Tong Lin sees that this woman is more powerful than Oka and ina. How dare he have the slightest carelessness:

"I only saw the bodies of two Muta people."

"What?" the middle-aged woman was suddenly murderous!

"Just where I killed 13 drug dealers, one was black and the other had long hair." Tong Lin calmly added, drawing enough hatred for the drug dealers.

Yinlai roared, and sorrow rolled like angry waves, as if to destroy the sky and the earth.

"Be careful!" Tong Lin suddenly pulled Ge Yi, and they fell directly to the ground.


A grenade hit the tree behind him across the river, and the whole tree was blown up in an instant.

Debris like countless sharp swords hit yinlai CHIGUO, but she was unharmed. Instead, she was murderous and rushed into the sky. She threw AK47 in her hand and rushed out of the jungle. Unexpectedly, she stepped on the waves and rushed to the other side!

The helicopter in the air finally found the target. The grenades were like rain and shot at yinlai.

But yinlai's speed is too fast. These grenades shoot down from the air, the hit rate is too low, and the river is blown to the sky, but she doesn't slow down.

On the contrary, Simo on the other side shot the second grenade with a grim smile.

Yinlai was on the water. Her dodging speed was greatly affected. She even rubbed her left arm and exploded.

The power of the grenade instantly made her left arm disappear!

But yinlai was unaware. Her anger and murder made her completely regardless of life and death. In an instant, she came close to Simo.

Simo didn't have time to load the grenade. He used the gun as a bayonet and suddenly stabbed yinlai.

As long as yinlai's body is in shape, it will be a ten second terrorist attack to meet her. No one can avoid the outbreak of Simo.

But simovan didn't expect that yinlai didn't give him a chance to explode.

Her right hand grabbed the barrel like lightning and sent it in the opposite direction. The handle of the gun directly pierced Simo's chest!

Simo is also tough. At the moment before his death, he sounded his grenade.


Yinlai didn't have time to dodge. There was no time to step back.

Just watching simora ring the grenade, watching Simo's body being blown up, watching countless steel balls splashing into his body, watching his body being blown up into the air, he fainted.

The helicopter in the air flew away after a short hover.

Without Simo, they didn't know how to track the rest at night. They couldn't land by the river. They had to wait for the boss to send someone again.

Tong Lin and Ge Yi, lurking on the other side, finally stood up.

Tong Lin said with burning eyes, "we take yinlai to the wooden pagoda family. I think this reason is sufficient. The drug traffickers will certainly not lose it."

Goy said, "I'll go and bring yinlai?"

"That's impossible. Yinlai's broken arm has attracted countless terrorist creatures, but they are all lurking at the bottom of the river."

"That's just us."

"That's right. But you can't swim there, or you'll die in the river."

Ge Yi had no choice and asked, "how do you get there?"

"I'll throw you over. You hold yinlai. Let's go separately, meet at the end of the tributary and go to the wooden pagoda family together." Tong Lin said.

Ge Yi's eyes suddenly showed uneasiness. She didn't want to separate from Tong Lin for a moment.

Tong Lin comforted and said, "we all walk along the river and won't separate."

Goy nodded.

Tong Lin hugged Ge Yi, and then asked her to turn around and squat down, holding her knees with both hands into a ball. Both of them turned their backs to the river. Tong Lin inserted his hands into her armpits behind her and gently reminded: "hold!"

Suddenly, Ge Yi flew into the air, drew an arc in the air, flew over Tong Lin's head and fell directly to the other bank.

Ge Yi stretched out his body in Ben Kong and landed on the other bank lightly, unharmed.

She waved her arm happily and went over to see yinlai.

Although yinlai was in a coma, his chest was still undulating. Obviously, he was not dead.

Goyi picked up yinlai and ran quickly along the river bank.

Tong Linfei quickly put on his clothes and shoes, put a mountain knife in his waist, carried two AK47 and chased forward.


Batis received the report, frowned, chased for a day, and killed a woman?

He doesn't know. This woman hasn't been killed yet.

He intuitively thought that the woman was Xiaoshan's gang. Although he lost Ximo, he thought it was worth it.

At the same time, it also re estimated the energy of Xiaoshan. It seems that only grenades and grenades are not enough.

Batis looked at the seven masters around him and said, "Ricardo and Santos, go together and catch Xiaoshan alive. This man can change money."

Likado, as strong as an orangutan, asked, "what if he can't be caught alive?"

"I hope someone will pay for the dead." Batis said coldly.

"Shit, I hope he won't resist."

Ricardo muttered, and Santos got on another helicopter.

The helicopter's carrying capacity was limited, and Ricardo chose only the eight most capable men.

And Santos brought a dog.


The two helicopters were parked side by side.

Like an orangutan, Ricardo got off the plane first, followed by Santos with the dog, and eight capable young brothers finally jumped off.

Ricardo looked at lac and asked coldly, "why not chase?"

