When the business car stopped, Xuanyuan was put into a sack.

An agent got out of the car with his back. The four entered a hospital and went to a special garbage incineration room.

This is a place to destroy medical waste with virus in order to prevent infection.

It is also used to destroy the general garbage of the hospital. Anyway, the incinerator is idle, just wasting some kerosene.

An employee was on duty. The agent went in, lit his ID and waved him to leave.

This man dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction, and even dare not see more. How can this kind of thing be seen casually?

The employee walked quickly with his head down for fear of being thrown into the garbage incinerator and disappeared.

An agent opened the door of the garbage incinerator. Then the three looked at the agent carrying the sack and waited for him to throw it in.

However, at this moment, their eyes suddenly dull.

The sack was like paper paste and suddenly burst to pieces!

The agent carrying the sack suddenly felt a light back and suddenly turned around. He was seeing Xuanyuan standing on the ground. Don't mention swelling on his face. There were no scars!

All four people seem to have seen a ghost. Is this a person?

Xuanyuan smiled grimly at the four: "have you enjoyed your fight? You owe it back, don't you?"

The four agents finally recovered from their stupidity. This is human!

They all reached out and drew their guns.

However, their speed is too slow compared with Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan lightning shot, and the four didn't have time to scream, so they were numb all over and couldn't even shout out.

The four guns have reached Xuanyuan's arms.

It's not that he needs a gun, but that the gun can't be burned.

He patted one of the agents on the cheek and asked coldly, "do you know what will happen to you?"

The agent's eyes showed extreme fear, but he could not speak anyway, not even a finger could move.

Xuanyuan suddenly said, "it seems that you don't know. It will be a lot happier."

With that, he grabbed it and threw it away. The man flew directly into the incinerator!

Then this article continues the original thriller, and the title makes people's eyes straight:

Imagination of 4D printing technology -- Also on the 44th Mason prime!

Now 3D printing is not mature, but imagine 4D printing? Countless people opened the web page and were immediately attracted.

Originally, 4D printing extends from 3D to the fourth dimension - time.

Just as microstructure in plants responds to environmental stimuli, flowers and leaves change shape over time.

By simulating the responses of plant organs such as tendrils, leaves and flowers to environmental stimuli such as humidity and temperature, the fibers and hydrogels extracted from wood are used as "ink" to print a composite structure of hydrogel which can change shape in water.

These fibers are anisotropic, and the details of water deformation can be encoded by computer.

In the future, fibers can even be replaced with conductive materials to realize more possibilities, which is expected to show its strength in emerging fields such as intelligent textiles, flexible electronic equipment and tissue engineering.

Printing electronic equipment and human organs are two directions.

If we combine these two directions, we can open an unprecedented imagination.

At the junction of the two, sensors can be implanted. For example, printing out living tissue with sensors can easily monitor the health of cells and how they respond to stimuli, such as new drugs.

These are the future technologies in Xiaoshan's memory of his previous life, which can only be realized in more than ten years.

This is the advantage of studying stocks. Each stock industry is different and each industry should understand it. Therefore, Xiaoshan has accumulated a lot in his previous life.

He borrowed Ning Bing's name and said it in advance, directly promoting science and technology to span more than ten years!

Xiao Shan has no doubt that as long as the theory is correct, someone will study it and it will be realized.

Finally, he released the 44th Mason prime, which once again made countless people all over the world admire and worship.

Indeed, it is comparable to Tesla's inventor. The imagination is invincible in the world.

Countless scientists around the world are ready to move. What Ning Bing announced must be something that Chinese robots will not study.

People have seen so thoroughly what they don't have to study. How powerful should the research be?

How promising is it to follow such scientists in their research?

Do you want to apply to Huaxia robot company?