Xiaoshan practiced in the hotel all night and completely recovered Zhenyuan.

The cultivation speed of Zhenyuan Gu is faster than Jiang Liangqing's cultivation with spirit stones.

After breakfast, Jiang Keyan asked, "what are we doing today?"

Xiaoshan said quietly:

"With Tong Lin's shrewdness and cunning, no matter how many people Zhang and Li Wei send, it's hard to catch them. Therefore, you don't have to waste time looking for them. It's bad to expose them. You don't have to monitor anyone and don't go out of the hotel. Just watch TV.

When Du Hongqiao died and cleared us of suspicion, Tong Lin would react: we didn't come to kill their father and son, but for the treasure. What would he think at this time? "

Xiao Shan finished and smiled at Jiang Keyan.

Jiang Keyan thought a little and said:

"Tong Lin will worry that before Du Hongqiao dies, he can't stand torture and say the address of the treasure. He will also doubt that you can guess the exact location of the treasure. Therefore, he won't wait any longer. He knows that he has to take risks to get the treasure."

Xiao Shan nodded and smiled:

"That's right. He said that as long as he appeared, he would be exposed. He had the ability to hide in the well-known, but he didn't have the ability to hide in the Blackwater valley. After all, the treasure was taken by boat. How could the boat hide it? Therefore, as long as he entered the treasure land, he would expose the treasure.

So is the Li family.

Zhang Li won't tell Li Wei about the treasure, but she will certainly tell how Du Qigao died and take revenge with Li Wei's knife. But although Li Wei's people can't find Tong Lin, they can find a large number of people in Zhang Jia.

As long as they are not too stupid, they should be aware of the abnormality here. As long as they follow the people in Zhangjia, they will track to heishuiyu.

So, we'll wait until the people of the Zhang family and the Li family go in, then close the door and beat the dog and catch them all. "

Xiaoshan is extremely calm and commands like a steady hand.

Jiang Keyan suddenly brightened up and went to watch TV.

Xiao Shan and tu'er continued to practice in the bedroom and put down all their distractions.


Dark clouds are pressing the city, mountain rain is coming, and it is full of depression before the outbreak.

Du Hongqiao has installed cameras in every corner of the office. Anyone who invades will leave hard evidence.

Last night's thrill did not make him feel relaxed, but there was a long suppressed irritability.

It's a rare thing for him. He always feels that something has gone wrong.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Wu bureau, what's the situation in Xiaoshan?" Du Hongqiao asked.

"Mr. Du, the situation in Xiaoshan is not. The four people have been staying in the hotel. But we have a problem here. We need to withdraw our staff. I hope you can understand." Wu bureau said in a regular manner.

Du Hongqiao was suddenly cold. Xiao Shan actually used the official influence to withdraw the police force first and then kill him?

But isn't it obvious that Xiao Shan did it?

Although Du Hongqiao was suspicious, he knew that this matter could not be changed. Since Wu bureau could say it, it must withdraw people.

He had to politely say, "in that case, your people withdraw first."

All eight policemen left quickly.

Du Hongqiao sneered: "if you withdraw the police force, you can kill me?"

As soon as he reached out, he touched the button under the table and turned off the camera.

Clapped his hands, the bedroom door behind opened and out came a middle-aged man.


"Shan Liang, the police withdrew and acted according to the original plan."

Du Hongqiao said and stood up.

Shan Liang calmly sat down at Du Hong Bridge.

As like as two peas, the Hongqiao is the only one who will be surprised if they see it.

This is not a disguise, but really very similar. Even the behavior and speech are nine points similar.

This is the double that Du Hongqiao deliberately sought after after discovering the treasure.

Shan Liang was originally just a farmer. He was raised by Du Hongqiao for four years. He only waited for a crisis to save his life.

The day finally came.

Du Hongqiao went into the bedroom and closed the door.

This bedroom is not big, only a wardrobe and a bed. It seems to be a temporary rest place for work tired. It does not pursue any complete facilities and luxury.

He opened the wardrobe, took out a bag from the corner and went to the bed.

Open your bag and take out some bank cards from it.

He has long been prepared to abandon Dongsheng pharmaceutical industry if he fails.

Therefore, when he realized that it was wrong, the pharmaceutical company had been repeatedly mortgaged by him for more than a dozen times, and all the money was transferred to the Swiss bank account through underground channels. As soon as he disappears, Dongsheng will go bankrupt because of insolvency, and Zhang Li will get nothing.

He took out another set of documents.

This identity is a real identity. Not only can the registered residence system find this person, but also the family, wife, bank card consumption record, good exit record, what is missing.

His wife is Tong Lin's mother, Tong Yun.

Finally, take out a set of clothes, trousers, shoes and socks, as well as hats, wigs, glasses, and paint for make-up.

