Yangli was sulking. A well-dressed young man came over with a dinner plate and put it on the table.

"Didn't you see anyone here?" Yangli said with her eyes flat.

The man smiled and said, "aren't you waiting for me?"

Hearing the sound, Yangli looked up at her face and suddenly her cheeks were crimson.

Lying in the trough, she found that she had made a low-level mistake. Liu Hai came in the clothes she sent, not the one last night.

In other words, Liu Hai had already discovered his silly way of looking for someone.

"You, how can you..." Yangli was angry.

Liu Hai put the things in the plate in front of her and said with a smile, "how can I not take the initiative to say hello, right?"

"Yes, you are so insincere! This meal doesn't count!" Yangli began to cheat.

Liu Hai still smiled and said, "of course this meal doesn't count. Please yourself. There's one more person now."

Yangli immediately looked around blankly, "where?"

Hahaha, Liu Hai said with a smile, "wait, I'll come later."

Yangli didn't believe that such a smart person as Shangwu would come, so she smiled cunningly and said, "let's make a bet. What if no one comes?"

Liu Hai said with a smile, "OK, don't look back and wink. Don't make gestures. I admit defeat before I finish eating. The bet is up to you."

"You're miserable." Yangli immediately began to eat fried dough sticks, fast.

Liu Hai was at a normal speed. He didn't delay looking at Shang dance and looking at Yang Li's eating appearance.

But before Yangli ate half of it, Shang Wu came over with a plate. She first stared at Liu Hai, and then asked Yangli, "why do you eat strangers? What if you are poisoned?"

This is almost provocative. Another normal chat-up must be angry. Shangwu just beat him up.

Yangli was already stupid. Then she realized that Shang dance didn't recognize it.

She just stayed for a while and suddenly laughed.

Shang Wu noticed something was wrong and looked at Liu Hai again. Only then did she find that she looked familiar.

Liu Hai said with a smile, "my name is Liu Hai. We met yesterday and pulled a rickshaw."

Business dance was shaking all over. My mom, yesterday was the bottom of the society. After changing a suit of clothes, the whole temperament changed. It was completely the style of social elite. It's like bungee jumping from one extreme to another.

The worst thing is that I mixed up Yangli's date.

Shang Wu hardened his head and said, "my name is Shang Wu. It's such a coincidence that I meet you when I drink Soybean milk once in a while."

"Yes, Yangli lost wrongly. It was just a coincidence." Liu Hai also sighed.

Shang Wu's cheeks turned red. It turned out that they were gambling whether they would come or not.

Yangli hurriedly said, "sister dance, let's eat quickly. It's cold and not delicious."

Business dance is not good, so I have to bow my head to eat.

Liu Hai is still slow.

In order to ease her embarrassment, Yangli turned her eyes and saw an old couple at the next table. She smiled and said, "you see how harmonious they are. At the age of gray hair, they can still stare so affectionately."

Liu Hai didn't look at it, but sighed, "dare you bet again, they're not husband and wife."

Yangli was stunned and looked at the old couple again. Are they not husband and wife in such love?

But she still looked at Shang dance cautiously.

Shang Wu looked up, shook her head slightly and motioned Yangli not to gamble.

Yangli asked Liu Hai softly, "why not?"

"Do you really believe that love can last forever?" Liu Hai asked.

Yangli's heart is suddenly gray. She doesn't like people who don't believe in eternal love. It's just an excuse for Huaxin.

A man who doesn't hide his playfulness, to what extent?

Yangli is sure that her father has gone astray.

Liu Hai had no doubt about his talent or character, but only about his attitude towards women.

So Yangli gave up completely.

She sighed at the moment: "maybe my experience is different from you. I also have setbacks, but I believe that love can last forever. I also look forward to such a man who can still help each other when I am old. The morning glow is beautiful, the scorching sun is beautiful, and the sunset is also beautiful. Go through life hand in hand, aftertaste success, aftertaste failure, and never regret."

The tone of her words was very indifferent, completely the emotion after being discouraged, and she did not hide it at all.

Shang dance was stunned. It turned out that Yang Li was really familiar. There was no romance like a little girl, but a persistence after suffering.

Liu Hai stared at Yangli, listened quietly and smiled.

Instead of being speechless, he was able to destroy Yang Li's beautiful fantasy in ten minutes until she doubted life.

But he can't.

Destroying good things is called tragedy.

He hopes that this beauty will be kept in Yangli's heart as much as possible, every day.

But just then, the old couple spoke.

The old man said: go back?

The old lady said: sit down again. When you go back, my old man won't let me out!

Yangliton collapsed on her face and lowered her head helplessly.

Shang Wu scolded secretly in her heart. These two old people are not dead, are they intentional? Didn't you hear Yangli praise you? Can you put on a face?

On the contrary, Liu Hai comforted:

"Yangli, in fact, what we say is not contradictory. I analyze the phenomenon from probability. You mean an accident that must exist. You are willing to place your happiness on an accident. Of course, I wish you well, but I hope you won't be disappointed when you can't wait."

Yangli was ashamed and said, "I'm disappointed in you! My mother gave me infinite confidence. As long as a woman loves herself, someone will love her eventually. Even this return is far more than ten years of loneliness!"

Liu Hai nodded quickly, "yes, I'm wrong."

The business dance puffed and laughed. Yangli was also surprised. She also relaxed her voice: "for your sake of winning once, even if you invite me today."

Hahaha, Liu Hai said with a smile, "thank you for your consideration."

Yangli, with a winning posture, got up proudly and said, "sister Wu, let's go."

Shang Wu smiled at Liu Hai and turned to follow Yang Li out of the restaurant.

Liu Hai sat there alone and swept away all the food left by them. Then he got up and left.

For a long time, it was a kind of happiness to be full.

He is not used to wasting food.

Maserati restarted and slid to the fast lane. Shangwu couldn't help but apologize and said, "Yangli, I'm sorry."

"Sister Wu, what are you talking about? I don't like people like Liu Hai at all." Yang Li was really disappointed.

Shang Wu sighed, "Yangli, you are wrong."

"What's wrong with me? How many women does a man who makes excuses for his flower heart have in his life?" Yang Li asked angrily.

Shang Wu shook his head slightly:

"Liu Hai is not a flower heart. He doesn't believe that love can last forever. What's wrong with this? I don't even believe in love. Do you see that I change men one by one? How can you judge that he will change women one by one?

On the contrary, I feel that he will never have a woman in his life.

Yangli, the person who can honestly tell you this is the one who really loves you. Every man will say that he will love you forever, but can they always? Is such a hypocritical man worth your pay? If you really measure a man like this, your father will be disappointed. "

Yangli stayed there, and only the sentence echoed in her mind: "there will be no woman in her life?"