After Tong Lin asked, ina hesitated in her eyes.

"Don't talk!" Oka suddenly shouted.

Tong Lin's knife light flashed again. Poof, he cut off Oka's other arm.

"No!" ina screamed again, "I tell you!"

Her eyes were filled with hatred, but she still said the gathering place, which was exactly what Oka said. It was not bad at all.

Unfortunately, no matter how tacit they are, they can't escape Tong Lin's insight.

Tong Lin looked at ina calmly: "it seems that both of you want to die. This place is not the residence of the Muta people. Therefore, one of you must die. Ina, I can give you a choice. Who will die?"

Before ina spoke, Oka roared, "I'm dead, you let ina go!"

Tong Lin sneered: "did I let you choose?"

As soon as the voice fell, the knife light flashed, and ina's right arm was cut off shoulder to shoulder.

Ina didn't change her face, her arms didn't fall to the ground, and she was tied to her feet.

But the wound on her shoulder coagulated in an instant.

The resentment in ina's eyes is enough to poison a bull shark.

Oka couldn't bear the torture any longer. Finally, she collapsed completely. She cried and shouted, "I tell you, I tell you, please let ina go!"

Ina was still silent, but she closed her eyes, her teeth clenched and her cheeks twisted.

Oka didn't care about anything, and finally said the real gathering place of wooden tower people.

Tong Lin was sure this time. He solemnly said, "I will let ina go. You can go at ease."

With that, a knife was inserted into Orca's throat.

Oka's wound finally stopped healing and died.

But in his eyes, he showed relief, paid everything, and finally saved ina. He believed in Tong Lin's commitment to the dead.

Ina could hear clearly that her lover was dead. She trembled and roared like a beast, but she still didn't open her eyes.

Tong Lin grabbed Oka's body and threw it into the Amazon River.

Blood is the best signal. For bloodthirsty sharks, you can smell a drop of blood even a kilometer away.

In the twinkling of an eye, the waves in the water surged, and Oka's body was torn to pieces and entered the shark's stomach.

Tong Lin came back again, mentioned ina and whispered, "I said I would let you go. But whether you can live depends on your luck."

He took ina and walked to the river.

Ina didn't struggle. She knew that no matter how fast Tong Lin was, she gave Tong Lin an excuse to kill her, so she was just ready to go.

Tong Lin vibrated with one arm, and ina flew up and landed at the bull shark.

This is the only shark in the Amazon River.

This is the most ferocious animal in the Amazon River. Some experts even listed bull shark as the most dangerous animal in the world.

But at the moment of flying, ina finally broke out her terrible power. As soon as she worked hard on her left arm and feet, the cane tightened in an instant, and then broke with a bang!

The severed right arm fell into the shark's mouth first, but at the moment when ina was about to fall into the shark's mouth, her two knees suddenly separated and slammed the shark's upper jaw. At the same time, she smacked her left elbow and was banging on the bull shark's nose!

This is the only weakness of bull shark. Its nose is more important than its eyes.

Bull shark was injured instantly and ran away, taking ina's right arm.

Ina sank directly into the river and disappeared.

Tong Lin is secretly frightened. The cultivator is really powerful. I don't know if ina can escape.

But he doesn't regret letting ina go. This is the return of true love and the perfection of Oka's death, which is very important.

Tong Lin went back to the campfire and threw the bodies of the drug dealers into the river one by one.

Only a bloody land is left.

He gathered a dozen guns together and picked up an AK47.

He hasn't used this kind of gun yet, but it can't help Tong Lin.

He soon understood the structure of the gun, switched the fuse and changed the magazine. After he was proficient, he began to practice firing at the jungle.

Every time you empty a gun, throw it into the Amazon.

When there were only three guns left, his firing was extremely accurate.

Tong Lin sat there waiting for dawn with a gun.

It's very dangerous to carry goyi on the night road. It's easy to be plotted by the Muta people.

But he waited only a minute and stood up with a gun.

A man came out of the jungle opposite.

He has long hair and a shawl. He is very wild. Just looking at his body more than two meters high, he knows that he is a wooden pagoda people.

The man walked slowly towards Tong Lin, as if waiting for him to shoot.

Tong Lin didn't shoot. He estimated that he couldn't shoot without covering up.

The young man with long hair stopped when he was ten meters away.

His eyes stared at Tong Lin's fingers, but his nose twitched a few times, his face slightly changed and said:

"Who are you? You killed all these people?"

Tong Lin instantly concluded that the young man with long hair already knew that there were Muta people dead here, so this question is a trap. As long as he admits that he killed them, he is equal to admitting that he killed the Muta people.

"I killed 13 drug dealers." Tong Lin was very calm.

