The German security agency is one of the six intelligence agencies in the world's seven circles, and its strength far exceeds that of the Swiss intelligence department and the island defense agency.

Andreas, director of the Fifth Department of the Security Bureau, is specially responsible for anti espionage. He is a middle-aged man who doesn't smile. If someone sees him smile, he must be dead.

Andreas, laugh only when you kill.

He likes to execute spies himself.

At this time, he was holding these two pieces of information, one provided by the Island National Defense Department and the other by the Swiss intelligence department. These countries are on the same front and share intelligence in curbing the development of China and the technical blockade against China.

"Little, Xuanyuan light?"

Andreas pulled out a small intelligence data from the computer database. He reasoned about the small experience in his mind. He felt that it was marked with willfulness everywhere, not like a spy.

She has no potential to be a spy. If Xiaoshan sent her to steal KUKA robot technology, it would be a bad choice.

But how to explain the strange actions of Xiaohe and xuanyuanguang?

After careful analysis, Andreas felt that the problem was Xuanyuan naked.

This person's information is blank.

It's nothing strange. What's strange is that the people around Xiaoshan are blank?

How can a bodyguard come out of thin air and sleep in a bed at night?

With Xiaoshan's weight, his men could not have transferred three robot companies, none of which succeeded.

If none of the three companies is aware of the technology theft, there is only one possibility left——

All stolen.

But xuanyuanguang's means are too clever.

Andreas sneered: "no matter how clever you are, there is still a drag."

He immediately picked up the phone and ordered to go down. All hotels in Augsburg are not allowed to accept Xiaohe and xuanyuanguang!


When the taxi entered the urban area of Augsburg, the driver asked, "where to take it?"

That's the advantage of a thousand dollars. It'll be sent to you anywhere.

Although it is a 2000 year old city, the whole city has only 200000 people. How big can it be?

"Go to KUKA robot company," Xuanyuan said.

The driver didn't hesitate. There was only one KUKA in this place. It was normal to go to KUKA.

After driving for ten minutes, the driver suddenly asked, "who are you?"

Little Chen said, "what's none of your business?"

"It's none of my business. There's a car behind you. You can get off without saying." the driver began to slow down and the threat was obvious.

Xiaoxiao suddenly became angry, but Xuanyuan said carelessly: "stop the car. Let's have some food first. If the people of the Security Bureau ask you, you can tell the truth."

The driver suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Only without any guilt can he be so frank.

But since people say they want to eat, he only stops in front of a hotel.

Xuanyuan and Xiaoxiao got out of the car and went in.

"Welcome, would you like to stay or eat?"

The waiter looked Oriental and greeted him in fluent English. Normally, they must have come to dinner at this time, but they were carrying suitcases.

"Let's eat." Xuanyuan answered in German. The waiter was a lot more friendly.

The Germans have some rejection of people who can't speak German.

They ordered a glass of milk, a glass of juice, a plate of bread, cream, cheese and jam to match the bread, plus sausage and ham.

Here is the first payment. Xuanyuan drew out a hundred dollars: "I'll give you a tip."

"Thank you." the waiter suddenly felt that xuanyuanguang was closer than his relatives, and asked, "are you xuanyuanguang and Xiaoxiao?"

A little startled, Xuanyuan smiled and nodded politely.

The waiter immediately whispered, "we have received the notice from the security bureau that you are not allowed to stay in any hotel."

He finished and hurried off as if nothing had happened.

He doesn't think he has done anything wrong. He has a simple criterion. People who tip $80 are good people.

Xiao was so angry that his cheeks flushed and said angrily, "this is too much!"

Xuanyuan said with a smile, "eat, silly sister. What can anger solve?"

Little tooted his mouth, picked up the ham and took a vicious bite. He imagined that the bite was the small head of the director of the Security Bureau.

After a simple meal, Xuanyuan picked up the box and they easily left the hotel.

Xuanyuan called a taxi again and went to KUKA robot company.


KUKA robot company is the only one of the four giants that purely produces robots.

The other three companies, such as abb involved in electrical power grid, FANUC involved in CNC machine tools, and Yaskawa involved in motors and other industrial equipment. Only KUKA concentrated all its business in the field of industrial robots.

But his number is no less than that of any family, because his profit margin is the lowest.

KUKA's main advantage lies in automobile robots. It can be said that 70% of the world's automobile robots come from KUKA.

"Little Xuanyuan light?"

The chairman and President of the board of directors, Robert, sat in the office with a frown.

He just received a call from the Security Bureau asking him to do a good job in defense. Xiaoshan sent two people to steal KUKA robot technology.

Lottel touched his chin and thought for a moment. He picked up the phone and called Han Miaoyi, the executive vice president of KUKA's Hong Kong subsidiary.

"Miss Han, do you know this little man?"

"Of course. Sanqi superstar, idol school." Han Miaoyi didn't know what roeter meant, and his answer was regular.

Lottel asked, "do you know her boyfriend?"

"Where's Xiaoxiao's boyfriend? She's never had any gossip. Even if she has, she hasn't made it public. Anyway, I haven't heard of it." Han Miaoyi grasped the key.

"What does Xiaoshan have to do with that?" asked roeter

"It's a dry brother and sister. Xiao depends on Xiaoshan's background. Otherwise, her willful and unruly character has been killed many times." Han Miaoyi's words gradually took a stand.

"I see. Did she quit the film and television industry?"

"No. her TV play is on the air. It's called quitting?"

"Well, it's all right." lottel hung up.

Lottel is a little big. Is it possible to get a superstar to steal technology?

Afraid people won't recognize it?

Meanwhile, the taxi stopped at the gate of KUKA company.

The secret service followed was a little confused. Didn't you stay in the hotel first and then travel until dark?

Why did you come to KUKA company directly with your suitcase?

And stealing technology on such a big scale?

Xuanyuan went to the guard and said in standard German, "I'm the Plenipotentiary of Xiaoshan. I want to see your president. Please report."

As soon as the guard saw that this style was not a joke, Xiao Shan was like thunder. He immediately picked up the phone and reported it to the president's secretary.

Then he politely asked Xuanyuan and Xiaoxiao to wait for a while.

But after waiting for five minutes, the phone didn't come.

Because Andreas had called lottel first.

"Director, why can't I see you?"

"If I say no, I can't! You're absolutely not allowed to see these two people, or you're a spy who deliberately divulges technical secrets!" Andreas roared.

Lottel suddenly became angry. "What are you talking about? I still use it in my own company? KUKA has a wholly-owned subsidiary in China. Do you know? Do you still deserve to be the director?"

Andreas also felt that the sentence was inappropriate, so he explained, "I mean, you are not their opponent, not that you deliberately leak secrets."

"Why am I no match for a Sanqi superstar? You don't think I can do it. See you with me? What's the matter of hanging guests at the door? Do you know how big China's market is? Do you know the consequences of erecting a powerful enemy like Xiaoshan out of thin air?"

Lottel went completely wild.