"Boss, we can't track at night. We don't have Simo's ability." lac said with a trembling heart. If we can joke with Simo, we can only ask for more luck in the face of Ricardo for fear of making a mistake.

This is a murderous guy.

"Waste! Lead the way!" Ricardo really didn't kill lac, but made up his mind to catch up with Xiaoshan and let the coward go first.

Lak eight people, like frightened rabbits, rushed into the jungle with grenades.

Soon we arrived at the river. Simo's broken arms and limbs were still there, attracting a black caiman crocodile to clean the battlefield.

Ricardo frowned slightly, but did not shoot, but drew out his dagger and walked over.

The crocodile immediately fell down. It was not fear, but a precursor of explosion.

Coricardo continued to walk towards the crocodile without stopping.

At a distance of two meters, the crocodile finally patted the ground with four claws, flew up like lightning, opened its big mouth in the air, and the smelly saliva flowed down from the sharp teeth. It seemed that it could not wait to digest its prey.


The sixteen younger brothers subconsciously exclaimed.

Ricardo's Gorilla like body suddenly became as clever as a monkey. Suddenly, he squatted down and ran through the crocodile's abdomen!

This is his real kung fu. No one can believe that such a big man reacts so quickly.

The crocodile, however, hit the ground with a bang, just like a rock, and never moved again.

Immediately, the little brothers showed their admiration and fear. The crocodile's belly began to flow with blood. In the twinkling of an eye, it was like lying on a map.

The whole abdomen was cut open by a dagger and died.

The dog never barked.

Because Ricardo doesn't like dogs.

"Dosa, chase!" Santos ordered.

The dog grabbed the ground with its four claws and ran forward. It was the direction in which Geyi ran away!


Tong Lin and Ge Yi finally meet together, but they run along the river, which is still so far away from the gathering place of the Muta people.

They took turns holding yinlai and ran all the way without the slightest intention of chasing soldiers.

Because yinlai may die at any time, it's hard to explain at that time.

They ran to dawn from night and finally saw a thick forest in the distance, with tall trees and continuous canopy, covering the sky.

This is the gathering place of the Muta people.

What comforted Tong Lin was that although yinlai was seriously injured, she was still alive.

"Husband, why don't you bleed when yinlai is so badly injured?" Ge Yi asked puzzled.

"Because the people of the wooden pagoda are all practitioners." Tong Lin slowed down and waited for the soldiers to follow.

"What is a cultivator?"

"In the flood and famine period, heaven and earth had a strong aura. People can breathe their vitality into their bodies by controlling their breathing. Later, heaven and earth aura disappeared, and so did the cultivators.

But on the earth, there are also Reiki plants buried underground in the famine period. The reincarnation of hundreds of millions of years has turned into stones. They retain Reiki, also known as Reiki. The gathering place of the wooden pagoda people is a Reiki mine. Therefore, they can improve their physique through cultivation. "

Ge Yi was amazed. It turned out that the Muta people were so powerful because of Xiuzhen!

She asked longingly, "husband, can we repair the truth when we arrive at the gathering place of the wooden pagoda family?"

"Of course, we can fix the truth together, become stronger together, and become the top controller of the world together." Tong Lin whispered.

When each Eaton is full of blood, the survival of the tribe is no longer important. This is the real life.

But just then——

An old and cold voice came from the air: "boy, how do you know the secret of the Muta people?"

Ge Yi was so frightened that his heart almost flew out. The voice was like talking in his ear, but he couldn't see anyone at all.

Tong Lin secretly screamed that it was not good. Unexpectedly, someone could hear them whisper so far away from the dense forest. This man is far more powerful than any wooden pagoda people. It's hard to imagine.

But his expression was still calm. Holding yinlai, he looked directly at the dense forest and said slowly:

"I'm just guessing. Please forgive me for any offence."

"I mean, how do you know the gathering place of the Muta people?"

The voice sounded again, but with anger, like a roar in my ears.

"It's very simple. The wooden pagoda people are practitioners. They must gather in the place with aura. And the place with aura must be the thickest place in the Amazon forest. As long as I find the dense forest, I will find the wooden pagoda people."

The voice was silent and silent.

But after a minute, I suddenly found that eight wooden pagoda people rushed out of the dense forest,

Tong Lin keenly observed that these people happen to be four men and four women. It seems that the wooden pagoda people like to appear in pairs very much.

He inferred that yinlai and the young man with long hair were also a pair. Although the two people's ages are somewhat different, it is understandable that the number of Muta people will not be many, not so much match.

The speed of the eight people was so fast that they rushed to Tong Lin and Ge Yi in the twinkling of an eye.

"Yinlai!" a woman exclaimed and hugged yinlai. Seeing that she was so miserable, she couldn't help being angry and sternly questioned Tong Lin: "did you hurt her?"

Tong Lin immediately classified the man as an idiot and said casually, "I saved her. The person who hurt her was behind and soon came."