He didn't like Zhang Jundian very much and said such words in court.

In this case, Tang Huai is not busy at all.

Maybe it will cause her unnecessary trouble.

Tang Huai frowned slightly. What did Zhang Jun hall say?

Because it was necessary to be quiet, everyone didn't disturb Zhang Jundian and let him continue.

"I've been crazy for more than ten years. I've been crazy for all kinds of doctors."

"I live under the same roof with my family. I know how much my family hates Tang Huai."

"Because when I get home every day, I will see them sitting in the living room, cursing Tang Huai and scolding Tang Huai. For nothing else, it's because Tang Huai is with brother Jingxuan."

"My eldest sister and third sister both like brother Jingxuan, but brother Jingxuan never looks them in the face. They are jealous and hate. They vent their hatred on Tang Huai."


Mrs. Zhang listened and gnashed her teeth. What is this dead boy talking nonsense?

She couldn't sit still and soon couldn't control it. She wanted to stand up and shout at Zhang Jundian: "shut up!"

"They tried every means to frame Tang Huai everywhere. The method was extremely stupid. If they failed to frame Tang Huai, they hated Tang Huai even more. Over time, they wanted to kill Tang Huai, so there was the rolling stone case of egong mountain."

"Zhang Jundian, you've had enough!"

Mrs. Zhang finally lost control.

Suddenly he jumped up from his chair and shouted at Zhang Jundian, "get out of here and stop talking nonsense!"

Mrs. Zhang rushed up excitedly, and immediately two police officers came forward to stop her.

But regardless of her image and consequences, she pointed to Zhang Jundian and scolded, "are you confused by Tang Huai? Do you know that your sister died!"

"Silence!" The judge slapped the hammer and shouted at Mrs. Zhang, "disturb the order of the court and pull it out!"

"Your honor, he... He's my son. Don't listen to him. He's obedient. It's all fake." Mrs. Zhang's eyes twinkled with a quick plea and looked at the judge.

Zhang Jintao's face was gloomy and terrible. I don't know whether it was because Mrs. Zhang made trouble in court or what Zhang Jundian said.

"I am a judge, I have the ability to judge! This is the court, not your home, your family, you go home and talk about it!"

The judge was obviously very angry. He looked sharply at Zhang Jundian: "please say something about this court!"

Seeing the shock from the judge, Mrs. Zhang was stunned. She returned to her position and sat down, looking anxiously at Zhang Jun hall.

Her baby son, is he stupid or out of his mind?

How can he help Tang Huai?

How can he speak ill of his sisters in court?

Zhang Jundian turned back and glanced at Mrs. Zhang lightly. "Your honor, if Tang Huai really hates Zhang so much and wants to kill Zhang people, as the only male of commander Zhang and his wife, she should not save me. But she didn't. She cured me of the diseases that other doctors can't cure for more than ten years!"

Zhang Jintao and Mrs. Zhang were like thunder.


Their baby son's illness, okay?

Mrs. Zhang asked loudly, "didn't Dr. Zhang cure it?"

Zhang Jundian turned sideways and looked at Mrs. Zhang complicatedly: "Mom, I didn't take any medicine from the hospital and threw it all away. I've been sick once a month for several months and I've been pretending."