Although the speed of oil painting is much slower than that of sketch, the women still feel that Ye Zhen's actions are dazzling.

The outline of the protagonist in the picture is fast and clear, and the eyes of the women are gradually shining.

Sure enough, it was a rabbit's face, and it was more beautiful. It seemed to be shining. The whole person had no clothes to cover it. His long hair was like clouds, floating in the wind, and he was jumping out of the helicopter.

Graceful as an angel falling into the world!

The feeling of the wind is so clear, the expression is a little shy, intoxicated, naughty and eager, but the action is unrestrained and free.

Her personality is so clear that she doesn't seem to be painting.

The girls suddenly realized the difference between painting and photos. Photos can't show the soul, but paintings can.

The most brilliant master painted the soul. He captured the beauty of this moment and magnified it to the point of shock, highlighting it as a spirit with strong appeal.

It seems that the rabbit belongs to the sky, the earth, the forest and the river.

Only half finished, it has shocked the women.

When the pen edge turns again, a dark cloud and half covered sun suddenly appears out of thin air. The exposed golden sun is sprinkled on the rabbit's round right shoulder to form a light spot, which makes the body full of vitality and endless youthful vitality, but the whole image is more mysterious.

The women sighed in their hearts that ye is really a great color master.

The color is so harmonious, the light is so soft, and the characters are so texture.

There is no trace of carving in the image of the rabbit. What comes into view is the real hair, body and soul. The rhythm between them is just like a beautiful and harmonious sound of nature.

Just as the environment determines human nature, painting the outside gives birth to the soul.

Ye Zhen's NIB suddenly condensed in his eyes and remained silent. No one could see the tiny description.

As soon as the brush was closed, the women suddenly throbbed.

The image of the rabbit has changed again, just like the blooming flowers and the sunset glow in the sky. Suddenly, there is a kind of unbridled wild, which makes people feel that they have all their souls, and they can fall in front of everyone in the next moment!

The women admired him.

But this is only two-thirds complete.

The brush goes down again, and the color changes again. In the torrent River, it is thick and black. Talk about it, and outline a bull shark, with huge teeth and fangs, lurking under the water, followed by the second and third

It's different in size. It's a trend of siege.

The whole painting suddenly becomes murderous, forming a strong contrast with the bright and beautiful in the air, but it is so harmonious, as if this is the real world, this is the real nature, forever reincarnating and wandering between life and death!

The hearts of the women suddenly hung up and were extremely frightening. Did the rabbit jump into the shark circle that day?

Why is this brother so cruel to let his sister jump off the helicopter?

But no one asked this sentence. After all, Menglian was safe and sound.

The brush edge turns again, and the forest on the shore suddenly appears, blocking part of the sky background. What looms is a crazy python with cold eyes and curly body. It seems that it can burst out at any time and grab the life that despises it.

Then there are ugly black caimans and colorful poisonous frogs... But they are all small and not prominent. I don't know if I don't look carefully.

The girls have been shocked. How can they live if they jump down?

Is this their old life?

Swimming with sharks and having dinner with Python?

Ruolan suddenly felt that it was more like a spiritual fantasy.

This painting intends to place the main characters in strong light, bright colors depict a beautiful life, bathed in golden light, which represents the ideal of free and beautiful life; At the same time, it forms a strong contrast with the dark world below, suggesting that the world will eventually fall into darkness and destruction will come.

In this strong contrast between light and darkness, survival and death, Ruolan sees Ye Zhen's worry about the future.

Ye Zhen finally dropped his brush and stared at his work without moving.

"What's the name of this painting?" Kexin asked softly.

"You don't need a name or anyone to know." Ye Zhen said faintly.

Menglian, who just walked in with Xuanxuan in her arms, was suddenly relieved when she heard this sentence. Brother really just left a beautiful, just a gift for himself, not his body in exchange for any reputation money.

Immediately, Menglian stared at the painting and her cheeks flushed again.

Am I so beautiful in my brother's heart?

She doesn't know whether she has surpassed the Mona Lisa. Even if not, it is the best in her heart.

By the rockery.

Stubborn stone sighed: "this painting style is magnificent, but it is extremely delicate. The description of the spirit has reached the extreme. The composition, light, color and skills have reached an insurmountable peak. I have never seen such a painter. I can only say that he is a genius."

"How about the Mona Lisa?" asked maple leaf.

The hard stone's eyes narrowed slightly and said solemnly:

"It's not easy to compare. The disadvantage of this painting is that it shows a strong hint that it depicts the future of mankind too dark, which is by no means a pleasant theme. If I judge, I certainly surpass the Mona Lisa, but others may not think so.

In terms of details, he does have Da Vinci's style. For example, the Mona Lisa hides a series of animal heads, including lions, apes, buffaloes and snakes. The bull shark and python in this painting are not included, but there are also four hidden poisonous frogs, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders and pink puffer fish.

I think Ye Zhen must have been to the Amazon. These animals are unique to the Amazon. At the same time, Menglian may have really jumped off a plane. She is the closest person to nature and can't resist the temptation of the river. "

Maple Leaf wondered, "what are you really doing in Amazon? That's not where we can go."

"I don't understand. He may have lost some memories and don't remember which faction he belongs to. It may also be a change of soul and don't think he is a Martian. After all, it's two rebirth, and anything can happen."

Stubborn stone's words are tantamount to recognizing that Ye Zhen is the reincarnation of Da Vinci.

"It can't be a change of soul. Otherwise, what does he mean by guarding the guiding spirit? He doesn't want to kill the guiding spirit? Then why wait? It's easy to kill Miao Ruolan directly?" Ling Shuang questioned.

Stubborn stone nodded and said, "it's not the best. Otherwise, he killed Aoxue."

"What shall we do now?" asked maple leaf.

"No matter what happened to Da Vinci, we can be sure that the guiding spirit is reincarnated in the Xiao family. Let's buy a villa nearby to protect the guiding spirit."

The hard stone was hammered and the three left quickly.

Thousands of meters high in the air, Katyusha fell like lightning and fled into Xiao's house.