If before, Jing Xuan didn't think death was terrible.

Now with Tang Huai, he began to cherish his life.

He also hopes that all his comrades in arms can save themselves from danger and live forever.

They have parents, wives and children. The sacrifice is not terrible. The terrible thing is to leave their parents sad and die alone, leaving their wives and children alone.

If Huanzi doesn't wake up, Zhang Lanhua's results will be known by thinking.

They only got married a year ago. Zhang Lanhua is only three months pregnant. If Huanzi doesn't wake up, young Zhang Lanhua will have to give birth to the child and raise the child alone.

And Huanzi's parents will be very sad.

Jing Xuan is not willing to let Tang Huai get hurt or bleed.

But this is not the time for him to be sensational.

He needs Tang Huai to shed this blood

He hugged Tang Huai tightly, with great complexity and contradiction in his heart.

He could only hold her tightly and tell her that he didn't want her to get hurt.

Looking at his deep face and familiar eyes, Tang Huai knew what he was thinking.

She chuckled: "brother Jingxuan, don't look like you're going to cry. I don't hurt."

Jing Xuan is a proud and charming person. Seeing Tang Huai making fun of him, he glared at her: "I just love you, but I'm not going to cry!"

"You have a long face. Don't deny it."

"I'm worried about Huanzi!"

"Even I can see that you love Tang Huai." Gu Jiajia said.

She loves Tang Huai. How can Jing Shao not love Tang Huai?

Although the wound is not long or deep, it has left a lot of blood. How many supplements do you have to eat to make it up?

Gu Jiajia tilted her mouth and looked at Tang Huai faintly. Why not be careful? Where not? Scratch her wrist. If it's deeper, I don't know if she will lose her life.

Gu Jiajia has heard that the position of the wrist is not exactly the position of the pulse?

"Don't worry, I don't hurt!" No pain is strange, but Tang Huai can afford it.

Moreover, now that the medicine is applied, it really doesn't hurt.

"Go back to the dormitory and have a rest." Jingxuan road.

"Don't you go to see Huanzi?" Asked Tang Huai.

"Do you want to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine for him to drink?"

"In his case, traditional Chinese medicine is useless. Wait until he wakes up."

"In that case, let's go back to the dormitory to have a rest." Jing Xuan paused: "are you really not dizzy?"

Tang Huai didn't know how many times he said he didn't faint. Jing Xuan still had to ask.

She pretended to be dizzy and fell into Jing Xuan's arms: "dizzy, so dizzy."

"I'll hold you." Jing Xuan picked up Tang Huai.

Tang Huai struggled to come down: "I lied to you. I didn't faint. Put me down!"

"Chief, chief!" At this time, Zhang Lanhua hurried from the front of the corridor.

When Jing Xuan saw her, he was shocked and Huanzi woke up?

Tang Huai didn't struggle anymore. Looking at Zhang Lanhua running over, she smiled on her face!

Tang Huai was surprised. Won't Huanzi wake up?

"Chief, Huanzi wakes up!" Zhang Lanhua is not a soldier. She was injured by Huanzi and was taken to the military region hospital to accompany Huanzi.

Like everyone in the military region, she called Jing Xuan the head.

Zhang Lanhua was excited and embarrassed. What excited him was that Huanzi woke up. Sorry, he found that Jingxuan was holding Tang Huai after running close to Jingxuan.

Zhang Lanhua, who was conservative, blushed slightly. Facing this picture, she was at a loss.

The happy son of her family also likes to hold her like this. When there are only two of them, he will kiss her wildly

Tang Huai thought it was bad for Jing Xuan to hold her like this. She whispered to him, "put me down."

Jing Xuan stared at her for a long time. Seeing that her spirit was still so good, he put her down. Look at Zhang Lanhua: "Huanzi wakes up?"

Zhang Lanhua nodded: "wake up!" Then he excitedly grabbed Tang Huai's hand without gauze: "thank you! You saved my happy son, thank you!"

"Dr. Lei did a good job in the operation. I just..." Tang Huai was too modest to know what to say. Maybe it was really the essence of scorpion.

But she can't directly tell Zhang Lanhua that she fed her own blood to wake Huanzi up.

She'd better keep a low profile. She doesn't want to take credit for herself.

"Thank you, Dr. Lei, and thank you! As soon as you treated Huanzi, Huanzi woke up. Thank you!" Zhang Lanhua has been worried that Huanzi will die.

She was also ready for the worst. She thought that if Huanzi died, she would give birth to the child and raise the child.

She won't remarry. She has to take care of her elderly parents for Huanzi. She won't let Huanzi go restless.

Now, Huanzi wakes up. These worst results won't happen. Zhang Lanhua is excited!

She didn't know how Tang Huai treated Huanzi, but her sixth sense told her that without Tang Huai, Huanzi wouldn't wake up so soon!

It all depends on this little girl!

Zhang Lanhua is a rural girl who is not good at words. She doesn't know what words to use to modify Meiwei to express her life-saving kindness to Tang Huai.

She could only excitedly grasp Tang Huai's hand and repeatedly say those words of gratitude (thanks).

Jing Juntai and Zhang Shiwan came to the military region hospital and just saw this scene.

