Big round eyes, white skin, good-looking facial features

A very beautiful girl!

Gu Jiajia looked suspiciously at the beautiful drooling cake on the table: "specially made for me? But today is not my birthday."

"Elder sister said, you've finished the play and want to make a cake for you. I haven't had time to do it these days. I specially took time to do it today. How do you taste the syrup I just learned?"

"It looks delicious." Jing min looked at the cake with bright eyes and envied: "Tang Li, you are so powerful that you can make such a beautiful cake."

Tang Li said with a smile, "if you want to learn, I can teach you."

Jing min was excited: "really?"

"Really, no matter you want to go back to the county, I'll teach you seriously when you come to school in the city."


"Eat slowly. I'm busy. Today's steamed buns sell well. Aunt Xiao is crazy about making steamed buns in them." Tang Li turned and just took two steps. Ma Zhihao suddenly waved to her, "waiter, come here!"

Ma Zhihao's voice was too loud. Tang Li soon noticed him and saw that he was waving to himself and calling himself a waiter. She came over.

Standing beside Ma Zhihao, she smiled politely: "Hello! What can I do for you?"

Ma Zhihao looked at Tang Li up and down. The chef's clothes were a little loose, but he could still see that Tang Li was in good shape.

Ma Zhihao pointed to Gu Jiajia's table: "I want to eat that kind of cake. How much is it?"

Tang Li glanced in the direction he pointed and said with a smile, "I only made one of that cake. If you want to eat, I need to make it again, but you have to wait for more than half an hour."

"So long?" Ma Zhihao was impatient. He waved his hand and said, "forget it, I'll order something else. Bring me a delicious cake."

Tang Li said with a smile, "OK."

Just as a waiter passed by, Tang Li stopped her and said, "give each of them a rose cake."

The waiter was very respectful to Tang Li, with a sweet smile: "OK, Tang Li."

After the waiter withdrew, Ma Zhihao looked at Tang Li again: "your name is Tang Li? Who are you Tang Huai?"

Many acquaintances know Tang Huai. When they come to the store, they will directly call her name and say hello.

Ma Zhihao is not a regular here. Tang Li seldom sees them.

But their age looks similar to that of Tang Huai. Tang Li guesses that they should be Tang Huai's classmates.

"Tang Huai is my elder sister. Please enjoy yourself!" Tang Li smiled. Her smile was very polite and bright.

Ma Zhihao was stunned. The girl's smile was very clean!

"Hey, Zhihao, have a crush on others?" Zhao Guo saw that the little girls had gone away and Ma Zhihao was still staring at them. He stretched out his hand and pushed Ma Zhihao.

Ma Zhihao recovered: "are they biological sisters? Why are they so far apart?"

Tang Huai's smile is not as polite and clean as Tang Li's.

Ma Zhihao saw Tang Huai's smile with a bad heart. To put it bluntly, it was hidden in the smile.

"Are they born to you? You won't fall in love with others at first sight?" Liu Qianghua joked.

"How could I fall in love with her at first sight?" Ma Zhihao likes Zhang Shifang.

"Still thinking about Shifang? I don't think you're going to play. People have been secretly in love with jingshao." Zhao Guo said.

"Don't you stop so much?" Ma Zhihao stared at them impatiently: "do you want to check out by yourself?"


Tang Li stood at the door of the ward with food.

In the ward, the conversation between Jing min and Zhang Tingzhi came out.

Jing Min: "Zhang Shao, I washed the fruit and have some."

Zhang Tingzhi: "yes."

Jing Min: "can you get out of bed and walk?"

Zhang Tingzhi: "not yet, but the wound doesn't hurt today."

Jing Min: "it must be the liquid medicine studied by Tang Huai that works!"

Zhang Tingzhi: "yes."

Jing Min: "Zhang Shao, what would you like to eat in the evening? I'll make it for you?"

Zhang Tingzhi: "don't bother you. My parents should be here in the evening."

Jing Min: "no trouble. My uncle and aunt are tired from the county. They should have more rest."

Zhang Tingzhi: "thank you."

Jing min smiled: "Zhang Shao is too polite. You are my brother's comrade in arms."


Tang Li turned and left lost.

Jing min brought food before her.

They are inside. You talk to me one by one. Doesn't she look a lot more comfortable when she goes in?

Jing min likes Zhang Shao.

Jing min and Zhang Shao


Egong mountain.

A temple was built on the top of the mountain.

There is a road from the foot of the mountain, around the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The shape of the mountain is very oblique and steep. Fortunately, the road to the top of the mountain is around the mountain, otherwise we really can't climb to the top of the mountain from this road.

The road is two meters wide.

At the intersection at the foot of the mountain, many people gathered.

Ma Zhihao called a lot of people in order to let more people see how he won Tang Huai.

There are students in Ji Nan and residents in the compound.

Tang Ligu, Jiajia, Zhong Xing, and Jingxuan Shuyu also came.

In front of them, there were two motorcycles parked.

Tang Huai and Ma Zhihao rode on the car respectively.

The rules of the game are: Whoever drives to the top of the mountain and drives back from the top of the mountain will win!

Although the road is two meters wide, I think I can drive very fast.

Because the mountain is steep and there is a cliff on the other side of the road, you may rush down if you don't pay attention to it when turning.

Ma Zhihao looked at Tang Huai with a smile: "are you ready?"

Tang Huaiyang's lips: "I've been ready for a long time."




Their car started, refuelled, and then flew out like an arrow.

Faster than speed, they race against the clock at full speed.

The road is uneven, with small stones and sand.

They drive very hard. When they get to a place with a lot of gravel, they will slip and fall if they don't pay attention to the wheels.

seize every minute and second!

In front of Ma Zhihao and Tang Huai, the picture is very exciting.

The people at the foot of the mountain looked up, and their hearts came up with the speed.

For a long time, their speed was equal.

Suddenly, in Tang Huai's mind, a scorpion's voice sounded: "bad master, I smell the smell of danger!!"


Tang Huai hurriedly asked, "what's the danger?"

"Slow down!!" The scorpion suddenly shouted.

Tang Huai quickly slowed down.

Just then, in front of them, a lot of large stones suddenly rolled down!

If you are hit by a stone at will, you will die!

The scorpion shouted, "master, stop!"

Tang Huai quickly stepped on the brake.

"Chum -"

The wheels rubbed against the small stones on the ground and made a harsh sound.

As soon as Tang Huai stopped, he saw the stone rolling towards Ma Zhihao.

Tang Huai's face changed.