Ruolan looked at her child sucking affectionately. Kexin looked at Ruolan stunned. No one found that there was another person in the room.

Until the child was full and closed his eyes directly, Ruolan slowly turned around and put the child on the bed.

Then he said to Kexin, "aunt, take care of the children for me. I'm leaving."

Kexin stared at the Lantern Festival: "are you not ill? Where are you going?"

"Go where I should go." Ruolan said. As soon as he turned around, he just saw Panlong.

Kexin was preparing to pull Ruolan. He also immediately noticed that it was wrong. As soon as he looked back, he was stunned.

Panlong looked at Ruolan in surprise. The Ruolan in front of him made him feel so strange. Is it the reason for having a child?

"Take me away." Ruolan's eyes are like stars and calm like the abyss.

Kexin opened her mouth. Who is this? You just go with him?

Pan Long nodded and said, "the child must also be taken away."

When he opened his mouth, Kexin suddenly knew who it was. This is Keyan's boyfriend.

Ruolan calmly said, "you don't need children. You should understand that any child can explain."

Pan Long shook his head and sighed, "the guiding spirit is not good. Moreover, you don't have to worry. The living conditions there are much better than this, and you will always be together. Of course, if you want to be strong, you have to pass the level of genetic modification first. It's very painful. If you can't bear it, you'll die."

Ruolan's eyes brightened: "I am willing. I am willing to succeed or die."

Pan Long's eyes became more and more gentle and whispered, "wrap the child in a quilt. Change your clothes and I'll wait outside."

Then he walked to the terrace.

Kexin hugged Ruolan and whispered eagerly, "you took the child away. He can't be crazy when he comes back?"

"No," Ruolan said softly, "tell my father that my mother has gone with me. Besides, listen to him and don't be like me."

Then he turned around, took out diapers from the cabinet and put them on the child. Then he was wrapped with a baby. He quickly changed his clothes and brought a bag of personal belongings. He held the child and walked to the terrace in Kexin's dull eyes.

Panlong whispered, "let me hold it."

His left hand took the child in his arms, and then his right hand took Ruolan's waist. His body was as floating as a ghost and flew away in the air.

Kexin's loss caused the Xiao family to fall apart.


Ye Zhen improved his speed to the extreme and walked quickly along the rugged mountain road.

Ten miles out, I found a cave.

There are two large rusty iron doors in this cave, and the mottled handwriting on them is faintly visible: dig deep holes, accumulate grain widely, prepare for war and famine for the people.

Qilin wondered, this seems to be a refuge, and it has a history of at least 50 years.

Did ye really come here for refuge?

Ye Zhen explained while unscrewing the iron lock: "this is the civil air defense project and the place to prevent atomic bombs."

Kirin suddenly felt ridiculous. Do you mean I don't have to worry about the atomic bomb?

If it weren't for Da Vinci's reincarnation, Kirin wouldn't have followed Ye Zhen blindly.

But now he must give his opponent enough respect.

Ye Zhen pushed his hands at will, and the two doors opened completely, as if ready for escape.

Qilin wondered again. The perception swept through the air raid shelter. There was nothing in it, but there was a normal musty smell. No one had come in for many years. He even swept the perception across the sky and found nothing except haze.

Ye Zhen calmly walked into the huge air raid shelter, and the fallen leaves under his feet began to echo. It was the fallen leaves floating in from the gap of the iron gate by the wind for a long time.

Accumulated over time, accumulated a thick layer.

Qilin didn't find anything suspicious. It's certain that no one has been here for several years.

Ye Zhen could pass silently, but he stepped on the fallen leaves to prove that there was no ambush under his feet.

Walking through the deciduous layer, the ground is hard soil and bare rocks, a mottled dark gray, which looks very dry in winter.

The air raid shelter is not long, 50 meters to the end, and at the end is a huge circle, just like entering the living room from the corridor.

Ye Zhen walked all the way to the wall, then turned to face Qilin and smiled.

"Aren't you going to launch a missile?" Qilin frowned. There is no doubt that the missile will kill Ye Zhen first.

Panlong can resist missiles because he is a body refiner, but ye is really not.

Kirin is not a physical trainer, but his cultivation is not Kaihui territory. His speed is faster than the missile turning. His anti missile ability is stronger than Kaihui's perfect Panlong. As long as his mind flashed, he would get out of the air raid shelter.

In a word, even if the missile was shot into the cave, he could escape unharmed.

Ye Zhen said frankly, "to tell you the truth, I don't have any layout at all. I just don't want people to know that I'm dead. Before I die, I want to ask a question, how can the Indian Ocean tsunami be stopped?"

At this moment, Kirin actually believed Ye Zhen's words, more accurately, Da Vinci.

He said casually, "you can't stop..."

The voice did not fall, suddenly changed color!

A five ton thermobaric bomb caught fire at the tail and flew into the air raid shelter!

He didn't aim at Kirin at all. He was 25 meters away and exploded in the middle of the cave!

If Kirin rushes out of the cave and meets the explosion, he will die if he doesn't rush out.

After a moment of shock, he realized that ye really wanted to die together!


The whole cave was evacuated instantly.

The design idea of this bomb is to simulate the gas explosion in coal mine, but it is thousands of times more powerful.

Gas explosion is because there are a lot of floating coal dust in the mine, and when the coal dust is mixed with gas, it is easy to explode and burn.

The same is true of the hot pressure bomb. First, it makes a small explosion to fill the whole cave with metal dust. This dust is also lethal. It is not much weaker than the Pearl grenade. It's absolutely too late to rush out against the dust.

Because it's only 150 microseconds from the second explosion.

One second is equal to one millionth of a microsecond, that is, one thousandth of a second apart. How fast is this?

Beyond anyone's reaction speed, what the naked eye can see is only an explosion, and no one can hide.

Kirin isn't nearly there yet.

At the first explosion, the whole cave was filled with aluminum, iron, magnesium, potassium chloride and combustible liquid mist, without missing an inch.

After 150 microseconds, the hot pressing bomb is ignited again, and the metal dust begins chemical reaction and intense combustion.

The high temperature above 2000 degrees will instantly pump the cave into a local vacuum. Anyone in the target area will completely evacuate the air, suffocate and die, and all the metals in the coverage will melt.

At the same time, the high temperature makes the air expand rapidly and produce a strong shock wave. Even a ton of hot pressure bomb can tear up people outside 100.

But this is a five ton hot pressure bomb.

If it is put into the interior of an aircraft carrier, it is enough to destroy an aircraft carrier.