Dawn was intoxicated in the bright future. A knock on the door sounded, and then Hua siluan came in.

"Eh? Dawn, why are you here?"

"I'm sister Ning Bing's assistant and President Xiao's temporary assistant." Chenxi said proudly.

It took Si Luan seconds to understand that Ning bingtie must have gone to study physics.

She immediately turned to Xiaoshan and said with a narrow face:

"Uncle, I was just skeptical. Now I'm 100% sure. Do you want to listen to why?"

Lying in the trough, Xiaoshan suddenly breathed cold on his back and hurriedly said to Chenxi, "go and get familiar with the whole building."

Is it too obvious that dawn pouts? But she got up depressed and left.

Hua Si Luan sat down impolitely and ate Xiao Shan's expression.

Xiaoshan asked with a smile when the morning light was far away:

"Si Luan, what are you sure of?"

"Tut Tut, very calm." Hua Si Luan looked angry. "Now you have the handle in my hand. What attitude you have towards me is very important, otherwise I will inevitably go back and leak. In case my relatives and friends know, it's easy to know all over the world, isn't it, Uncle Ye?"

Xiaoshan asked in surprise, "I'm Xiaoshan. What are you talking about?"

Hua Si Luan smiled and raised his chest: "don't you check my talent? Check it."

Xiao Shan also said with a smile, "I have a hundred ways to tell you the truth. You say it's the most comfortable one."

Hua Si Luan was startled and thought of Ye Zhen's terrorist means. Nothing else, just a hypnosis, she made herself better than a sheep. She quickly smiled and said, "then I'd better be comfortable. I have a special function now."

She deliberately hung Xiao Shan's appetite and said nothing.

Xiaoshan asked, "what function?"

Hua Si Luan smiled and became more and more proud: "guess. Aren't you God?"

Xiao Shan almost hypnotized her directly, but somehow he held back and couldn't use these means to his own people.

He had to say with a smile, "you can eat 100 Jin a meal?"

Huasi Luan immediately said fiercely, "please respect talents!"

Hahaha, Xiaoshan laughed and said, "does your father know your function?"

"I don't know. I haven't had time to tell him." Hua Si Luan said casually.

Xiao Shan gave a thump in his heart and said solemnly, "did you find it the day before yesterday morning?"

Hua Si Luan's eyes widened slowly and asked strangely, "how do you know? Why don't you ask this morning or yesterday morning?"

Xiaoshan slowly closed his eyes and set off a storm in his heart.

He judged it was a genetic mutation, but now he's not sure.

Hua Si Luan came in and determined that he was Ye Zhen, which seemed to have only the special function of smell.

When Katyusha died, it was in the middle of the night. Hua siluan must have been sleeping.

If Hua siluan noticed it the morning before yesterday, it would coincide.

Katyusha's soul attachment?

Why is Hua Si Luan still Hua Si Luan?

Coincidence of gene mutation?

Xiao Shan thought quickly and speculated from the normal logic that gene mutation is not heredity, and it is impossible for him to have any function. Hua siluan has any function, and it seems to make sense to change a new function.

But how to explain the coincidence of time?

Why so much coincidence?

Xiao Shan thought it over and over again, and suddenly the light flashed. It's no coincidence!

Katyusha died from a heavy blow to her head, probably her soul. She relied entirely on her olfactory instinct to find a body to live in.

But she is a woman after all. She can't find a man to repose her soul.

At the same time, she followed Xiaoshan firmly, because she knew that Xiaoshan was the seed of true God.

So she followed her breath and found Hua siluan.

Because Hua Si Luan drank Xiaoshan's blood!

"What dream did you have that night?"

Xiao Shan suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were burning.

Hua siluan was even more shocked. Xiao Shan really deserves to be a figure sweeping the world. Can you even guess in a dream?

She suddenly became very clever. She gave her fate to this powerful man, so she said everything without reservation——

"I dreamed of a foggy woman who couldn't see her face clearly. She flew towards me. It was very strange. She was clearly a woman, but she flew like an eagle. I reached out and grabbed nothing.

But she integrated into my body.

I feel cool all over, and my body seems to be expanding infinitely, getting bigger and bigger. That feeling is like standing on the wanzhang peak, and the floating clouds are wandering under my feet. Slowly, I feel the pain, as if my whole body began to crack and become like a fishing net.

Then the whole body breaks down.

I felt the pain I had never had before. I struggled desperately, but I just couldn't control my body. Seeing that every fragment continued to decompose, it seemed to turn into countless cells, and finally the whole person turned into fog.

Then he lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, it was already dawn.

I silently recalled this dream and suddenly found that I could smell what was cooked in the kitchen!

The most incredible thing is that I can smell several people in the kitchen. At first, I didn't take it seriously. I thought it was a familiar reason, but yesterday morning, I found that my smell was stronger. I could smell the smell of women on my brother.

By this morning, I had been able to distinguish dozens of human smells. And the sense of smell seems to increase every minute. When I drove downstairs, I already smelled you. It was the same as the smell you left in my body, so I decided you were Uncle Ye. "

Hua Si Luan finished with a soft and proud smile. She firmly believed that she had the capital to follow Xiaoshan.

Xiao Shan sighed, "you are very lucky. Fortunately, the woman's soul is incomplete, otherwise you have become another person now."

Hua Si Luan suddenly turned pale.

Xiao Shan said again, "don't tell anyone about it. You don't have the ability to protect yourself, do you understand?"

"Can't daddy tell you?" Hua Si Luan suddenly became naive, as if everything was Xiaoshan has the final say.

"Don't tell. Don't embarrass your father. You can't hide these things. Once the senior management thinks you're suspicious, ask your father what to do?" Xiaoshan found a strong reason.

Hua siluan suddenly woke up and said, "uncle, I listen to you. By the way, it's true that I'm unemployed. My company has been handed over to my brother. I don't want to fight for these things anymore. I think it's meaningless."

Xiaoshan nodded his appreciation. "This is the vision brought by height. With super power, many things are worthless."

Hua siluan asked cleverly, "uncle, let me be your assistant. Chenxi has no work experience. I'm afraid it's not suitable."

Xiao Shan shook his head slightly: "it's nothing to be an assistant at dawn, but you can't. neither your father nor I can be branded as a faction, understand?"

"Oh. What am I doing?" Hua Si Luan asked naturally.

"There is an apartment upstairs. I'll teach you a method. You come here to practice during the day and go home to practice at night. Don't let your family notice," Xiao Shan said.

Hua Si Luan's eyes suddenly brightened.