When he yaohuang was angry, Xiao Shan was immediately happy. Wouldn't it be good to encourage him to deal with the Martians?

Then he fanned the flames and said, "I heard from Kirin that the Martians are ready to launch the Indian Ocean tsunami, which is enough to destroy hundreds of thousands of people. What is killing a few people for them now?"

Who knows, he yaohuang was not angry when he heard this, but said seriously, "this is OK."

Xiaoshan suddenly looked silly, lying in the groove NIMA, kill one you're angry, just kill hundreds of thousands?

Ning Bing asked incredulously, "what's your criterion for judging right and wrong?"

He yaohuang took a deep look at Ning Bing and sighed, "let me ask you a question first. How can humans evolve?"

"The development of science and technology can make human evolution. For example, the development of gene technology can make human beings no longer suffer from diseases and greatly prolong their life span. Naturally, it is evolution." Ning Bing's clear-cut answer.

He yaohuang sighed even more: "have you ever seen Martians develop science and technology? Maybe the Siberian school is possible, but I don't think it's possible. The only thing they study in the context of Kirin is biology, including the genes you said, but mainly the soul.

The purpose of cultivation is for the evolution of the soul, as well as rebirth. Only the soul can evolve and cross the material level. Science and technology can never let human evolution and never let you enter the high-dimensional world.

In other words, prolonging life and eliminating diseases are not evolution, but also at this level. If people on earth can't cross this level, the faster the development of science and technology, the faster the destruction. Therefore, your research direction is wrong, and your role is just to accelerate the destruction of people on earth. "

Ning bingmu was shocked, but asked, "is the destruction you said self destruction or external destruction?"

He yaohuang smiled: "self destruction, of course."

Ning Bing immediately questioned: "why didn't the people with spaceship technology be destroyed, and the earth's man-made robot be destroyed?"

"First of all, there are two evolutionary ways for human civilization: serving oneself and serving others. Human civilization serving oneself and the development of science and technology will destroy itself in the end. There is no exception in the whole universe... Oh, don't you misunderstand? I mean cosmic humans. In other words, all humans in the universe, no matter which river system they live in , is a source. "

"It's all the same source?" Ning Bing was even more shocked, widened his eyes and asked, "doesn't that mean that there is no human in any Galaxy in the universe that has evolved?"

"Of course. Ancient apes can never evolve into humans. Otherwise, why did I come here from the distant Pleiades to care about the life and death of people on earth?"

Seeing their dull expressions, he yaohuang continued to explain: "because the ancestors of the angsu people are the first generation of earth people. They love peace and left the earth in order to avoid war, but they never forget the earth people, understand?"

Ning bingsha is there. So this is an earth man from Pleiades?

Xiaoshan found that she didn't speak, so he asked, "how did the first generation of earth people come from?"

He yaohuang sighed and spoke slowly——

The first human on earth, of course, was not born and bred, but came from the Lyra galaxy.

At the end of the development of tianqin civilization, there was a split. Some continued to develop science and technology, continued to plunder and expand, continued to use war as a means to open up territory and colonize everywhere to strengthen themselves; The other people are peace loving. They do not advocate the development of science and technology, but cultivate their soul.

But these peace loving people will not compete with the warring factions.

They escape war and want peace at all costs in order to complete the evolution of the soul.

Therefore, they left the tianqin galaxy. When they reached the solar system, the first choice was not the earth, but Mars, which was more suitable for tianqin people.

Mars is really good, but unfortunately, after a few years of peace, the tianqin war faction also caught up, and they occupied Mars.

However, tianqin peace faction came to the earth again.

In fact, the earth is not suitable for tianqin people, because the gravity of the earth is too large for their bodies to adapt.

It weighs 37 kg on Mars and 100 kg on earth. The gravity is too great and they always have back pain.

In order to solve the problem, they came up with a way.

It is to extract body genes from ancient apes and mix them with their own genes. In this way, people on earth were born.

The change of constitution makes the earth people no longer have back pain.

Although not as good as the ancient ape, at least when you are not tired, you won't have back pain.

However, people on earth face another difficulty, having children.

Because the child head of the tianqin star man is big and the child head of the ancient ape is small, it doesn't match that the tianqin man was born from the body of the ancient ape.

The weight of children also varies greatly. The children of apes are only about four kilograms, but the earth people are often more than six kilograms, and ten kilograms are not fresh.

Suffering has come again, but this cannot be changed.

The characteristic of difficult production is the only one among all living things on earth.

Are you not mistaken? This difficulty refers to dystocia, not dystocia such as umbilical cord around neck. Ancient apes also have dystocia, but there has never been dystocia. Only people on earth have it, and the mortality caused by massive bleeding is still very high.

Unfortunately, even this difficult peace did not last.

Because the lyre civilization was destroyed.

Each colonial star has become an independent star. The tianqin war faction that originally colonized Mars has naturally become Martians.

The Martians did not wake up, continued the tradition of war, developed science and technology, and colonized and expanded.

Naturally, the first occupation target is the earth.

After Martians came to earth, they began different genetic experiments to create different races, such as man and lion, man and horse, man and snake, man and eagle, and so on.

Flying in the sky, running on the ground and swimming in the river are very lively.

Of course, there are people and apes.

The existence of Martians made the earth people unbearable and felt that their genetic experiments were immoral, so they left the earth.

They traveled generation after generation and eventually settled in the Pleiades.

But they did not forget the earth and their love and concern for all kinds of human beings on the earth. Therefore, the Pleiadians have been secretly monitoring the earth and, to varying degrees, have been involved in the process of earth civilization.

You have a historical record of a large-scale promotion of civilization two thousand years ago, during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period.

At that time, there was an ideological explosion on the whole earth, and great thinkers emerged one after another. Moreover, the angsu people left a lot of cultural heritage to the people on earth, such as the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, which was only beyond your recognition.

Of course, the intervention of the angsu people also made many mistakes. Instead of making the earth peaceful, it exacerbated the war.

For example, in the last World War, in order to unify the earth and achieve permanent peace, the Pleiades supported Xi te le. As a result, it brought serious disasters to the people on earth, but that person did not complete this mission.

Well, it's my fault.
