Yang Hongxing is really angry. She loves Tang Ying more than her only baby son Tang Zhixuan.

Tang Ying is beautiful, tall and developed. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the village.

In order to make her more beautiful, Yang Hongxing was reluctant to let her work in the field no matter how tired and bitter she was.

If you get a tan and your hands get thicker, are you still beautiful?

In the eyes of the villagers, Tang Ying is a good girl who is clever, sensible and polite. Although she doesn't work in the field, she cleans her home inside and outside, and has good grades in school.

What's more pleasing is that she is really beautiful, with oval face, apricot eyes, curved eyelashes, and her skin is not as dark and white as other little girls.

Yang Hongxing has been staring at the three sons of the village head. She likes Jing Xuan very much and always thinks that when Tang Ying graduates from high school, she will marry Jing Xuan.

Jing Xuan is perfect, cold-blooded and never flirts.

Yang Hongxing also thought that it doesn't matter if Jing Xuan doesn't like Tang Ying, Jing Hua, who joined the army this year, and Jing Peng, who went to high school.

The village head has three sons, all of whom are so outstanding that any one of them can become powerful in the village.

Now, Tang Ying, a fool, confessed to stealing money in front of Jing Xuan. Yang Hongxing was so angry that her liver and lungs were aching.

If Jing Xuan goes home and tells his aunt and grandmother that Tang Ying stole money, how can he get it?

The old lady of the Jing family is the most powerful and picky. Her husband is excellent, and her sons and grandchildren are filial to her.

Tang Ying panicked when she heard that the Jing family didn't like girls with dirty hands and feet. She looked at Yang Hongxing with hazy tears. "Mom, what should I do? I really like brother Jing Peng. If he knew I stole money, he wouldn't like me."

Yang Hongxing glared at Tang Ying fiercely, "I'll cut off your hand next time I steal money!"

After scolding, Yang Hongxing digested Tang Ying's words. She looked at Tang Ying. What does the girl like?

Tang Ying cried, "don't dare, Ma, I stole your money because I was obsessed. On my birthday, my deskmate invited me to dinner and gave me a skirt. Today is her birthday. I... I'm reciprocity..."

"What reciprocity!" Yang Hongxing will never let anyone take advantage of her. She angrily scolded Tang Ying. "If your classmates give you something, you can take it. You return the gift. Are you stupid?"

"..." Tang Ying's tears fell out, and Yang Hongxing felt a little distressed.

"Fifty dollars, you might as well cut my meat and give it to your classmates!"

"..." do you want your dried meat?

Yang Hongxing took a deep breath and said reluctantly, "anyway, you spent all the money. Later, you must be sure in front of the villagers that you didn't steal my mother's money. If they ask you where you got the money to invite your classmates to dinner, you'll say you picked it up."

Tang Ying looked at Yang Hongxing tearfully, "but... Will brother Jingxuan and Jing min believe it?"

"As long as you bite and promise that you didn't steal the money, they will believe it. Do you really want them to think you're a thief?" Yang Hongxing's anger flared up again. She pointed to Tang Ying's nose and scolded, "if you don't admit to stealing money so stupid, it's Tang Huai who's being laughed at now!"

Tang Ying sobbed, "it's all Tang Huai's fault..."

Yang Hongxing also thinks that it is Tang Huai's fault that Tang Ying loses face in front of Jing Xuan.

If that bitch hadn't dug a hole, would her Tang Ying jump?

Yang Hongxing's eyes were angry. "I'll teach that little bitch with a father and no father another day!"


Peng Jiayao sneaked into Liu Xiaoyu's kitchen.

Liu Xiaoyu was lying in bed with the little girl in her arms.

Tang Li sat at the door and fell asleep against the door frame.

She went into the kitchen and brought back the pot of pig's feet without anyone knowing it.

After quarreling with Tang Huai, she didn't go home at all. She squatted not far away and stared at Tang Huai.

Seeing Tang Huai carrying pig food to feed the pigs, she smiled.

Groping for time, I felt that the pig's feet were almost cooked, so I came and brought them back.

Back home, Yang Hongxing scolded Tang Ying.

Yang Hongxing came out of the house and was stunned when she saw Peng Jiayao coming back with a pot of pig feet. "Ma, this is..."

Peng Jiayao put on the airs of his mother-in-law and stared at Yang Hongxing severely with a mean face. "What are you doing here? Hurry to take out the dishes and chopsticks to eat. If Tang Huai comes back with the money losing goods, he won't have to eat!"

Yang Hongxing knew what was going on. The pot of meat was stolen!

Yang Hongxing hurried to get the bowl and called her husband, little daughter Tang Fei, baby son Tang Zhixuan and Tang Peijun back to eat.

The family, like starving ghosts, gathered around the table and ate.

Tang Huai first blanched the pig's feet with boiling water, then soaked them in cold water for a few minutes, and then stewed them with ginger slices, wine, tangerine peel, scallions and soy sauce.

The heat is well controlled. The peanuts are ripe and the pigs are soft. The taste is very bad. Yang Hongxing and Peng Jiayao have never eaten it before.

Peng Jiayao scolded while eating. "I didn't expect the pig's feet cooked by that little bitch to be so delicious."

Scolding, he didn't forget to give the meat to Tang Peijun and Tang Zhixuan.

Peng Jiayao is very mean, but he loves his grandson Tang Zhixuan very much.

Before Tang Zhixuan was born, she was seriously ill and couldn't get well after seeing many doctors.

Later, Tang Zhixuan was born, and her illness was inexplicably better.

One day she was playing with Tang Zhixuan at the village head's house. There was a fortune teller. She asked the other party to calculate a divination for her. The other party said that her blessing was given by her grandson.

After looking back, she felt that the fortune teller was very accurate. If Tang Zhixuan's grandson had not come to the world to bring her luck, she would have died of illness.

From that illness to now, she rarely had a cold and fever. She attributed all this to Tang Zhixuan, who was her lifeblood.


When Tang Huai got home, he went to the kitchen to see how the pig feet were cooked.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, the pot disappeared and my face suddenly changed!

Then he turned and strode towards Yang Hongxing's home!

Tang Huai rushed in, and the pengjiayao family ate with relish.

Tang Huai held the few pig feet left on the table in his arms. They didn't respond to what was going on.

Why did the meat plate on the table suddenly disappear?

"Tang Huai, are you crazy?!" Peng Jiayao took the lead in responding. For the first time, he stared at Tang Huai and shouted, "I'm not full yet!"

Tang Huai stared at the bones on the table, trembling with anger.

It's all eaten!

There are only a few bones and soup left in the plate!

They all ate with their mouths full of hand oil, while their aunt and sister were still hungry.

Tang Huai's eyes flushed with anger. Looking at Peng Jiayao's eyes, he seemed to want to eat her.

Yang Hongxing, who couldn't eat because their pig feet were taken away by Tang Huai, looked at Tang Huai with hate eyes, and there was no sense of guilt about being caught stealing.

"Grandma, I also want to eat pig feet." Tang Zhixuan is growing up. He has a good appetite and eats a lot. He looks directly at the dishes in Tang Huai's arms.

Peng Jiayao loved Tang Zhixuan as much as his life. When he heard that he still wanted to eat, he shouted at Tang Huai: "dead girl, if Zhixuan wants to eat, you can't bring it quickly!"