He looked in the mirror, painted his face a little waxy yellow, then put on his wig, glasses, hat, and changed his clothes and shoes.

In such a short time, he became a person alive. No matter who would believe it, this is the incomparably bright Du Hongqiao.

Finally, I checked it and made sure there were no omissions.

He grabbed the wardrobe with both hands and gently pulled it. The wardrobe slid aside.

Then he exposed the whole white wall. He pressed it in the corner. The seemingly flat white wall slowly opened a door inward.

Inside is not a secret room, but a two meter square space with a round hole in the middle and a column.

Just like the downstairs passage of the fire brigade, but Du Hong Bridge is hidden.

He turned back, moved the wardrobe back, closed the door, put on his gloves in the dark, grabbed the column with both hands, and the whole person quickly slid down the column to the first floor.

In the dark, I felt my feet fall to the ground and released my hand.

I listened close to the door and made sure there was no movement, so I gently opened the secret door.

This is a Buddhist hall.

The establishment of Buddhist halls in enterprises is not noticeable.

Many entrepreneurs are superstitious and believe that if this is useful, Bodhisattva will bless peace and wealth.

The Buddha Hall is generally not too big, but this one is smaller. There are no windows and it is dark.

Only Du Hongqiao has a key in this place. Even Zhang Li can't get in.

Du Hongqiao didn't turn on the light. He just went to the Bodhisattva and finally knelt down and muttered to himself: "Bodhisattva bless, bless my son to take out the treasure safely. From then on, he became a powerful man, spread his wings and fly high, and bless the Du family's incense to be prosperous and blessed for thousands of years."

His kneeling body was slowly lifting up. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his back and put a dagger against his back heart.

"Don't move." a cold voice came into the eardrum.

Du Hongqiao sweated down his temples.


How on earth was it exposed?

"Du Hongqiao, I only ask you one question. If you dare to cheat me, you will die immediately." the cold voice said.

Du Hongqiao answered lightly, "I promise every word is true. But I must ask first. Who are you?"


The dagger was slightly loose and had stabbed half an inch into Du Hongqiao's back. Blood seeped around the dagger like a red flower.

But Du Hongqiao didn't say a word, and didn't even bend down to avoid the dagger.

Where can I hide under the dagger?

The dagger didn't go down again, and then it stabbed into the heart.

"My name is mu Peng." the cold voice finally eased, but with a trace of irony.

"No. who ordered you?"

"Now it's my turn to ask. What's the password for your Swiss bank account?"

Without hesitation, Du Hongqiao reported a series of figures, and Mu Peng recorded them directly on his mobile phone.

Then he asked Du Hongqiao to repeat it, but mu Pengxin was not bad at all.

Du Hongqiao followed and asked, "who told you the secret of the Buddha Hall?"

"I don't know who you used it for?" Mu Peng sneered.

Du Hongqiao was stunned. He only used it for one person, Tong Lin's mother, Tong Yun!

That time, because Zhang Li suddenly arrived, he hurriedly stuffed Tong Yun into the space.

But how could Tong Yun betray him?

"I don't believe it." Du Hongqiao said flatly.

Mu Peng said with a light smile, "of course it's not Tong Yun. Tong Lin told me."

This is reasonable. Tong Yun didn't hide anything from his son.

"How could he let you kill me?" Du Hongqiao was angry.

Mu Peng sneered:

"Do you really think Tong Lin wants to recognize you as a father? In his eyes, you have never been a father, just a liar who deceived his mother! Let a beautiful woman bury your youth and wait alone for 20 years? Just because of your child? Just because of your ethereal promise?"

Du Hongqiao trembled and murmured, "but I didn't deceive her. Everything I did was for Tong Lin."

Mu Peng youyou said:

"If it's for Tong Lin, you'll die. Only when you die can the secret of the treasure be kept. Because now all kinds of people gather and know, it's not the time to dig, okay?"

Du Hongqiao was silent and sighed, "before I die, I just want to hear the truth. Does Tong Lin want my account password?"

"No, it's my idea." Mu Peng doesn't mind telling the truth. After all, Du Hongqiao is dying.

Du Hongqiao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "tell Tong Lin that I deliberately reported the wrong birthday on his Hukou in order to coincide with the day I left Zhang Li. His real birthday should be three months earlier."

Mu Peng secretly admired himself. When he was dying, he was still thinking about his son's birthday.

"I will convey it truthfully."

With that, the dagger suddenly inserted into Du Hongqiao's heart.

Du Hongqiao's eyes suddenly opened, his strength disappeared, and his eyes slowly turned into absolute darkness.

Then lie down in front of the Bodhisattva and die.

Mu Peng dragged his body, opened the secret door and threw it in like garbage.

No one knows that the real Du Hongqiao is dead.

Shan Liang in the office doesn't know.

He still sat there calmly, silently looking at the papers on the table.