The young man with long hair relaxed his eyes and asked, "who killed the remaining two people?"

Tong Lin's heart is dark Lin. this young man with long hair can smell several people only by the smell of blood.

"In addition to drug dealers, I only saw the body of one person, a black man." Tong Lin answered lightly.

In the ears of the young man with long hair, the drug dealer killed the black man, and Tong Lin only saw the body.

The young man with long hair believed that ina's blood gas was very weak. She was probably still alive, but she was injured.

He asked, "why did you throw the body into the river?"

"Are you willing to guard the body?" Tong Lin asked.

The evergreen youth was immediately indisputable. There was a sleeping woman on the ground. Tong Lin obviously couldn't go and guard the body. It was reasonable to throw it into the river.

"Why did you rob this woman?"

"This is my wife." Tong Lin answered frankly.

The young man with long hair was stunned and asked in surprise, "then why is she sleeping?"

"You asked too much." Tong Lin said, pulling the trigger directly, but it was just a shot.

The young man with long hair flashed slightly to avoid bullets.

Tong Lin sneered: "this is just a warning. No matter how many things make you die here."

The evergreen youth showed a trace of sarcasm: "even if you shoot, you can't hit me, but I can stab you in the chest."

While talking, the palm turned over, revealing a knife handle. With a flexible rotation in the palm, the tip of the knife turned back and pointed to Tong Lin.

"Really? I want to see if you're bragging."

Tong Lin said and pulled the trigger with one hand.

A series of bullets swept towards the long haired youth like rain, but Tong Lin's other hand quietly crushed a seed and ejected it.

The young man with long hair was really like a demon. His eyes just locked Tong Lin's barrel. As long as he didn't connect in a straight line, he would never hit him.

A shuttle of bullets swept away in three seconds. At the moment of emptying, Tong Lin explored his hand to catch another gun.

The young man with long hair finally took a breath and was about to kill Tong Lin by lightning, but suddenly a burst of sleep hit him. He was surprised and the knife in his hand suddenly shot out!

But Tong Lin's action of holding a gun was just an illusion. He flashed and dodged in the opposite direction.

The dagger went straight into the air and disappeared into the jungle.

The young man with long hair inhaled too much aroma and could no longer carry his drowsiness. He closed his eyes and fell down slowly.

But Tong Lin had rushed to the river, threw the gun without bullets into the river and washed his hands. Only then did he breathe a sigh.

He estimated that the residual aroma would be fine as long as it was not placed on the end of his nose. Otherwise, goy fell asleep that night without waiting to catch him.

But he doesn't want to take any risks. Even a trace of sleepiness will slow his reaction and be fatal.

He held his breath again, lifted the young man with long hair to the river and directly inserted a knife into his throat. Before his blood gas dispersed, he kicked into the Amazon River.

Then clean the knife without leaving any smell and return to the campfire.

Pick up an AK47 and continue to wait.

He even had some expectations. If the Muta people died one by one, it would be better.

You can go to the gathering place of the wooden pagoda family.

But it's impossible. How can they all come to this place?


The fact is worse than Tong Lin expected.

When Batis, the boss of the drug cartel, issued the order to capture the four Xiaoshan people alive, he has been studying Xiaoshan. But the more he studies Xiaoshan's history, the more frightened he is. Can't anyone arrest him for such an unpredicted figure?

He called his men again to tell them to be careful.

But the phone was blocked and no one answered.

He instantly felt that something had happened, and I'm afraid more than a dozen people were all destroyed!

He took a breath of air-conditioning, which means that Xiaoshan has killed nearly 30 of his people and robbed more than 20 guns!

Batis can't swallow this tone, especially in the Amazon jungle. If you can lose in this home battle, you don't have to mix up in the future.

He immediately assigned Simo to rush to the scene by helicopter and arrest Xiaoshan.

Simo is one of the eight King Kong under Batis. He has curly brown hair, angular face and thick lips. He is a typical descendant of Indians, but he is not a tribal man.

From his father's generation, he had left the tribe and was branded with civilization, just the brand of dark civilization.

Seymour is 1.8 meters tall. His muscles are as strong as flowing hills and lions.

Before following Batis, he was a boxer in the underground black ring and once set a record of 13 consecutive second kills. His characteristic is that he has a strong explosive force and can concentrate all his physical fitness within ten seconds.

As for the opponent's persistence for ten seconds, no one knows, because no one can resist his ten second attack.

Simo coolly got on the helicopter with only eight capable men, but all equipped with M79 grenade guns and Pearl grenades!

M79 grenade gun, bullet caliber 40mm.

Think about the bullet caliber of AK47 is 7mm, you can know how powerful it is, that is, small shells.