated.

The whole company is like an independent manor, surrounded by fields that can't be seen at a glance, either fields or fields where weeds grow naturally.

It gives people the first impression that this is like an ancient Duke's house and a big landlord, with vast expanses of fertile land.

Adier, the chairman of the board, looked about 40, full of vigor and vitality, warmly held Xiao Shan's hand and said a lot of sarcastic compliments. Xiao Shan doubted that he had deliberately learned from the Chinese.

When introducing Enron, Xiao Shan said frankly, "this is my wife Enron."

"Wow, your wife really looks like a drowning fish and a drowning goose, and the moon is ashamed of flowers." adier said this sentence in Chinese. His smile expanded like a boundless cloud, with an expression of great honor, reaching out to Enron.

Enron's cheek was hot and shook it briefly.

As soon as Xiaoshan saw that he was not polite, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "adier, I have good news for you. Let's visit your company first."

"OK, OK, I feel that today is an auspicious day. I specially checked the Yellow calendar and found that it is appropriate to open the market and ask for money. It seems that brother Xiao has sent me money."

Five of Xiaoshan almost knelt. Can NIMA not pretend to be a China expert? Chinese people don't look at the Yellow calendar anymore.

"You're right. I did send you money." Xiao Shan gave him a psychological preparation first.

Eddie was even happier. He boasted about his company. Then he took five people into a room and put on dustproof clothes first.

After wearing them, the five people looked like experts and followed Adil into the production and assembly workshop.

There were only three people inside. A 10 meter wide lithography machine stood in the middle, and one of them was standing on the card ladder for assembly test.

"This is a 197 nm dry lithography machine. We are an open innovation company. A lithography machine needs tens of thousands of parts. We only do the research and development of the most key technologies, and the parts produced by ourselves are no more than 10%. The spare parts you see next to us are not produced by us."

Edier said proudly, as if he were the master of tens of thousands of enterprises.

Xiaoshan exclaimed: "your model is very advanced. Always choose the parts of the most advanced technology manufacturers to let the whole industrial chain compete for R & D. although you divide part of the profits, you can bring the best product quality and strong competitiveness."

"That's right!" Eddie became more and more elated. "Brother, you're going to sponsor my R & D expenses, aren't you? Don't be polite to me. I must give you priority and delivery right! I'm so particular about who sponsors my R & D and who gives priority to production! Those who don't pay for it are behind!"

Enron and Jiang Liangqing stared round. Both the instructor and the driver looked sideways. Are there such shameless people?

Xiaoshan knows that this company has been doing so.

Now it's nothing at all. When canon and Nikon don't produce high-end lithography machines and ASML becomes bigger, Adil is the emperor. Who wants lithography machines and takes R & D fees.

But Intel, Erxing and Taiji have no choice but to give him hundreds of millions or even billions of euros. This is only the cost of research and development. If the product is produced, it should be sold for a lot of money and has the final say in pricing.

Control the commanding heights of science and technology, that's it.

Xiaoshan is very hot in his heart. When Intel is short circuiting to support Nikon, he must win the company, otherwise he will have no chance.

Acquiring the only high-end lithography machine is a hundred times more difficult than acquiring one of the three.

When only ASML is left, spitting blood is impossible to succeed in the acquisition, and the United States has to stop throwing nuclear bombs.

Xiaoshan said with a smile, "I sponsor your R & D expenses. That's not the way. I have a better idea to increase your market share from 20% to 80%. Are you willing to do it?"

Adil's eyes suddenly became round. Isn't that equal to killing canon and Nikon?

Xiaoshan really deserves its reputation.

He immediately excitedly took Xiao Shan's hand, full of tears like his daughter-in-law he hadn't seen in three years:

"Brother, we don't need to visit. You can't understand it anyway. Go to my office and let's talk in secret!"

Xiaoshan suddenly rolled his eyes. How do you know I can't understand? Well, even if I don't understand, you can't say it. Can't we pretend together?

Resisting the impulse to kick him, Xiao Shan said calmly, "well, anyway, your product will be eliminated. Go to your office first."

In the office, Xiaoshan and adier sat opposite each other, Enron didn't follow.

"Brother, tell me what you think and see if it's the same as what I think." Adil said eagerly as soon as he sat down.

Xiao Shan automatically filtered out the last sentence and said calmly:

"My idea is that I will invest US $2.9 billion in ASML, accounting for 51%. As long as you completely follow the direction I said and do it according to the strategy I set, I promise to let canon and Nikon give up the research and development of high-end lithography machines. You will monopolize the high-end lithography machine market and increase the overall market share to 80% within two years."

Eddie was there.

I have to say that Xiaoshan's words are very tempting. The money is enough and the big cake is round enough.

And he also believes that Xiaoshan has this ability. Every website Xiaoshan does is unique.

But it's too much resistance for Xiaoshan to hold.

He was silent for a full minute, but still said with a bitter smile: "brother, do you want to be simple? A country will not allow it, nor will we allow it. I'm high-tech, you know."

Xiaoshan's eyes were calm, such as Gu Jing wubo: "adier, as long as you agree, the two of us will certainly break all resistance."

"Is it useful for us to work together?" edier felt incredible. Compared with a country, isn't it still an ant when two majestic ants are tied together? It's better to tie a male and a female together and give birth to small ants.