Huanzi was seriously injured and didn't wake up for half a month. Huanzi's daughter-in-law Zhang Lanhua guarded him in the hospital. Jing Juntai knew it.

This army is under the jurisdiction of Jing Xuan. Jing Juntai is very concerned about Jing Xuan.

He'll know what's serious here.

He occasionally asked about a happy son and knew that Leifu was an authoritative doctor.

Leifu is not sure whether Huanzi can wake up. Tang Huai can wake up each other?

Jing Juntai doesn't believe it.

He turned and walked towards Huanzi's ward.

Zhang Shiwan stood in the same place and listened to Zhang Lanhua say that Tang Huaizhi was the son of sour joy. Zhang Shiwan was very unhappy.

Is Tang Huai really so capable? Is medicine really so good?

She knows that if she stays here, Jing Xuan won't look at her. Without the support of Grandpa Jing, Jing Xuan won't pay attention to her.

Instead of staying, she turned around and followed Jing Juntai to Huanzi's ward.

Inpatient Ward.

Huanzi really woke up.

He opened his eyes and was staring at the ceiling.

When he saw someone coming in, his eyes moved and his eyes moved towards the door.

Seeing Jing Juntai, Huanzi was surprised. Because he hadn't spoken for too long, his throat was very dry and painful. Huanzi's voice was very dry and dumb: "big... General!"

Happy son wants to salute, but he is so difficult to move his hand.

Because he was in a coma for too long, the whole person was in a confused state, and his limbs didn't listen to him. He just raised his hand and couldn't do the following actions.

"Don't do military salute. Take good care of your wounds." Jing Juntai comes to the bed.

He and Jing Xuan have one thing in common, that is, they love their soldiers very much.

Jing Juntai looked at Huanzi with concern: "how do you feel?"

"My brain is a little empty and my throat is wet." There is also a strong smell of blood.

Hearing that Huanzi's throat was wet, Jing Juntai looked down at his mouth.

Huanzi's mouth has blood and his teeth are red. When he spoke, Jing Juntai smelled the bloody smell from his mouth.

"What did you drink?" Jing Juntai asked. He was sure that the thing in Huanzi's mouth was fed by Tang Huai.

"I don't know what I drank." When he was in a coma, Huanzi had no consciousness at all. He didn't know who had done anything to him or who had fed him what to drink.

But he had a sensitive sense of smell. When he woke up, he smelled the bloody smell in his throat. He didn't know whether the bloody smell was left by his injury or the newly vomited blood.

Serious injury and vomiting of blood is a common phenomenon.

At this time, when Huanzi saw someone coming in, he raised his eyes wearily.

Jing Juntai and Zhang Shiwan also heard footsteps and turned to the door.

Jing Xuan and Tang Huai, Gu Jiajia and Zhang Lanhua are back.

Jing Juntai noticed the wound on Tang Huai's wrist.

It's fine in the shooting range. You hurt your wrist when you came to the military region hospital?

Training, or working, wrist injuries are rare.

And Tang Huai didn't have to train or work. There was a wound on his wrist in the first 20 minutes and then 20 minutes.

This wound is not artificial, is it still an accident?

Jing Juntai chose the former.

There is Jing Xuan beside Tang Huai. Tang Huai's wrist injury cannot be caused by accident.

The injury to her wrist was intentional!

Well, why cut your wrist?

Jing Juntai looks back at Huanzi.

Huanzi's throat is wet, because there is still blood that hasn't been swallowed.

He has been in a coma for so long and his voice is so dry and dumb. How can his throat not be dry?

But now Huanzi's throat is not dry, but wet, indicating that someone fed him before he woke up.

The blood in his mouth is the blood from Tang Huai's wrist!

Jing Juntai, with sharp eyes, also found blood stains on Huanzi's collar. It should have fallen on the collar when feeding blood.

Jing Juntai's eyes flashed a shock. Authoritative doctors said that Huanzi's situation was dangerous, and Tang Huai woke him up with his own blood?

Can Tang Huai's blood cure diseases?

It's amazing!

"Happy son." Zhang Lanhua came in. Because she was happy, she didn't say hello to Jing Juntai for the first time. Instead, she came to the other side of the bed and saw Jing Juntai. She said a little modestly: "big, general!"

"Yes." Jing Juntai answered.

"Orchid." Seeing his wife, Huanzi's eyes flashed, and the light of hope condensed inside.

"Huanzi, Tang Huai cured you. She's very powerful." Zhang Lanhua knows the name of Tang Huai.

"How did she wake up?" Jing Juntai suddenly asked.

"I don't know. Tang Huai asked me to go outside, so I went outside." Zhang Lan flower path.

Tang Huai didn't want Jing Juntai to ask any more questions. She took the initiative to say, "Grandpa Jing, it's hard to ask how to cure this topic. If you ask the doctor like this, the doctor won't tell you the truth. I just used the method of traditional Chinese medicine to acupuncture Huanzi. I didn't expect the effect to be so obvious."

Jing Juntai turned his head, lowered his eyes and stared at the injured hand of Tang Huai. Acupuncture will moxibustion to the wrist injury. His mother is too good.